A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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THE COSMOS: THE MACROCOSM. 259s^e in the end of this universe ? Intelligence, is it not ?The last to come in this universe is intelligence. And asthe last in order of creation, according to the evolutionists,intelligence must also be the Lord of creation, the cause.What is the last idea each man has of this universe ? It isintelligence, the adjustment of part to part, and so forth,the ancient design theory, the display of intelligence. Thisis tht^last to come, we admit with the modern materialists.It is the last in the order of creation. Very good ;butthere when millions of years before man was born, whenthere was no intelligence ;that is to say, there was nomanifested intelligence, but there was unmanifested intelligence ;and the end of this creation is intelligence, man.The beginningis what therefore ? Intelligence. At thebeginning that intelligence becomes involved, and in theend that intelligence gets evolved. The sum- total of theintelligence displayed in the universe must, therefore, bethe involved universal intelligence unfolding itself. Thisuniversal cosmic intelligence is what we call God. Call itby any other name, it is absolutely certain that in the beginning, was that infinite cosmic intelligence. The cosmicintelligence got involved and became fine, and that veryintelligence manifests, evolves itself, until it comes to theperfect man, the the "Christ-man," "Buddha-man." Thenit comes back to its own source. That iswhy all theScriptures say, Him we "In live, and move and have ourbeing."That is why all the Scriptures preach that wecame from God, and go back to God. Do not be frightened by philological terms ;if terms frighten you, you arenot fit to be philosophers. This is the cosmic intelligencewhich the theologians call God.I have been asked many times, why do you usethatold word God ? Because it is the best word to use ; you

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