A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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THE COSMOS.THE MACROCOSM.tHE flowers that we see all around us are beautiful,1beautiful is the rising of the morning sun, beautifulare the variegated hues of nature. The whole universe is beautiful, and man haspresence on earth. Sublime and awe-inspiringbeen enjoyingit since hisare the mountains, gigantic rushing rivers rolling towards the ocean, thetrackless deserts, the almost infinite sea, the starry heavens,all these are awe-inspiring and sublime, and beautiful. Thewhole mass of existence we designate by the word Naturehas been acting on the human mind since time immemorial.It has been pressing on the thought of man, and as thereaction of that pressure, have been coming questions,what these are, whence these are. As old as the time ofthe oldest portion of the Vedas, the most ancient humancomposition, we find the same question asked, Whence isthis ? When there was neither aught nor naught, and darkness was hidden in darkness, who projected this universe ?How ? Who knows the secret ? And the question has comedown to us at the present time. Millions of times attemptshave been made to answer it, yet millions of times it willhave to be answered. It is not that each answer was afailure ; everyone of the answers to this question consistsin one part, of truth, and this truth will gather strength astime rolls on. I will try to present before you the framework of the answer that I have gathered from the ancient

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