A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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248 UNITY IN DIVERSITY. vone finds out the truth. These are practical, too, but tWemistake is calling what you term the world, the whole oflife. Yours is the vanishing point of enjoyment of thesenses ;there never was anything permanent in it, it bringsmisery more and more. Mine brings eternal peace, andjours brings only perpetual sorrows.I do not say your veiw of what is practical is wrong.You are welcome to your interpretation. Great good.Tidman s blessing come out of it, but do not, therefore, condemn my view. Mine also is practical in its own way.Let us all work on our own plans. Would to God all ofus were equally practical on both sides. I have seen somescientists who were equally practical scientists and spiritualmen, and it is my great hope that in course of time thewhole of humanity will be efficient m all such things.When a kettle of water is boiling, if you look at the phenomena you find a bubble rising in one corner, and anotherin an opposite corner, then the bubbles begin to multiply,and four or five join together, and at last they all join, and atremendous motion goes on. So this world is very similar.Each individual is like a bubble, and the nations resemblemany bubbles. Gradually these nations are joining, and Iam sure the day will come when such a thing as a nationwill vanish, and this separation will vanish that;Onenessto which we are all going, whether we like it or not, willbecome manifest ;we are brothers by nature, and havebecome separate. A time must come when all these ideaswill be joined, and every man and woman in this world willbe as intensely practical in the scientific world as in thespiritual, and then that Oneness, the harmony of oneness,will pervade the whole world. The whole world will become jivanmuktas free whilst living. And we are allfighting towards that one end through all our jealousi e*

UNITY IN DIVERSITY. 249and hatre ds, co- yperationand antagonisms, A tremendousstream is flowing towards the ocean. There are little bitsof paper and straw in the stream. They may strugglet6 go up or down, but, in the long run, must follow downto the ocean. So you and I and all nature are like theselittle bits of paper rushingin mad currents towards thatocean of life, perfection and God ;we may struggle to gotobaei*> get up or down, and play all sorts of pranks, butin the long run we must go and join this ocean of Life andBliss.

248 UNITY IN DIVERSITY. vone finds out the truth. These are practical, too, but tWemistake is calling what you term the world, the whole oflife. Yours is the vanishing point of enjoyment of thesenses ;there never was anything permanent in it, it bringsmisery more and more. Mine brings eternal peace, andjours brings only perpetual sorrows.I do not say your veiw of what is practical is wrong.You are welcome to your interpretation. Great good.Tidman s blessing come out of it, but do not, therefore, condemn my view. Mine also is practical in its own way.Let us all work on our own plans. Would to God all ofus were equally practical on both sides. I have seen somescientists who were equally practical scientists and spiritualmen, and it is my great hope that in course of time thewhole of humanity will be efficient m all such things.When a kettle of water is boiling, if you look at the phenomena you find a bubble rising in one corner, and anotherin an opposite corner, then the bubbles begin to multiply,and four or five join together, and at last they all join, and atremendous motion goes on. So this world is very similar.Each individual is like a bubble, and the nations resemblemany bubbles. Gradually these nations are joining, and Iam sure the day will come when such a thing as a nationwill vanish, and this separation will vanish that;Onenessto which we are all going, whether we like it or not, willbecome manifest ;we are brothers by nature, and havebecome separate. A time must come when all these ideaswill be joined, and every man and woman in this world willbe as intensely practical in the scientific world as in thespiritual, and then that Oneness, the harmony of oneness,will pervade the whole world. The whole world will become jivanmuktas free whilst living. And we are allfighting towards that one end through all our jealousi e*

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