A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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"MenUNITY IN DIVERSITY.44 JET HE Self- Existent One projected the senses out-\Kj wards and, therefore, a man looks outward, notwithin himself. A certain wise one, desiringimmortality, with inverted senses perceived the Self within."As we have been saying, the first inquiry that we find in theSamhita, and in the other books, was going outwards, andthen a new idea came, that the reality of things is not to befound in the external world not ; by looking out, as it werebut by turning the eyes, asitisliterally%;xpressed, inwards.And the word used for the soul is itvery significant,is Hewho has gone inward, the innermost reality of our beingthe heart centre, the core, from which, as it were, everything else comes out, the central sun, of which the mind rthe body, the sense organs, and everything else that wehave, are but rays going outwards.of childishintellect, ignorant persons, run after desires, which areexternal, and enter the trap of far-reaching death, but thewise, understanding immortality, never seek for the eternalin this life of finite things."The same idea is related andmade clear, that in this external world, which is full offinite things, it is impossible to see and find the Infinite.The Infinite must be sought in that which is infinite aloneand the only thing infinite about us is that which is in us,our own soul. Neither the body, nor the mind, nor theworld we see around us, not even our thoughts, are infinite.They all have beginning in time and finish in time. TheSeer, he to whom they all belong, the soul of man, he who

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