A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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218 THE ABSOLUTE AND MANIFESTATION.there is no external change. What you call motion andcausation cannot exist where there is only one. We haveto understand this, and impressit on our minds,that whatwe call causation begins after, if we may be permitted iosay so, the degeneration of the Absolute into the phenomenal, and not before, that our will, our desire, and all thesethings always come after that. I always thought Schopenhauer s philosophy makes a mistake in understanding theVedanta, for it wants to make this Will everything. Schopenhauer makes this Will stand in the place of the Absolute,But the Absolute cannot be represented as Will, for Willissomething changeable and phenomenal, and abovethe line (c) written above time, space and causation, thereis no change, no motion ;it isonly below the line thatmotion, or internal motion called thdtight, begins. Sothere can be no Will on the other side, and Will, therefore,cannot be the cause of this universe. Coming nearer,we see in our own bodies that Will is not the cause of everymovement. I move this chair ;Will was the cause of thatmovement, and that Will became manifested as muscularmotion at the other end. That was all right. But thesame power that moves the chair ismoving the heart, thelungs, and so on, but not through Will. Given that thepower is the same, it becomes Will when it rises on to theplane of consciousness, and to call it Will before it hasrisen to this plane will be a misnomer. That makes a gooddeal of confusion in Schopenhauer s philosophy. There isa Sanskrit word called prajna and another called samvit.They are the best words to be used in this connection,because they include all the states of the mind ; they arethe common name for the states of the mind. Everythingisexpressed by them. I do not know an equivalent for themin English.They are neither consciousness, nor the state

"""What"THE ABSOLUTE AND MANIFESTATION.before consciousness, but a sort of essence of change.A stone falls andThus we see why J we ask this question.vrp ask why. This question is possible on the suppositionthat everything that happens, every motion, has beenpreceded by something else. I request youto make itvery clear in your minds, for, whenever we ask why anything happens, we are standing 011 the supposition thateverything that happens must have a why, that is to say,must have been preceded by something else. This precedence and succeedence are what we call the law of causation,that everything that we can see, or feel, or hear, aroundus, everything in the Universe, isby turn a cause andeffect. It is the cause of certain other things that comeafter it, and it itself, is the effect of something whichhas precededit. This is called the law of causation,and this is our settled belief. We believe that every particlein the Universe is in relation to everything else, whatever itbe. It has been a great discussion how this idea came. InEurope there have been intuitive philosophers who believedit was constitutional in humanity, others have believed itcame from experience, but it has never been settled. Wewill see what Yedanta makes of this solution later on. Sofirst we have to understand this, that the very asking of thewhyquestionstands on the supposition that everythinground us has been preceded by certain things, and will besucceeded by certain other things. The other beliefinvolved in this question is that nothing in the Universe isindependent, everything can be acted upon by somethingoutside itself. It is inter- dependence in the whole Universe. In saying,caused the Absolute ? whaterror are we making? We are standing on the samesupposition there. To ask this question we have tosuppose that the Absolute also isdependent on something

218 THE ABSOLUTE AND MANIFESTATION.there is no external change. What you call motion andcausation cannot exist where there is only one. We haveto understand this, and impressit on our minds,that whatwe call causation begins after, if we may be permitted iosay so, the degeneration of the Absolute into the phenomenal, and not before, that our will, our desire, and all thesethings always come after that. I always thought Schopenhauer s philosophy makes a mistake in understanding theVedanta, for it wants to make this Will everything. Schopenhauer makes this Will stand in the place of the Absolute,But the Absolute cannot be represented as Will, for Willissomething changeable and phenomenal, and abovethe line (c) written above time, space and causation, thereis no change, no motion ;it isonly below the line thatmotion, or internal motion called thdtight, begins. Sothere can be no Will on the other side, and Will, therefore,cannot be the cause of this universe. Coming nearer,we see in our own bodies that Will is not the cause of everymovement. I move this chair ;Will was the cause of thatmovement, and that Will became manifested as muscularmotion at the other end. That was all right. But thesame power that moves the chair ismoving the heart, thelungs, and so on, but not through Will. Given that thepower is the same, it becomes Will when it rises on to theplane of consciousness, and to call it Will before it hasrisen to this plane will be a misnomer. That makes a gooddeal of confusion in Schopenhauer s philosophy. There isa Sanskrit word called prajna and another called samvit.They are the best words to be used in this connection,because they include all the states of the mind ; they arethe common name for the states of the mind. Everythingisexpressed by them. I do not know an equivalent for themin English.They are neither consciousness, nor the state

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