A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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216 THE REAL AND THE APPARENT MAN.and sees no thief outside. So with all knowledge.Do not talk of the wickedness of the worl and all its sins.Weep that you are bound to see wickedness yet. Weepthat you are bound to see sin everywhere, and if you wantto help the world do not condemn it. Do not weaken itall the more. For what is sin and what is misery, andwhat are all these, but the results of weakness ? Theworld has been made weaker and weaker every day by suchteachings. Men are taught from childhood that they areweak and are sinners. Teach them that they are all glorious children of immortality, even those who are the weakest in manifestation. Let positive, strong, helpful thought,enter into their brains from very childhood and notweakening and paralysing thought. Lay yourselves opento those thoughts. Tell your own minds* I am He, I amHo." Let it ring day and night in your minds like a songand at the point of death declare "I am : He." That isthe truth, the infinite strength of the world is yours. Driveout the superstition that has covered your minds. Let usbe brave. Know the truth and practise the truth. Thegoal may be distant, but awake, arise, and stop not tillthat goal is reached.

*HEABSOLUTE AND MANIFESTATION.HE jjr one question that is most difficult to grasp in unvHyderstanding the Advaita Philosophy, and the onequestion that will be asked again and again and willalways remain after thinking of it all your life, is how hasthe Infinite, the Absolute, become the finite. I will take upthis question, and, in order toillustrate it better, I will use afigure.Here is the Absolute (a),andthis is the Universe (6).TheAbsolute has become the Univei;se.By this is not onlymeant the material world, butthe mental world, the spiritualeverything, heavens and earths, and everythingthat exists. Mind is the name of a change, and body thename of another change, and so on, and all these composeone universe. This Absolute (a) has become the Universe(6) by coming through time, space, and causation (c).Thisis the central idea of Advaita. Time, space, and causationare like the glass through which the Absolute is seen, andwhen it is seen on the lower side it appears as the Universe.Now we at once see from this, that where the Absolute is,there is neither time, space nor causation. The idea oftime cannot be there, seeing that there is no mind, nothought. The idea of space cannot be there, seeing that

*HEABSOLUTE AND MANIFESTATION.HE jjr one question that is most difficult to grasp in unvHyderstanding the Advaita Philosophy, and the onequestion that will be asked again and again and willalways remain after thinking of it all your life, is how hasthe Infinite, the Absolute, become the finite. I will take upthis question, and, in order toillustrate it better, I will use afigure.Here is the Absolute (a),andthis is the Universe (6).TheAbsolute has become the Univei;se.By this is not onlymeant the material world, butthe mental world, the spiritualeverything, heavens and earths, and everythingthat exists. Mind is the name of a change, and body thename of another change, and so on, and all these composeone universe. This Absolute (a) has become the Universe(6) by coming through time, space, and causation (c).Thisis the central idea of Advaita. Time, space, and causationare like the glass through which the Absolute is seen, andwhen it is seen on the lower side it appears as the Universe.Now we at once see from this, that where the Absolute is,there is neither time, space nor causation. The idea oftime cannot be there, seeing that there is no mind, nothought. The idea of space cannot be there, seeing that

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