A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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176 MAYA AND THE CONCEPTION OF GOD.world is a Tantalus hell, that we do not know anythingabout this universe, yet at the same time^ we cannot saythat we do not know. I cannot say that this chain exists,when I think of it I do not know. It may be anentire delusion in my brain. I may be dreaming allthe time. I am dreaming that I am talking to you, andthat you are listening to me. No one can prove that it isnot. My brain itself may be a dream, and as to that noone ever saw his own brain yet. We all take that forgranted. So it is with everything. My own body I takefor granted. At the same time I cannot say I do notknow. This standing between knowledge and ignorance,this mystic twilight, the mingling of truth and falsehood^where they meet no one knows. We are walking in themidst of a dream, half sleeping, half waking, passing allour lives in a haze, this is the fate of every one of us.This is the fate of all sense knowledge. This is the fate ofall philosophy, of all boasted science, of all boasted humanknowledge. This is the Universe.What you call matter, or spirit, or mind, or anythingelse you may like to call them, any nickname you maychoose to give them, the fact remains the same, we cannotsay they are we cannot; say they are not. We cannot saythey are one, we cannot say they are many. This eternalplay of light and darkness, manifold weakness, indiscriminate, indistinguishable, inseparable, yet always there. Afact, yet, at the same time, not a fact, awake, and at thesame time, asleep. This is a statement of facts, and this iswhat is called Maya. We are born in this Maya, we livein it, we think in it, we dream in it. We are philosophersin it,we are spiritual men in it, nay, we are devils in thisMaya, and we are gods in this Maya. Stretch your ideas asfar as you can, make them higher and higher, call it in-

"ButMAYA AND THE CONCEPTION OF GOD. 177finite or by any other name you please, even that idea iswithin thisIt cannot beMaya.otherwise, and the wholeof human knowledge is generalisation of this Maya, tryingto know it as it really is. This is the work of Narna Rupaname and form. Everything that has form, everythingthat calls up an idea in your mind, is within Maya, for, asthe German philosophers say, everything that is bound bythe laws of time, space, and causation, is within Maya.Let us go back a little to those ideas of God, and seewhat became of them. We perceive at once that with sucha state of things the idea of some being who is eternallyloving us the word love in our sense eternally unselfishand almighty, ruling this Universe, cannot be. It requiresthe boldness of the poet to withstand this idea of the personal God. Where isyour just, merciful God ? the poet asks.Does He not see millions and millions of His children perish,either in the form of men, or of animals ;for who can liveone moment here without killing others ? Can you draw abreath without destroying thousands of lives ? You livebecause millions die. Every moment of your life, everybreath that you breathe, is death to thousands, every movement that you make is death unto millions. Every morselthat you eat is death unto millions. Why should they die ?There is an old sophism, they are very low existences."Supposing they are ;it is a question. Who knowswhether the ant is greater than man, or the man than theant ? Who can prove one way or the other ? Man canbuild a house or invent a machine, therefore the man isgreater The same argument will apply, because the ant!cannot build a house nor make a machine, therefore he isgreater.There is no more reason for one than the other.Apart from that question, even taking it for grantedthat these are very low beings, still why should they die 212

"ButMAYA AND THE CONCEPTION OF GOD. 177finite or by any other name you please, even that idea iswithin thisIt cannot beMaya.otherwise, and the wholeof human knowledge is generalisation of this Maya, tryingto know it as it really is. This is the work of Narna Rupaname and form. Everything that has form, everythingthat calls up an idea in your mind, is within Maya, for, asthe German philosophers say, everything that is bound bythe laws of time, space, and causation, is within Maya.Let us go back a little to those ideas of God, and seewhat became of them. We perceive at once that with sucha state of things the idea of some being who is eternallyloving us the word love in our sense eternally unselfishand almighty, ruling this Universe, cannot be. It requiresthe boldness of the poet to withstand this idea of the personal God. Where isyour just, merciful God ? the poet asks.Does He not see millions and millions of His children perish,either in the form of men, or of animals ;for who can liveone moment here without killing others ? Can you draw abreath without destroying thousands of lives ? You livebecause millions die. Every moment of your life, everybreath that you breathe, is death to thousands, every movement that you make is death unto millions. Every morselthat you eat is death unto millions. Why should they die ?There is an old sophism, they are very low existences."Supposing they are ;it is a question. Who knowswhether the ant is greater than man, or the man than theant ? Who can prove one way or the other ? Man canbuild a house or invent a machine, therefore the man isgreater The same argument will apply, because the ant!cannot build a house nor make a machine, therefore he isgreater.There is no more reason for one than the other.Apart from that question, even taking it for grantedthat these are very low beings, still why should they die 212

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