A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda A Comprehensive Collection - Swami Vivekananda

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166 MAYA AND ILLUSION.and this he has found out, cannot be known, wherefore hemust give up the search. This is whai^ is called maya,this Nature, this Universe. This, according to the Vedantist,is Nature. Now all religions are more or less attemptsto get beyond this, the crudest, or the most developed, expressed through mythology, or symbology, or through theabstractions of philosophy, through stories of gods, or angels,or demons, or hobgoblins, through stories of saints, or seers,or great men, or prophets, all have that one object, theyare all trying to get beyond these limitations, to findsomething which is beyond these. In one word, they are allstruggling towards liberty. Man has known, consciouslyor unconsciously, that he is bound ;he is not what hewants to be. It was taught to him at the very teme, thevery moment he began to lookaround, that very momenthe found he was bound, and he also found that there wassomething in him which wanted to fly beyond, where thebody could not follow, something which was as yet chaineddown by this limitation. Even in the lowest of religiousideas, where departed ancestors, and other spirits, mostlyviolent and cruel, lurking about the house of their friends,fond of bloodshed and strong drink even there we findthat one common factor, that of freedom. The man whowants to worship the gods, sees in them above all thingsgreater freedom than in himself ;if a door is closed, thegods can get through walls and so on ;the walls have nolimitations to them. This one idea of liberty is increasing,until it comes to the ideal of a Personal God, and that is thecentre of the ideal that God istion of maya.some one beyond the limitaI hear, as it were, a voice before me, I feelas if this question were being discussed by those ancientsages of India, in some of those forest retreats, and in oneof them even the oldest and "the holiest fail to reach the

"HearMAYA AND ILLUSION. 167solution, but a young boy is standing up in the midst ofthem and declaringS rinvantu visve atnritasya puttrah,Aye dhamani divyani tasthuh \\5\\.* * * * * ** * *Vedaham etam purushani mahantam,Adityavamam tamash parastat,Tamevam viditva ati mrityum eti tNanyah panthavidyate ayanaya \\8\\ye children of immortality, hear ye who live in thehighest places, I have found the way. There is a way outbeyond the darkness by knowing Him who isbeyond thisdarkness." We find this assertion as coming from the sameUpanisjiad. This may a is there it is terrible; ;to workthrough mayd is impossible.If a man says, I will sit besidethis river and I will ford the river when it has run down intothe ocean, that man would be as much correct as the manwho says he will work till this world has become all good,neither will one come orand he will then enjoy this world,the other. The way is not with niaya but against maya.This is another fact to leajrn. We are not born helpersof Nature, but competitors with Nature. We are the bondmasters,and we are trying to bind ourselves down.Whyis this house here ? Nature did not giveit. Nature says,go and live in the forest. Man says I will build a houseand fight with Nature and he does. The whole historyof humanity is a continuous fight against the so-calledlaws of Nature, and man gains in the end. Coming intothe eternal world, there too the same fight is going on,this fight between the animal man and the spiritual man,between light and darkness, and here too man becomesvictorious. He, as it were, cuts his way out of Nature tothis idea of liberty. We have seen so far, then, that here

"HearMAYA AND ILLUSION. 167solution, but a young boy is standing up in the midst ofthem and declaringS rinvantu visve atnritasya puttrah,Aye dhamani divyani tasthuh \\5\\.* * * * * ** * *Vedaham etam purushani mahantam,Adityavamam tamash parastat,Tamevam viditva ati mrityum eti tNanyah panthavidyate ayanaya \\8\\ye children of immortality, hear ye who live in thehighest places, I have found the way. There is a way outbeyond the darkness by knowing Him who isbeyond thisdarkness." We find this assertion as coming from the sameUpanisjiad. This may a is there it is terrible; ;to workthrough mayd is impossible.If a man says, I will sit besidethis river and I will ford the river when it has run down intothe ocean, that man would be as much correct as the manwho says he will work till this world has become all good,neither will one come orand he will then enjoy this world,the other. The way is not with niaya but against maya.This is another fact to leajrn. We are not born helpersof Nature, but competitors with Nature. We are the bondmasters,and we are trying to bind ourselves down.Whyis this house here ? Nature did not giveit. Nature says,go and live in the forest. Man says I will build a houseand fight with Nature and he does. The whole historyof humanity is a continuous fight against the so-calledlaws of Nature, and man gains in the end. Coming intothe eternal world, there too the same fight is going on,this fight between the animal man and the spiritual man,between light and darkness, and here too man becomesvictorious. He, as it were, cuts his way out of Nature tothis idea of liberty. We have seen so far, then, that here

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