Carello, Christy

Carello, Christy Carello, Christy
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Conservation Monitoring, Protection andRecreational Use of a Fen WetlandChristy Carello, Audrey Hoffa & Heide Anderson

Conservation Monitoring, Protection andRecreational Use of a Fen Wetland<strong>Christy</strong> <strong>Carello</strong>, Audrey Hoffa & Heide Anderson

20032005LandownerVail ResortsOther PrivatePublicAcreage3863125Percent17%28%55%

B1CUCUMBERGULCHLegendUngulate Migratory RoutesOverlay Protection DistrictMacroplotsWater Testing SitesGondola500 0 500 1,000Preventative Management AreaFeet

Conservation MonitoringProgram• Water• Vegetation• Mammalian• Avian• Amphibian

Water Surveys• May, September, StormEvent• Surface and Ground• Anions, Metals, Chemicaland BiologicalContaminants

Canopy CoverSpecies Richness1203010025806040200120022003200420151020012002200320042050Lodgepole (n=1)Mixed Conifer (n=5) Mixed Conifer/Shrub(n=1)Habitat TypeShrubland (n=7)0Lodgepole (n=1)Mixed Conifer(n=5)Habitat TypeMixedConifer/Shrub(n=1)Shrubland (n=7)Species DiversityUnderstory Vascular Plant Productivity124000307510864200120022003200435003000250020001500239823051852.8200120022003200420Lodgepole (n=1)Mixed Conifer(n=5)MixedConifer/Shrub(n=1)Shrubland (n=7)10005000100 1505.1 0Lodgepole (n=1)263179581268.1566227131Mixed Conifer (n=5) Mixed Conifer/Shrub(n=1)Shrubland (n=7)Habitat TypeHabitat Type

Beaver Activity10864201999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005YearActive Low Activivty Inactive

0.050.0450.040.0350.030.0250.020.0150.010.00501 2 3 4Habitat TypeMoose/elkDeer• 1 mixed coniferdominated bylodgepole• 2 mixed coniferdominated byspruce and fir• 3 shrubdominated bylarge woodyvegetation• 4 shrubdominated bysmall willows,sedges andgrasses

Fox Sparrow

Mean Number of Birds (10/04 ­ 8/05)1614121086LPMCSMC/S420Oct Dec Feb April May June July AugDateAvian Species (10/04 and 8/05)876543LPMCSMC/S210Oct Dec Feb April May June July AugDate

Implications of Monitoring• Timing of Deforestation• Environmental Education and Interpretation• Pet Control• Litter Removal• Weed Removal• Fencing• SignageMean Number of Birds (10/04 ­ 8/05)1614121086LPMCSMC/S420Oct Dec Feb April May June July AugDate

Implications of Monitoring• Timing of Deforestation• Environmental Education and Interpretation• Pet Control• Litter Removal• Weed Removal• Fencing• Signage

Implications of Monitoring• Timing of Deforestation• Environmental Education and Interpretation• Pet Control• Litter Removal• Weed Removal• Fencing• Signage

Implications of Monitoring• Timing of Deforestation• Environmental Education and Interpretation• Pet Control• Litter Removal• Weed Removal• Fencing• Signage

Implications of Monitoring• Timing of Deforestation• Environmental Education and Interpretation• Pet Control• Litter Removal• Weed Removal• Fencing• Signage

Implications of Monitoring• Timing of Deforestation• Environmental Education and Interpretation• Pet Control• Litter Removal• Weed Removal• Fencing• Signage

Implications of Monitoring• Timing of Deforestation• Environmental Education and Interpretation• Pet Control• Litter Removal• Weed Removal• Fencing• Signage

Acknowledgements• Town of Breckenridge (BOSAC)• Colorado Division of Wildlife• Boreal Toad Search Team• Metro State Student Assistants:Candice Bott, Monica Trachbrodt, BetsyKelso, Robert Rutherford, Hans Turner• Breckenridge Nature Series: Peg Alig

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