July/August 2012 - Beth Tfiloh

July/August 2012 - Beth Tfiloh

July/August 2012 - Beth Tfiloh


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BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772july <strong>2012</strong> TAMMUz-av 5772Weekday Services SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Shabbat ServicesS,W Shacharit 8:30 amM,T,Th,F Shacharit 7:00 amS-Th Mincha 6:50 pmS-Th PM Class 7:00 pmS-Th Maariv 7:10 pm1 11 tammuz 2 12 tammuz 3 13 tammuz 4 14 tammuz 5 15 tammuz 6 16 tammuz8:18 pmMincha 6:50 pmKabbalatShabbat 7:05 pm7 17 tammuzbalakAM Class 8:25 amShacharit 9:00 amThe Minyan 9:00 amPM Class 7:05 pmMincha 7:55 pmSeudah 8:25 pmMaariv 9:15 pmShabbat Ends 9:18 pmSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-F Shacharit 7:00 amM-Th Mincha 6:50 pmM-Th PM Class 7:00 pmM-Th Maariv 7:10 pm8 18 tammuzMincha 8:15 pmClass 8:45 pmMaariv 8:55 pmFast of the17 th of Tammuz9 19 tammuz 10 20 tammuz 11 21 tammuz12 22 tammuz 13 23 tammuz 14 24 tammuz8:16 pmMincha 6:50 pmKabbalatShabbat 7:05 pmt h e 3 w e e k s b e f o r e t i s h a b ’ a vpinchasAM Class 8:25 amShacharit 9:00 amThe Minyan 9:00 amPM Class 7:05 pmMincha 7:55 pmSeudah 8:25 pmMaariv 9:15 pmShabbat Ends 9:15 pmSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-F Shacharit 7:00 amS-Th Mincha 6:45 pmS-Th PM Class 7:05 pmS-Th Maariv 7:15 pm15 25 tammuz16 26 tammuz 17 27 tammuz 18 28 tammuzt h e 3 w e e k s b e f o r e t i s h a b ’ a v19 29 tammuz 20 1 av 21 2 av8:12 pmMincha 6:45 pmKabbalatShabbat 7:00 pmRosh Chodeshn i n e d a y smatot-maseiAM Class 8:25 amShacharit 9:00 amThe Minyan 9:00 amPM Class 7:00 pmMincha 7:50 pmSeudah 8:20 pmMaariv 9:10 pmShabbat Ends 9:11 pmSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-F Shacharit 7:00 amS-Th Mincha 6:45 pmS-Th PM Class 6:55 pmS-Th Maariv 7:05 pm22 3 av23 4 av 24 5 av 25 6 av26 7 av 27 8 av 28 9 av8:06 pmMincha 6:45 pmKabbalatShabbat 7:00 pmErev Tisha B’Avt h e n i n e d a y s b e f o r e t i s h a b ’ a vdevarim -shabbat chazonAM Class 8:25 amShacharit 9:00 amThe Minyan 9:00 amMincha 8:00 pmPM Class 8:30 pmShabbat Ends 9:05 pmMaariv & Eicha 9:25 pmM-T Shacharit 7:00 amM-T Mincha 6:40 pmM-T PM Class 6:50 pmM-T Maariv 7:00 pm29 10 av 30 11 av 31 12 avShacharit 9:30 amand KinotMincha 1:50 & 8:00 pmClass 8:30 pmMaariv 8:55 pmFollowed by Break FastFast Ends 9:07 pmTisha B’AvPlease note: T’hillim arerecited each weekday morning10 minutes prior to Shacharitprayers.2

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772august <strong>2012</strong> Av-elul 5772Weekday Services SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Shabbat ServicesM-F Shacharit 7:00 amW-Th Mincha 6:40 pmW-Th PM Class 6:50 pmW-Th Maariv 7:00 pmSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-F Shacharit 7:00 amS-Th Mincha 6:30 pmS-Th PM Class 6:40 pmS-Th Maariv 6:50 pm5 17 avPlease note: T’hillim arerecited each weekday morning10 minutes prior to Shacharitprayers.6 18 av 7 19 av 8 20 av1 13 av 2 14 av 3 15 avSummer ArtsProduction: A Yearwith Frog & Toad4 16 av9 21 av 10 22 av 11 23 avSummer ArtsProduction: A Yearwith Frog & Toad7:59 pmMincha 6:40 pmKabbalatShabbat 6:55 pm7:51 pmMincha 6:30 pmKabbalatShabbat 6:45 pmva’etchanan -shabbat nachamuAM Class 8:25 amShacharit 9:00 amThe Minyan 9:00 amPM Class 6:40 pmMincha 7:35 pmSeudah 8:05 pmMaariv 8:55 pmShabbat Ends 8:58 pmeikevAM Class 8:25 amShacharit 9:00 amThe Minyan 9:00 amPM Class 6:40 pmMincha 7:30 pmSeudah 8:00 pmMaariv 8:50 pmShabbat Ends 8:50 pmSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-F Shacharit 7:00 amS-Th Mincha 6:30 pmS-Th PM Class 6:40 pmS-Th Maariv 6:50 pmSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-F Shacharit 7:00 amS-Th Mincha 6:30 pmS-Th PM Class 6:40 pmS-Th Maariv 6:50 pmSun Shacharit 8:30 amM-F Shacharit 7:00 amS-Th Mincha 6:30 pmS-Th PM Class 6:40 pmS-Th Maariv 6:50 pm12 24 av19 1 elulBT CommuityTheatre Production:”UrineTown, TheMusical”Bar Mitzvah:Ryan LevinRosh Chodesh13 25 av 14 26 av 15 27 av20 2 elul 21 3 elul 22 4 elulBT CommuityTheatre Production:”UrineTown, TheMusical”BT CommuityTheatre Production:”UrineTown, TheMusical”16 28 av 17 29 av 17 30 av7:42 pmMincha 6:30 pmKabbalatShabbat 6:45 pm23 5 elul 24 6 elul 25 7 elul7:32 pmMincha 6:30 pmKabbalatShabbat 6:45 pm26 8 elul 27 9 elul 28 10 elul 29 11 elul 30 12 elul 31 13 elul Sept. 1 14 elulFirst Day of Schoolfor LS, MS HSPS OrientationFirst Day of Schoolfor PreSchool7:22 pmMincha 6:30 pmKabbalatShabbat 6:45 pmRosh ChodeshBar Mitzvah:Jeremy GreenBar Mitzvah:Alec Cohenre’ehAM Class 8:25 amShacharit 9:00 amThe Minyan 9:00 amPM Class 6:30 pmMincha 7:20 pmSeudah 7:50 pmMaariv 8:40 pmShabbat Ends 8:41 pmshoftimAM Class 8:25 amShacharit 9:00 amThe Minyan 9:00 amPM Class 6:20 pmMincha 7:10 pmSeudah 7:40 pmMaariv 8:30 pmShabbat Ends 8:31 pmki-tetzeAM Class 8:10 amShacharit 8:45 amThe Minyan 9:00 amTeen Minyan 9:32 amPM Class 6:10 pmMincha 7:00 pmSeudah 7:30 pmMaariv 8:20 pmShabbat Ends 8:20 pm3

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772SummerYouth Ser vicesPRESCHOOLCookie MinyanEvery week, except <strong>July</strong> 7 and<strong>August</strong> 11Kid Cong & MS Minyan<strong>July</strong> 14, <strong>July</strong> 28, <strong>August</strong> 4 and<strong>August</strong> 11Teen MinyanNo services during the summerAll Youth Servicesresume their weeklyschedule onSeptember 1.Mazel Tov B'nei MitzvahRyan Levinktuna kthnjrSon of Emily and ScottLevinSun., Aug. 19, <strong>2012</strong>Ryan attends <strong>Beth</strong><strong>Tfiloh</strong> DahanCommunitySchool, and is the brother of ShaynaLevin. He is the grandson of VilmaMichelson, Marc and Cindy Levin,and the great-grandson of MarionIskow. His hobbies include carsand playing football, basketball, andtennis. For his Mitzvah Project, Ryanvisits residents of the Atrium Villagewith his dog Sophie. Together theyinteract with residents who haveimpaired cognitive abilities, makinga positive difference in the residents’lives by encouraging them to converseas well as experience the unconditionallove and warmth a pet can offer.vumn hbc cuy kznJeremy Greenojurh ejmhSon of Tamara Sobeland Daniel GreenSat., Aug. 25, <strong>2012</strong>Jeremy attendsHereford MiddleSchool, and is thebrother of Zachary and AlexandraGreen. He is the grandson of EstherGreen, Allen Green, Anne Sobel,and the late Dr. I. Jerome Sobel. Hishobbies include playing football andbaseball, attending Orioles Capitals,and Ravens games, rocketry, spendingtime with his animals and friends. Forhis Mitzvah Project, Jeremy is helpingBaltimore City Public School studentslearn to read.Brotherhood NewsThe Brotherhood is already makingplans for our 2013 Donor Dinneron Wednesday, March 13, 2013.We hope you will put it on yourcalendar as well! It is always a greattime with a worthy honoree and greatentertainment. This dinner directlysupports many of the activities ofyouth of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>. So whileMarch 13, 2013 may seem “far off,” itis definitely not too early to save thedate for what will truly be anotheroutstanding evening.June is a special month for theBrotherhood because we honored agraduating senior of the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>Dahan Community High Schoolwith the annual Midot Award. TheBrotherhood bestows this prestigioushonor each year on the student whomthe faculty believes best exemplifiesJewish values. The award consists of acash stipend and placing the student’sname on a plaque on permanentdisplay in the High School lobby.4This year’s recipient, recognized at theJune commencement exercise, is MaxSpitz. Mazel Tov, Max, on this welldeservedrecognition.The Annual Blood Drive that theBrotherhood co-sponsors with theHigh School, will take place this yearon Sunday, November 1, <strong>2012</strong> in theHigh School Crane Room. You willhear more about this in the comingmonths, but please save the date andjoin your fellow congregants to helpsave lives. For you Ravens fans, thatweek it is an away Sunday night gamewith a team that we do not mentionfrom Western Pennsylvania!If you are looking to commemoratea special occasion with a card,please contact the synagogue officeto purchase an S. Harold CohenScholarship Fund Card. Thesecards, which are just $10 apiece orfour for $36, provide tuition supportfor deserving <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> DahanCommunity School students.A wonderful way to honor ormemorialize someone special is bypurchasing a brick in the beautifullylandscaped Brotherhood Brick Plaza,which is adjacent to the Rynd FamilyRoom. Bricks cost just $90 and canbe ordered through the Brotherhoodtelephone number and e-mail addresslisted immediately below.We strongly encourage all men tojoin us in the Brotherhood. Dues arenominal – just $30 per year – andit’s fun and rewarding to know thatyou are helping to make <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>the vibrant congregation that it is.Brotherhood already does a greatdeal to provide meaningful activitiesand to support the Congregation,School and Camp, but we could doeven better with your help. Pleasecall the Brotherhood at 410-486-1900 extension 238 or e-mail us atbrotherhood@btfiloh.org

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772Sisterhood NewsRecently, the Boardhosted an evening toshow our appreciationto Sonia Maltinsky forleading Sisterhood for thepast three years efficientlyand with total devotion.Sonia was presentedwith the President’spin, a lovely gift, anda scrapbook of heraccomplishments whilein office, as well as thegood wishes of her fellowmembers.Sisterhood has won the Presidents’Club Award for outstandingpurchase of Israel Bonds. The awardstatuette, presented by Israeli Bondsrepresentative Ayelet Weiss, will bedisplayed in the Gift Shop show case.The opening General Meetingwill be held on Monday evening,September 24. An intriguing programis planned, followed by a dessertreception. Join your friends for anenjoyable and informative evening.Watch the BT web site and Shabbathandout for details.Sisterhood’s roster is constantlychanging as new members are added.You, too, can join the group, makenew friends, and greet old ones at ourevents. Women of all ages are welcome,and life memberships are available.Sisterhood Gift ShopPhone: 410-413-2227www.bethtfiloh.com/giftshopHours:Sun., Tues., Wed. - 10 am–1 pmMon., Tues., Thurs. - 1 pm–4:30 pmMitzvah CardsBrenda Boches 410-585-1045Marcia Miller 410-580-2039Special Mitzvah CardsCharlene Schimberg 410-413-2217Chesed CommitteeRoselyn Kalb 410-486-3456Sisterhood’s new High Holiday card.BT Rosh Hashanah Cards areavailable through the Sisterhood.Proceeds will support Sisterhood’sprojects that benefit the synagogue. $3each or four cards for $10, available atthe Gift Shop. See sample, above.In conjunction with Mercaz,Sisterhood is co-sponsoring a class,History of Klezmer, featuring SethKibel, foremost saxophone/clarinetistand Klezmer historian. The class willbegin on Wednesday, October 24and continue for four Wednesdayevenings. At least eight students arerequired to schedule this class; if youare interested, please contact theMercaz office.Our Gift Shop will be openthroughout the summer for yourconvenience, so come in to selectbeautiful and unique items for RoshHashanah, weddings, B’nei Mitzvahs,and births. One new item is a rosypink, heart-shaped tzdakah box, idealfor a Bat Mitzvah or birthday present.Browse our on-line web site (www.bethtfiloh.com/giftshop) to makeadvance selections.Look for the Gift Shop booth atthe annual Block Party, Sunday,September 23, on the High Schoolparking lot, and take advantage ofexcellent buys.SPOTLIGHT <strong>2012</strong>Continued from page 1all: the keter shem tov – the crown of agood name. Through his generosityhe has assured that there will be a <strong>Beth</strong><strong>Tfiloh</strong> Dahan Community School forgenerations to come.”The evening also commemoratedthe founding of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> HighSchool, 25 years ago. “From humblebeginnings — 22 kids in a little homeon Old Forest Road — we have growninto a powerhouse that has produced1,100 alumni… carrying with themthe unique blend of Judaism thatRabbi Wohlberg says is not “Judaismlight” – but “Judaism right”: a Judaismthat has no labels but mentchlichkeit, anddecency, compassion and kindness,commitment and care – Judaism withjoy,” Mrs. Schorr proudly recalled.BT on Facebook andTwitterFollow Rabbi Wohlberg and <strong>Beth</strong><strong>Tfiloh</strong> on Twitter at twitter.com/RabbiWohlberg andtwitter.com/bethtfiloh and onFacebook on our <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> FanPage to receive updates of sermonpostings, new photo galleries andother BT news and events. TheBrotherhood has also launched a newFacebook page.Sisterhood Zumba Classes willcontinue through the summer, butonly one class will be given per week,on Wednesdays at 8:45 am in theDance Studio. In September, we’ll beback to two classes per week. It’s greatexercise and the music moves youright along. No dance experience isnecessary; age is no barrier. For details,call Carol Oppenheim, 410-363-2482.5

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772HOUSE OF PRAYERContinued from page 1<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Congregation: ADiverse, Welcoming CongregationAnd behind this world class school?<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Congregation, the largestOrthodox synagogue in America.The wide-spectrum of Jewishobservance at the school in many waysmirrors the spectrum of observancewithin <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>. Surprised? OurModern Orthodox congregation iscomposed of individuals who feelcomfortable within a traditionalOrthodox setting, no matter whattheir personal level of observance.And our congregation is richer fortheir presence. The wealth of ideas,opinions, and levels of expertiseproduces fertile ground for growth inthe synagogue, as in the school.A young parent of an incomingfirst grader told me that while he wasfine with <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> pre-school, hisReform background and training madehim uneasy with sending his childto the day school. And then he sawwhat <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> had to offer. Andhe appreciated just what the schoolcan do. And his child will enter <strong>Beth</strong><strong>Tfiloh</strong> Lower School in the fall.Are you a school parent who is notyet a member of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>? Whynot give us a try? Come to services,check out the Shabbat afternoonRabbi’s class. When yoru child isinvited to a Bar or Bat Mitzvah at<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>, come along to theservice. Our Dahan Sanctuary is awe-inspiring, our clergy top notch, andour congregation is friendly. RabbiMitchell Wolhberg has been calledthe Master of the Sermon, Rabbi ChaiPosner has proven himself facile witha word, himself; and Chazzan AviAlbrecht has a voice unrivaled fromthe bima. And if you are looking fora different kind of service, check outthe Minyan. Under the guidanceof Rabbi Daniel Lerner, this lay-ledparticipatory service will have youhumming a new tune, even if you don’tknow the words.BT Camp: Where Fun andYiddishkeit Come Out to PlayEvery summer, a few miles northof Old Court Road, over a thousandchildren have fun in the sun at the<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Camp. This is not your<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> CampBT Camp is off to agreat start, with a recordbreaking enrollment of over1,100 campers, 240 staffmembers and loads of fun,sports and outdoor adventures.Even on the hottest days, BTCampers stay cool in the camp’sthree pools, boating lake, or onthe splash pad. Other favoriteactivities including the 60-footropes towers, a zip line overthe lake, stream walks, Israelidancing, archery, and sports ofevery variety.View the daily photo gallery atwww.btcamps.org.6

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772parents’, or for some of you even yourchildren’s, day camp. Sure, there isswimming, hiking and crafts. But thereis also sports and art, survival andtravel, and Yiddishkeit. At a recentcamp competition, one of the mostspirited groups included a traditionalOrthodox, secular Israeli, and one whomight be called casually observant.And they worked together, and theywon together. And they are <strong>Beth</strong><strong>Tfiloh</strong>, too.But Wait, There’s More!Now, to that first group of folks Imentioned. You know those healthclubs with all the amenities paid forby people who never come? That’show I feel about our shul, sometimes.There are so many of you who aremembers, but we only see you a fewdays a year. We have daily services,Shabbat services followed by akiddush, a class on Shabbat afternoonand a light meal, and that’s all for free.You can, and should, be members ofthe Brotherhood and Sisterhood, eachand every one of you, and that’s lessthan a dime a day. And then there arethe Mercaz courses, BT in the AM,the Lunch Bunch, Eat Pray and Learn,and more and more. Some are free,some are at nominal cost; all are ofincomparable value.Send your children, and yourgrandchildren, to the school and tothe camp? Absolutely. But comealong yourself and take part. Bea volunteer with the Brotherhoodand Sisterhood; take an interest inthe Board of Directors or ReligiousServices; learn at any of our myriadclasses. The operative word here is“come.” Be a part of the most exciting,vibrant, and yes, largest Orthodoxsynagogue around.It almost defies belief that overninety years after it was founded in asmall room in Baltimore, <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>continues to thrive and prosper, asit approaches its centennial. Wewant and need you to be a part ofour celebration. Call the synagogueoffice, and find out about ourmembership plans, if you are not yeta member. And if you are a member,call the office and find out how muchmore we have to offer.The <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Dahan Performing Arts Studio:Summer <strong>2012</strong><strong>July</strong> 23-<strong>August</strong> 10, <strong>2012</strong> • 9:30 am-4:00 pm<strong>2012</strong> Production - A Year With Frog & ToadPerformances: <strong>August</strong> 8 & 9 • 7:00 pm, Free admissionRosen Arts Center/Mintzes TheatreAlice in Wonderland 2011<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Performing Arts Studio is athree-week program designed to enrich theperforming arts student in all areas of theatricalproduction as well as a full performance ofa musical production. Students will also beinvolved in set and prop construction and thetechnical end of the production.A Year with Frog and Toad will be presented attwo performances with full costumes, set pieces,props, lights, and sound.Daily morning workshops include workshops inimprov, movement, vocal, acting, and makeup.Workshops will be taught by studio staff as wellas by guest artist instructors.View complete details and register online:www.bethtfiloh.com/registerA fewspots stillremain!Two StudiosOffered•Junior Studio:Ages 8–9 (3 spots left)•Senior Studio:Ages 10–14 (10 spots left)Staff•Camp Director: DianeSmith, 410-413-2436,dsmith@btfiloh.org•Junior Camp Director:Brian Singer, 410-486-1900x523, bsinger@btfiloh.orgFees•Junior Camp: $625•Senior Camp: $750S P E C I A L O F F E R !Free High HolidaySeats for YoungMembers!Individuals and couples age35 and under—both new andexisting <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> members—are entitled to FREE <strong>2012</strong>High Holiday seats—a savingsof up to $240 per seat!BT also offers discountedmembership rates to youngsingles and couples:• Under age 30: $90 for a singles,$180 per couple• Ages 30-35: $180 for singles, $360per couplePLUS, BT membership offersthese benefits:• Discounts for BT day school andcamp tuition, facility rentals andMercaz classes• Eligibility for Bar/Bat MitzvahProgram• Access to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> clergy for lifecycle eventsFor more information aboutbecoming a member of our Congregation,please contact Eve KresinSteinberg, Executive Director, at410-413-2251.7

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772School NewsGan Aleph Plans Their OwnGraduationMorah Levey’s Gan Aleph classgraduation was planned like manyof their activities throughout theyear: with the students’ input. Theircontributions shaped the event’stone and content, capturing theirindividuality and showcasing theirsparkling personalities.“I asked the kids what they’d liketo do in our show,” recalls MorahJody. The kids began with the songsthey wanted to sing, including theTony Chestnut Song, incorporatingsome very amusing choreography,and the Maccabeats’ Candlelight. Next,they considered their dance options,choosing to perform a classicalballet-style performance and evenbreakdancing!What time is it?BT Block Party Time!Kick off the new school year with your <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Family at theRavin’ for the RavensBlock PartySunday, September 231-4 PMRain or Shine!High School Parking Lot(enter on Torah Drive)“thisis myhouse!”Where can you get the BT spiritafter summer... for FREE?At <strong>Beth</strong> Jacob at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Hebrew School!This is an exclusive offer for <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Camp familiesFor Fall <strong>2012</strong>, <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> campers are eligible to attend <strong>Beth</strong> Jacob at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>Hebrew School for FREE.* You don’t even have to be a BT synagogue member!The spirit... the fun... the the joy joy of of Judaism you you and and your your kids kids love love isn’t just isn’t for just summer foranymore! summer anymore!When asked which poems theywould like to recite, Morah Leveypointed out that there are poems aboutall kinds of themes. The childrenselected ones about being a goodfriend and treating each other kindly,or “shaboingy” – the Gan Aleph codeword for kindness – both commonthemes throughout the year. Thestudents also chose to express what itmeans to be a good friend – invitingfriends over to your house, notshouting in other people’s faces.The graduation performance was aheartwarming and smile-inducing halfhourof middot (character traits) andlearning, as seen through the eyes ofour Gan Aleph students.BJ@BT OFFERS:Brian Singer,Hebrew School Director• Sunday-only program for Kindergarten & 1st Graders• Two-day per week program for 2nd Graders & older• Outstanding, caring faculty• Computer lab, art studio, music and library• Bible, holidays, laws and customs• Classes meet September through JuneLearn more at bethtfiloh.com/hebrewschoolFor information, please contact Regina Jacobsin the Hebrew School Office at 410-413-2502.*One year free <strong>Beth</strong> Jacob at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Hebrew Schooltuition available to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Campers who have notpreviously attended Hebrew School.8

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772School NewsMAZEL TOV<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Dahan Graduates!MAZEL TOV TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF <strong>2012</strong> - OUR 23rd GRADUATING CLASS!Rebecca Rose Abbott, Joshua Samuel <strong>August</strong>, Dara Rachel Baker, Adiva LeeBerkowitz, Max Everett Chason, Adam Philip Cohen, Michelle Leah Czinn, Eli BrettDavis, Joshua William Disney, Evan Andrew Eisenberg, Zoe Tamar Eisenberg,Emily Rachel Eisner, Avichai Fagan, Noah Samuel Ferentz, Jacob Adam Finglass,Yonason Mayer Finkelstein, Joshua B. Fleischmann, Louis Leon Fleischmann,Danielle Sydney Gelber, Elizabeth Goldenberg, Ari Jordan Goldstein, Jill LeahGoldstein, Sarah Rose Greenberg, Eyal Zvi Gurewitsch, Yaakov Herschel Hamer,Adam Hariri, Samuel Brent Hirsh, Harrison Gene Hoffman, Jonathan Hoffman,Alexandra Ruth Kadish, Dakota Bryn Katz, Miranda Rachel Klein, AaronMichael Kraft, Dara <strong>Beth</strong> Kramer, Erin Elizabeth Kuntz, Andrew Ira Lebowitz,Ilana Marie Lehmann, Elana Sophia Lesser, Ian Michael Lever, Megan Sara Levey,Ilana Levin, Benjamin Andrew Lipowitz, Deena Samantha Shoshana Lucas, EricMichael Manski, Joshua Levi Margolis, Emily Nicole Miller, Erin Frieda Miller,Joseph Jules Nelson, Ofek Ovadia, Joshua Ross Pertman, Rachel Erin Peters,Channa Malka Rifkin, Darian Alexandra Roffe, Andrew Alan Sabintsev, Joseph MaxSchwartz, Michael T. Schwartz, Talia Chaya Geller Schwartz, Ashley Morgan Sefret,Paz Rose Shalem, Jake Michael Shapiro, Adam Joshua Sharp, Lidan Simhi, DariJo Sklar, Max Samuel Spitz, Mark Andrew Stein, Samuel Howard Sturner, JenniferLauren Sykes, Shannon Taragin, Joseph Clarke Tankersley Maier Troy, DanielScott White, Yaniv Gabriel Yaffe, Marissa Jill Zamanian, Gabriel Sol ZuckerbergOUR SENIORS HAVE RECEIVED ACCEPTANCES FROM THE FOLLOWING COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIESAmerican University, Arizona State University, The University of Arizona,University of Baltimore, Barnard College, Boston University, Brandeis University,Case Western Reserve University, College of Charleston, Clark University,Columbia College, University of Connecticut, Cornell University, University ofDelaware, Dickinson College, Drexel University, East Carolina University, ElonUniversity, Emerson College, Emory University, Florida Atlantic University,University of Florida, Franklin and Marshall College, George Mason University, TheGeorge Washington University, Goucher College, University of Hartford, HofstraUniversity, Indiana University at Bloomington, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC)Herzliya, Ithaca College, James Madison University, Johns Hopkins University,University of Kansas, Lehigh University, University of Maryland, BaltimoreCounty, University of Maryland, College Park, University of Massachusetts,Amherst, University of Miami, University of Michigan, Muhlenberg College,New York University, Northwestern University, The Ohio State University, PaceUniversity, New York University, Pennsylvania State University, University Park,University of Pittsburgh, Princeton University, Purdue University, University ofRhode Island, University of Rochester, Rutgers, The State University of New Jerseyat New Brunswick, Salisbury University, Savannah College of Art and Design,University of South Florida, Tampa, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, StevensonUniversity, Binghamton University, SUNY College of Environmental Science andForestry, Syracuse University, The University of Tampa, Towson University, TrinityCollege, Tufts University, Tulane University, Vanderbilt University, Vassar College,University of Vermont, University of Virginia, Washington University in St. Louis,West Virginia University, Yeshiva UniversityOUR SENIORS HAVE RECEIVED ACCEPTANCES FROM THEFOLLOWING YESHIVOT, SEMINARIES & ISRAEL PROGRAMSOUR SENIORS HAVE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWINGAWARDS & HONORSBar Ilan University, Derech Etz Chayim, Kivunim, Lev HaTorah, LYA (LeadershipYeshiva Academy), Machon Maayan, Makor, Michlelet Esther, Midreshet HaRova,Midreshet Lindenbaum, Midreshet Yeud, Nativ, Nishmat, Yeshivat Ohr David,Yeshivat Reishit, Yeshivat Torat Shraga, Young Judea Year Course!dglvde aeh lfnNational Merit Scholarship Commended Students (9), APScholar with Distinction (7), AP Scholar with Honor (5), APScholar (4), Robot Challenge Finalists, MIAA and IAAMDivision All-Stars, Cappies Theatre Award, Mock Trial All Stars<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Dahan Community School PreSchool through High School. Learning together. For life.Class of <strong>2012</strong>.indd 16/13/<strong>2012</strong> 7:39:23 AM9

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772School NewsOutstanding Educators recognized at Closing Faculty LuncheonAt the Closing Faculty Luncheon,Mrs. Zipora Schorr, Director ofEducation, recognized members ofthe faculty of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> DahanCommunity School for theiroutstanding contributions.Awards for Outstanding Educatorwere presented to the followingteachers: PreSchool – StephanieZiman, Four Year Olds; LowerSchool – Elaine Hercenberg & PhyllisWaxman, Kindergarten; MiddleSchool – Maureen Jaffe, 8th GradeEnglish; High School – JeanetteCraymer, 10th-12th Science. A specialrecognition award was given to Mrs.Shoshana Porter, who teaches FourthGrade Judaic Studies.Tisha B‘av at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>Join the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> family to mark this time of mourning and reflection for the tragedies thathave befallen our people on the 9th day of Av.Saturday, <strong>July</strong> 28Mincha 8:00 pm Epstein ChapelClass (Rabbi Posner) 8:30 pm Epstein ChapelMaariv, Eicha & Kinnot 9:25 pm Dahan SanctuaryFilm: “See You Soon Again” 10:30 pm Rosen Arts Center / Mintzes TheatreSunday, <strong>July</strong> 29Shacharit & Kinot 9:30 am Epstein ChapelEarly Mincha 1:50 pm Epstein ChapelMincha 8:00 pm Epstein ChapelClass (Rabbi Lerner) 8:30 pm Epstein ChapelMaariv (Followed by Break Fast) 8:55 pm Epstein Chapel“see you soon again”For 50 years, Holocaust survivor Leo Bretholz, a 30-year member of the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> choir,shared his story with students and community groups. See You Again Soon examineshow students today receive hismessage—and illustrates theimpact that continually retellingsuch an incredibly painful andpersonal story has on a person.Remarks by Mr. Bretholz willfollow the screening. (64 minutes)Free and open to the publicThree<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>teachers alsowere recentlyhonored bythe Centerfor JewishEducation intheir annualEducatorRecognitionCeremony.ElishevaVeteran PreSchool teacher,Mrs. Emma Exler, received aspecial gift for her retirement.Erlanger (Gr. 4) received the SamuelGlasner Creative Teaching Award,Kayla Helfman (Kindergarten)received the Novice Teacher Award,and Rabbi Shmuel Krawatsky wasMrs. Zipora Schorr presents OutstandingEducator Awards to Kindergarten teachers, ElaineHercenberg and Phyllis Waxman.the recipient of the Sam KahanDistinguished Educator Award andthe Grinspoon-Steinhardt Recipient.book ofremembranceThe annual Book of Remembrance isa dignified way to honor the memoryof loved ones during the Yom KippurYizkor Service. Details and formsfor inserting inscriptions in thispublication have been mailed to all<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> members. The deadlinefor placing a memorial insertion ordisplay ad is <strong>July</strong> 13, <strong>2012</strong>. For moreinformation, contact Mona Kaufman at410-413-2211.Can You Jointhe Usher Corps?Do you like to meet people, greetpeople, and help people, and do it in agreat place? We need men and womento help us help others by becomingmembers of the elite Usher Corps inthe Sanctuary service on Shabbat.Shifts can be as long as you’d likethem to be, and we can vary startingtimes. Please let one of the ushers orofficers know of your interest, or dropyour name by the Synagogue office.Thanks in advance for your help.10

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772Mercaz NewsBT IN THE AM: An Adult BeitMidrash for MenResponding to requests,a new section of BT IN THE AM willbe forming: An Adult Beit Midrash forMen. The classes will be held weeklyon Monday mornings from October -May. Choose one or both classes.The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,Mr. Josh Gurewitsch, 10–11 amPartners In Creation: The Opportunities andthe Responsibilities of Jewish Men,Rabbi Daniel Lerner, 11:15 am–12:15 pmNo prior skills are necessary.Learners of all levels are welcome. It’sfun and exciting to be part of a men’slearning group. Bring a friend to sharethe experience! Special discountsavailable for registration received by<strong>July</strong> 31 and for men whose wives areregistered for the <strong>2012</strong>-13 BT in theAM for Women.NEWBT IN THE AM: The Adult BeitMidrash for WomenJoin Mercaz this fall for the 11thyear of BT IN THE AM: The AdultBeit Midrash for Women. Accessprovocative conversations on a widerange of topics touching on everyaspect of modern Jewish life. Thisyear, our three classes will focus on:The Torah is Not in Heaven, Beginnings:Reflections of the Bible’s Intriguing Firsts(the first love, the first death, the firstlaugh, the first dream and many moreof the Bible’s unexpected “firsts”) andSuburbs, Social Change and Spirituality:Postwar American Judaism, 1945-<strong>2012</strong>.Early registration discounts availableuntil <strong>July</strong> 31.Yaffe ScholarsThe Seymour Yaffe Scholars is anadvanced Jewish learning program thatmeets weekly on Wednesday eveningsfor dinner and a seminar. The dinnersare delicious and the learning sessionsare stimulating. The topic for <strong>2012</strong>-13 is Famous Disputes Throughout JewishHistory. Texts provided in English andHebrew. All are welcome.Adult Bat Mitzvah Class NowForming!Be a part of a truly life-alteringexperience with the Adult Bat Mitzvahprogram that begins October 17. Evenif you’ve had a Bat Mitzvah, this is awonderful learning opportunity to giveyourself!Stanley Z. Penn LectureWednesday, October 17, 7:30 pmDr. Leonard Fein, Co-founder andformer editor of Moment magazineCriticizing Israel from Herevs.Don’t miss this matchup betweenDr. Leonard Fein and Rabbi MitchellWohlbergBook ClubsMercaz is pleased to feature animpressive selection of books of Jewishinterest. These are the season’s best,most thought-provoking books thatyou can read and discuss with personalappearances by several of the authors.All Book Clubs meet monthly.Mondays, 12–1 pmWednesdays, 10:30–11:30 amWednesdays, 8:00–9:00 pmNEWLook for the annualBT Program Guide for moredetails about Mercaz and YouthCenter programs for all ages,coming in September.BETH JACOBHEBREW SCHOOLAT BETH TFILOHWe makeHebrewSchoolFUN!OUTSTANDING TEACHERSIN AN ENGAGING PROGRAMCall 410-486-1905 to enrollyour child for Fall <strong>2012</strong>.Mr. Brian Singer,Hebrew School CoordinatorHIGH HOLIDAY SEATINFORMATIONAll current <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> membersshould have received informationabout High Holiday seats in the mail.Our Seating Committee looks forwardto assisting you with your seatingrequest and has asked that all formsbe returned by the end of June. If youhave not yet returned your form andwish to reserve seats for Rosh Hashanaand Yom Kippur <strong>2012</strong>, please leave amessage for the Seating Committee at410-486-1900 Ext. 229, and your callwill be returned.NO SEATS WILL BE ASSIGNEDWITHOUT A SIGNED SEATREQUEST FORMIf you are interested in becominga member of our Congregationin order to attend High HolidayServices, please contact Eve KresinSteinberg, Executive Director atesteinberg@btfiloh.org or 410-413-2251.11

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions to our Congregation & SchoolBETH TFILOH DAHANCOMMUNITY SCHOOLIn Honor of:Faye and Abe Adler, on Bradley and Sophie’smarriage, and on Aaron and Noah becomingB’Nei Mitzvah, by Cheri and David Hurwitz andFamily.Elayne and Buzz Berg, with thanks for theirkindness, by Reta Davis.Emma Exler, by Rena and Elliot Rank.Phyllis Gold, on receiving the Federation ofJewish Women’s Tzedek Award, by Miriam andSidney Schlachman.Linda Hurwitz, with congratulations on thewonderful job she did as President of the SchoolBoard of Trustees, by Ann Neumann Libov.Judy and Irvin Hyatt, on their grandson becominga Bar Mitzvah, by Adele and Jerry Sidle.Rabbi Daniel and Alyson Lerner, on Rivki’sengagement to Yaakov Lichter, by Roselyn andIrv Kalb.Rabbi Daniel Lerner, with thanks for all of hishelp in preparing for Jessica’s Bat Mitzvah, byAmy, David, Ali, and Jessica Stampfer.A generous donation was made in recognition ofthe BT Pre School program, its teachers and staff,and the happy environment they provide theirgrandson, Spencer Miller, by Diane and DonaldMiller.Shoshana Porter, with thanks for all of her helpin preparing for Jessica’s Bat Mitzvah, by Amy,David, Ali, and Jessica Stampfer.Fran and Steve Pruce, on Alan and Caroline’smarriage, by Joel Cohn and Jill Spector.Robert Russel, on his special birthday, by Marciaand Alvin Sachs.Sandy and Heshy Schoenfeld, with thanks fortheir kindness on Shabbat, by Sandy and HowardRosenblatt.Speedy Recovery to:Mimi Cohen, by Marcia and Alvin Sachs.Bill Fox, by Ruth and David Naftaly.Rosalie Klotzman, by Roz and Irv Kalb.In Memory of:Eugene Lewis, by Adele and Jerry Sidle.Beloved sister of Jordan Macks, by Shirley and IrvLittman.Lenke Malek, by Brenda and Joseph Pariser, Renaand Sheldon Polun, Rena and Elliot Rank.BETH TFILOH DAHAN COMMUNITYSCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Shirley and Uri Avin, on Gil and Elaine’smarriage, by Susan Yurow.Becky Brenner and Emily Levin, wishing themMazel Tov and Hatzlacha on their new roles asPA Presidents, by Nina Wand and Susan Yurow.Frada and Ron Galler, on their 50th weddinganniversary, by Hazel and Martin Billick, Cheryland Scott Hayet.Cheri Hurwitz, for her countless contributions tothe school during her tenure as PA President, byNina Wand and Susan Yurow.12Gladys and Richard Kremen, for their kindnessand friendship, by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Levi,Bernice and Paul Valove.Sherry and Josh Mauer, on their wonderfulaccomplishment with Spotlight <strong>2012</strong>, by RosalieSellman.Frances Michael, on her 90th birthday, by Lillyand Isidor Mayer.Rony Natanzon, on his special birthday, by Rozand Marvin Weiner.A generous contribution was made by Barbara andMichael Noonberg.Fran and Steve Pruce, on Alan and Caroline’smarriage, by Maureen and Howard Davidov.Robert Russel, on his special birthday, by Susanand Melvin Oberfeld.Amy and David Stampfer, on Jessica becoming aBat Mitzvah, by Jane and Adam Berg.Adam Wand, on his graduation from WashingtonUniversity, by Susan Yurow.Speedy Recovery to:Bill Fox, by Roz and Marvin Weiner.Barbara Klaff, by Jeffrey Amdur.In Memory of:Beloved father of Suri Brody, by Elaine and MarcLowen.Rose Burkom by Mindy and Jud Lipowitz andFamily, Zipora Schorr.Lidia DiFranco, on Mother’s Day, by LeonidMahen.Nancy Gersuk, by Karen and Bill Glazer, ZiporaSchorr.Beloved grandfather of Jeremy Goldman, byBecky, Josh, Jacob, and Noah Brenner, Diane andLarry Seegull.Les Harlan, by Sara Saiontz Hayes and Family.Lenke Malek, by Ethel and Isaac Gheiler, Marciaand Marc Leavey.Jaclyn Rosenblatt, by Liz Dreben and Hillel Chiel,Marcia and Marc Leavey, Ellen and Joseph Miller.Frances Stark, by Freddie Traub.MICKEY AND BERNIE BLIDENMIDDLE SCHOOLIn Memory of:Stanley Bond, by Mickey and Bernie Bliden.Ruth Heimberg, by Mickey and Bernie Bliden.BROTHERHOOD S. HAROLD COHENSCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:The brother of Martin Taubenfeld, by Ellen andSidney Cohen.Henry Zetlin, by Sondra and Richard Friedkin.PAUL BURMAN HOSPITALITY FUNDIn Memory of:Eugene Lewis, by Faye and Abe Adler.DIAMOND FAMILYSCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Rabbi Daniel Lerner and the High School boysfor their participation at shiva services for RoseBurkom, by Diane and Howard Burkom.DIRECTOR OF EDUCATIONDISCRETIONARY FUNDIn Memory of:Elsie London, by Miriam and Joel Suldan.PAUL DAVID ELLINHOLOCAUST FUNDIn Memory of:Jaclyn Rosenblatt, by Irene and Robert Ellin.Nathan Zaba, by Irene and Robert Ellin.JEROME AND RHEDA FADER CAMPSCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Jerry Fader, by Terri and Van Westerlund.Jeanette Milstein, by Shelley and Robert Pinkner.GARFINKEL FAMILY LEARNINGASSISTANCE FUNDIn Honor of:Fran and Steve Pruce, on Alan’s graduation, byNancy and Darryl Garfinkel.GENERAL FUNDIn Honor of:A generous donation was made by AdaGoldenberg.Alan Pruce and Caroline Lubin, on their marriage,by Helen Silber.Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Simha, on the marriage oftheir son, by Joanne and Marshall Rief and Family.Rabbi Chaim Wecker, in appreciation of hissupport of Sam becoming a Bar Mitzvah, by Susanand Matthew Cohen.Rabbi Chaim Wecker, in appreciation of hissupport of their grandson, Sam becoming a BarMitzvah, by Judy and Arnold Zerwitz.In Memory of:Stanley Bond, by Great Oaks Lending Partners.Adeline Donner, by Marcia and David Danoff.Nancy Gersuk, by Susan and Jeffrey Coleman.Goldie Goetz, by Joyce and Gil Goetz.Betty Kleeman, by Martha and Robert Marra,Pearl Okon.Eugene K. Lewis, by Great Oak Lending Partners.The yahrzeit of Daniel Schapiro, by Peggy andBen Schapiro.Henry Zetlin, by Betty Jean and David Bavar,Sandy and Stuart Dettelbach, Mr. and Mrs.Richard Eliasberg, Joan and Howard Friedel, PearlOkon, Lenore and Michael Packman, Phyllis andBill Snyder, Lynne and Stuart Weitzman.

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772SONIA AND STANLEY GOLDBERGADOPT-A-CHILD FUNDIn Honor of:Cynthia and Jerry Stern, on the engagement oftheir daughter, Samantha, by Dawn and GlennGoldberg.In Memory of:Ruth Bierer, by Sonia and Stanley Goldberg.Florence LeBow, by Dawn and Glenn Goldberg.Beloved father of Dr. James Vogel, by Dawn andGlenn Goldberg.ALAN J. KARLIN CHATAN TORAHHONOR FUNDIn Honor of:Irwin Nudelman, on his graduation fromUniversity of Pennsylvania, by June Karlin.June Karlin, on her grandson, Jake Karlin,becoming a Bar Mitzvah, by Brenda and IrwinNudelman.Nikki and Harry Nudelman, on their weddinganniversary, by June Karlin.In Memory of:Nancy Gersuk, by Roz and Marvin Weiner.Eugene Lewis, by Roz and Marvin Weiner.MAX AND ESTHER KAYEISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Honor of:Frona Brown, on her grandsons, Aaron and NoahAdler becoming B’Nei Mitzvah, by Shelley andBob Kaye.Shelley and Bob Kaye, on their 40th weddinganniversary, by Linda and Jeffrey Cole, Ruth andDavid Naftaly.Carol and Harry Sommer, on the marriage of Aviand Kayley, by Shelley and Bob Kaye.JERRY LICHTER SCHOLARSHIPENDOWMENT FUNDSpeedy Recovery to:Roz Goldberg, by Barbara and Sam Lichter.LOWER SCHOOL LIBRARYDISCRETIONARY FUNDMazel Tov to:Shirley and Uri Avin, on Gil’s marriage to ElaineLiao, by Joyce and Marty Grand.THE MERCAZ DAHAN CENTER FORJEWISH LIFE AND LEARNINGIn Honor of:Marcie Brecher, on her graduation from lawschool, by Lois and Ben Sigman.Ruthie and David Carliner, on the marriage ofDavid to Angelica Sabinstev, by Janet and StanleyKantor.Sandy Vogel and Debbie Lebowitz, inappreciation, by Anita and Jeffrey Knisbacher.In Memory of:Lenke Malek, by Devorah and Robert Brooks.Jaclyn Rosenblatt, by Devorah and Robert Brooks.Marcia Schwartz, by Ellyn and Stephen Polakoff.Nancy Schwartz, by Ellyn and Stephen Polakoff.Henry Zetlin, by Joyce and Marshall Bedine.NELSON NEUMAN FAMILYKIDDUSH FUNDIn Honor of:Zelma and Robert Klein, on their anniversary, byHarry Gendason and Herbert Gendason.PRAYER BOOK FUNDIn Honor of:Jerome Zimmerman, on his 95th birthday, bySusan Zimmerman.Speedy Recovery to:Sam Lichter, by Dorothy and Aaron Donner.In Memory of:Beloved mother of Michael Schwartz, by Risa,Alvin, Jason, Andrew and Peri Schuster.Millie Hurwitz, by the Venick Family.Betty Kleeman, by <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Sisterhood.Henry Zetlin, by Robert Anbinder Family, GwennEisenberg, Ruth Eisenberg, Marshall E. Feldman,Lisa and Brad Trattner, Robin and Harold Tucker.RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDCheri and Jeb Brownstein, on the birth of theirgrandson, Liam Mordechai Siegel, by Marsha andJacob Danick.Angela and Alex Munitz, on the engagement oftheir son, Adam to Ryan Rosner, by Marsha andJacob Danick.Marilyn and Ronald Smullian, on theiranniversary, by Barrie and Harold Smullian.Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg, in appreciation of hishelp preparing Sam for his Bar Mitzvah, by Susanand Matthew Cohen.Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg, in appreciation of hissupport of their grandson, Sam becoming a BarMitzvah, by Judy and Arnold Zerwitz.Speedy Recovery to:Jill Brown, by Rhoda and Stanley Brown.Rosalie Klotzman, by Beverly and Leon Albin.In Memory of:Nancy Gersuk, by Lisa Stein and Bob Rombro.Goldie Goetz, by Joyce and Gil Goetz.Rose and Chiyam Kutzer, by Barrie and HaroldSmullian.Henry Zetlin, by Bernice Brafman, Naomi Snyderand Maxine Solomon, Carla and Bob Cohen,Amy Dash, Beverly and Arnold Feldman, Lillianand Willard Hackerman and Family, Lesley andIra Hantman, Phyllis and Phil Horelick, EllenJachman and Cindy and Stephen Bradley, Loisand Jacob Miliman, Linda and Ralph Ringler,Tammy and Stan Spungen.RABBI SAMUEL ROSENBLATTMEMORIAL FUNDIn Memory of:Jaclyn Rosenblatt, by the Cooper Family, theGordon Family, Evelyn Gross and Family, Judyand Jerry Macks and Family, Holly and StevenVenick and Family.KATARINA SAMUELSCHOLARSHIP FUNDIn Memory of:Charlotte Shoemaker, by Dodi and Joey Samueland Family.MILTON AND RAE SAMUELSONMEMORIAL FUNDIn Memory of:Mildred Attman, by Barbara and Steve Samuelson.SISTERHOOD GIFT FUNDIn Honor of:Sheila Mentz, on being honored by Har Sinai, byLoryn Lesser.Hilda Yankelov, on becoming Co-President of theSisterhood, by Edith Yankelov.Judy and Arnold Zerwitz, on their grandson,Sam, becoming a Bar Mitzvah, and on their 50thwedding anniversary, by Sandy and SheldonDobres.In Memory of:Betty Kleeman, by Joyce and Tom Stern.SARAH Z. TUVIN COMPUTER SCIENCEROOMIn Honor of:Louise and Morty Macks, on their 60th weddinganniversary, by the Jim Tuvin Family.13

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772Samuel Carmel, by Sanford ShapiroDoris Chernock, Ronnie SilversteinAnna Cohen, by Harry CohenSylvia Dackman, by Elliot DackmanHarvey Damsky, by Louise MacksElsie Davidov, by Howard DavidovStephanie Woolfson Dawson, by Martin WoolfsonAdolph DeBois, by Theodore DeBoisMelvin M. Desser, by Dorothy RothRuth Desser, by Dorothy RothTamara Dzhanashvili, by Ruth PennMilton Edelman, by Myrna CardinJulia Eisenstadt, by Dora WaranchHerman Engel, by Rita SollodLouis Epstein, by Gloria LessingSidney B. Epstein, by Elliott EpsteinPhyllis H. Finkelstein, by Jack FinkelsteinLouis Fishbein, by Blanche BernsteinDonald Flax, by Mickey BlidenRebecca Freeland, by Doris RombroEmanuel Freeman, by Sharon Caplan, Reta FreemanSadie Freeman, by Reta FreemanCarl Garonzik, by Robert GaronzikAnnette Gendason, by Harry Gendason, HerbertGendasonTillie Gendason, by Herbert GendasonMax Geshekter, by Charles Geshekter and RuthGeshekter MillwardDavid Gilden, by Steven GildenSol Glassner, by Bernard AmernickLillian Frances Goldberg, by Stanley GoldbergRita Goldscheider, by Edward GoldscheiderBessie Goldscher, by Phyllis RadinskyHelen Granat, by Julie <strong>August</strong>Sadie Grand, by Martin GrandDavid Greenberg, by Rosalie RapoportFlorence Groh, by B. Herbert GrohJanette Hack, by Florence BrillLothar Haas, by Maureen Davidov, Stanley HaasJanette Hack, by Karen GlazerIsadore Halikman, by Louis HalikmanEleanor Harris, by Alvin KatzIsrael Hendler, by Edna HendlerEthel Hoffman, by Ronald HoffmanSarah R. Horwitz, by Norris HorwitzPhillip Hyatt, by Iriving HyattMalcolm Jacobson, by Thelma JacobsonIlia Janashvili, by Aleksandr DzhanashviliPerry Judelson, by Lynne Haas, Edith JudelsonHarry W. Kandel, by Ronna PlotkinSheindal Kasner, by Harvey KasnerHarold Katcoff, by Anna Jeanette KatcoffSylvia Kellman, by Mildred AronoffHilda Kirson, by Edith YankelovLillian Klein, by Robert KleinMorris Klein, by Robert KleinSarah Kotelchuck, by Joseph KotelchuckFay Kossow, by Carole FradkinAlan Kramer, by Janis KramerClara Kramer, by Libby WolffRachel Leah Kravetsky, by Sonia MaltinskyAbraham Lamb, by Richard LambIris Lapidus, by Mark LapidusLeonard L. Levin, by Sally ThomasAbraham Levitz, by Dana LevitzMinnie Levy, by Carolyn NoelSolomon Levy, by Devera NachmanMolly Lipman, by Ilene StarkMollie Lustbader, by William LustbaderEva Markowitz, by Carl MarkowitzMorton Mazor, by Anne Mazor CohenBernice Miller, by Sonia Groh, Dorothy RothDora Miller, by Sheila KesslerRobert Miller, by Joseph MillerSara Millstone, by J. Max MillstoneElla Newman, by Wilma AlpertMuriel Neuberger, by Linda BergofskyRose Neuman, by Phyllis NeumanHerbert Noel, by Carolyn NoelRaymond Noel, by Carolyn NoelThomas Noel, by Carolyn NoelIsrael H. Neuman, by Phyllis NeumanAnna Pack, by Julie <strong>August</strong>Shirley Patz, by Joel FedderLouis Plimack, by Elayne BergSophia Polovoy, by Eleanore Polovoy, NormanPolovoyGeorge Pototsky, by Ronald PototskySophie Pototsky, by Ronald PototskyErna Prager, by Lutz Alexander PragerAbraham Prostic, by Joyce Prostic MillerHarry L. Robinson, by Joan Friedel, Marlyn SeidmanAnna Rombro, by Richard RombroMorris Rombro, by Marvin RombroAl Rooner, by Loretta RoonerJoseph Eli Roxin, by Julie <strong>August</strong>Minnie Rudolph, by Janet KotelchuckDaniel Sandler, by Alan SandlerBernard Schein, by Sanford ScheinMax David Schleider, by Leonard SchleiderSidney Schloss, by Stephen SchlossRose Schnydman, by Lois MilimanMeyer Schofer, by Mitzi Glick, Edith SussmanRose Schofer, by Mitzi GlickJoseph Schwartz, by Louis SchwartzMichael Max Schwartz, by David SchwartzJack Schweitzer, by Toby MartinCarrie Sellman, by Betty CaplanIsidor Sellman, by Betty CaplanTheodore Setren, by Sonya SetrenLeon Shavitz, by Reta DavisFrieda Shor, by Kenie ZutkoffNathan Silverstein, by Harriet SilversteinEli Simpson, by Charlene SchimbergSarah Simpson, by Charlene SchimbergJacob Sklar, by Norman SklarArlene Smolar, by Robin Smolar MinkoffShirley Sonnenfeldt, by Revanne AronoffSamuel (Sacha) Spector, by Libby WolffIda Sprafkin, by Judy WoolfsonMorris Sprafkin, by Judy WoolfsonLee Stein, by Elinor SteinDoris Sukoneck, by Karen CohenHarold Sukoneck, by Karen CohenMorris L. Supnick, by Daniel SupnickMary Sussman, by Florence Brill, Karen GlazerHarry Taback, by Marcia MillerRose Taback, by Marcia MillerRose Velder, by Eli VelderClarita Waldman, by Jane GoldsekerBenjamin H. Weiner, by Anna Jeanette KatcoffFelix Weiner, by Ralph WeinerBenjamin Weisman, by Shirley ErkesAnna Wender, by Loretta RoonerGoldie White, by RichardLambGoldie Wolfe, by CharlesGeshekter and RuthGeshekter MillwardRose Jacobs Woolfson, byMartin WoolfsonMartha Yevzeroff, by BarbaraZerivitzSelman Gold Zerivitz, by A.David ZerivitzSophie Zerwitz, by ArnoldZerwitzJoseph Zilber, by Leslie BlattRose Zuessman, by BettyJacobs KeyserNew Membersohtcv ohfurcWe are delighted to welcomeRonald and Roberta Katz andMelissa Stein to the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>Family as new members. Ronald andRoberta are parents of Lauren Katzand new member Melissa Stein.Ronald is an attorney with RonaldKatz Law Offices in Owings Mills,MD, Roberta is retired. Melissais employed with the Office ofEnrollment Management at Universityof Maryland University College inLargo, Maryland as Assistant Directorof Operations and Special ProjectsWe welcome back Carl Tuvin as anout of town member.We warmly welcome Michael andRivka Bresler to the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>family. Michael and Rivka are parentsof Yoni, in kindergarten at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>and Ami, in the 3’s class at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>.Rivka is the daughter of our membersAnn and Sheldon Berman. Michael isa Project Manager with BroadridgeFinancial Services in Owings Mills,MD. Rivka is a teacher in <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>’sLower School and a 1998 alumna ofour High School.We are pleased to welcome Edwardand Robyn Schaffer to the <strong>Beth</strong><strong>Tfiloh</strong> family. Edward and Robynare parents of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> students,Joseph Kuttler in 11 th grade and GilKuttler in 9 th grade. Edward is a HomeImprovement Contractor for CHAI inBaltimore, MD and Robyn is a PracticeManager for GBMC of Hunt Valley,MD.15

BETH TFILOH BULLETIN JUly-august <strong>2012</strong> A tammuz-elul 5772<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> CongregationRoz & Marvin H. Weiner Family Campus3300 Old Court Road / Baltimore, MD 21208Celebrating the Joy of JudaismEmbracing all JewsWe’re a part of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong>.Non-Profit OrgU.S. PostageP A I DPermit No. 1262Baltimore, MDBETH T FILOHSynagogue Office 410-486-1900Fax 410-653-0603Schedule of Services Dial 6, 2Information Hotline 410-413-2345mail@btfiloh.org • www.<strong>Beth</strong><strong>Tfiloh</strong>.com<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> CongregationRabbi Mitchell Wohlberg Ext. 215Rabbi Daniel Lerner Ext. 213Rabbi Chai Posner Ext. 219Hazzan Avraham Albrecht Ext. 212Rabbi Chaim Wecker, Ritual Director Ext. 218Dr. Marc Leavey, PresidentLee A. Sheller, Board ChairmanEve Kresin Steinberg, Executive Director Ext. 251?, CFO Ext. 210<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Dahan Community SchoolSwitchboard: 410-486-1905Zipora Schorr, Director of Education Ext 305Linda Hurwitz, President, Board of TrusteesRabbi Aaron Frank, HS Principal Ext. 402Rabbi Yehuda Oratz, MS Principal Ext. 407Nina Wand, LS Principal Ext. 508Melissa Lebowitz, PreSchool Director Ext 303Brian Singer, Hebrew School Coordinator Ext 523Laurie Kott, Director of Admission Ext. 308Harriet Rosen, School Administrator Ext. 310Joan Feldman, Director of Communications Ext. 312Mandi Miller, Development Director Ext. 399<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Youth Center Ext. 220Cherie Brownstein, Youth DirectorMERCAZ Dahan Centerfor jewish life and learningSandy Vogel, Director Ext. 306Fran Pruce & Loryn Lesser, Co-ChairsAnd BT’s a part of us.BT is our preschool. It’s our community. It’s where grown-ups take careof us and help us explore the world, create new things, and learn tothink. It’s where we have fun, make new friends, and celebrate Jewishtraditions. At BT we’re learning who we are.For more information about your place in our preschool, call thePreSchool Office at 410.486.1905.<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Camps 410-517-3451David Schimmel, DirectorRon Davis, ChairIsrael Advocacy CommitteeLarry Feldman & Joshua Gurewitsch, Co-ChairsMembership Committee Ext. 251Terry Alpert & Melissa Peters, Co-Chairs<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> CemeteryWendy Farley, Cemetery Coordinator Ext. 241Morris Segall, ChairParent Association Ext. 314Becky Brenner & Emily Levin, Co-Presidents“Little Me at BT” gives toddlers great beginnings in schoolLittle Me at BT is the first year of BT’s outstanding preschool program, designed for childrenages 14 to 23 months with any accompanying parent or other adult. Sessions meet onemorning per week and include art, movement, music, programs celebrating Jewish themes,snacks and stoires. Little Me at BT gives our youngest children a wonderful introduction to thePreSchool experience. Openings available for Fall <strong>2012</strong> and Winter 2013.PreSchool through Grade 12<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Tfiloh</strong> Dahan Community School. Learning together. For life.bethtfiloh.com / 3300 Old Court Road, Baltimore, MD 21208/410.486.1905Brotherhood Ext. 238Charles Jay, PresidentSisterhood Ext. 239Marcia Leavey & Hilda Yankelov, Co-PresidentsEvelyn Gross & Shirley Miller, Gift ShopChesed CommitteeIrv Hyatt, ChairRoselyn Kalb, Sisterhood ChairBulletinJoan Feldman, Director of Communications Ext. 312Rina Goloskov, Senior Communications Associate Ext. 369Lori Bernstein, Graphic Designer/Communications Associate Ext. 216Charlene Schimberg, Communications Assistant Ext. 21716

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