Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

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GOING BTG WITHOUT CHANGING BODYQuestion from Kamalavati ddDecember 16, 1995I was very surprised to read in SB 1.15.47-48 that "the Pandavas, beánycompletely washed of all material contamination, attained that abode in theirvery same bodies". In the purp SP writes "According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, aperson freed from the three modes of material qualities,..., and situated intranscendence can reach the highest perfaction of life without change of body."I was so surprised to read this because we hear so many times a day that we arenot the body. Moroever so many pure devotees in our parampara for exemple weredefenitly free from "the three modes of materiál qualities" but still we knowthat they have their eternal form in the spiritual world. Guru Maharaja, can youplease kindly explain this?Answer by Suhotra SwamiDecember 8, 1995First thing is, you have to be prepared for events in the lila of the Lord andHis devotees that are completely outside of your power of understanding. Then,one conclusion we are obliged to draw here is that the "bodies" of the Pandavasare actually their own transcendental siddha-deha forms. Just as Krsna appearsand disappears in His own form, coming to the material world and leaving itwithout changing His body, so also do His eternal associates like the Pandavas.That it indicates they became free of the modes of nature is a lesson for us,just like Arjuna's "falling into Maya" on the battlefield of Kuruksetra is alesson for us. But all this is happening under the direction and protection ofthe Supreme Personality of Godhead.JAYA & VIJAYAQuestion from Bhakta MaximDecember 22, 1995While reading Srimad Bhagavatam I came across one interesting statement in8.21.16-17. This is a description of a fight between Lord Vamanadeva'sassociates and Bali Maharaja's demoniac soldiers. But among other associates ofthe Lord, Jaya and Vijaya are listed that is quite surprising, since they weresupposed to be somewhere in material world by that time, having already takenbirth once as Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu. The later was the great-grandfatherof Bali Maharaja. And they the two still had two more births in the materialworld ahead to go through. How was it possible for them to act in the meanwhileas the Lord's associates? Were they some other Jaya and Vijaya (may be there aremany on Vaikuntha)?Answer by Suhotra SwamiDecember 22, 1995One thing we should learn as devotees. As soon as our minds start to think,"How is this possible" in connection with the lila of the Lord and His devotees,we should become very conscious of our insignificance. But still, we should tryto understand and not be blind followers, so the question is good. Among theassociates mentioned are Nanda and Sunanda. But they are not the Nanda(Maharaja) and Sunanda Gopa of Goloka Vrndavana. They are another Nanda andSunanda from Vaikuntha. There are other examples of residents of differentregions in the spiritual sky sharing the same names. There is a cowherd bodynamed Arjuna, different from the Arjuna of the Bhagavad-gita, for instance.There are countless Vaikuntha planets with countless doorkeepers, servants,

associates, etc. Lord Vamana has His own planet. It is not indicated anywherethat the 4 Kumaras visited Vamana-loka. So . . . I believe the answer is quiteclear by now.Comment by Bhakta MaximDecember 23, 1995Thank you very much for the explicit answer.Comment by Bhakta Jan MaresDecember 30, 1995Is your answer pertaining also to the Rahu's presence in the battle (SB 8.10.30-31, 8.21.19) ? (Some demon Rahu was already killed: SB 8.9.25).Answer by Suhotra SwamiDecember 30, 1995I don't see your logic. The question and answer concerned the Lord's associatesin Vaikuntha. You are brining in a demon, and asking if my answer pertains tohim also. Demons are not generally described as beány residents of Vaikuntha.Comment by Bhakta Jan MaresDecember 30, 1995I'm really sorry for not being clear, Maharaja. By no means I wanted to comparethe Lord's associates with a demon. Rather I tried to find out the identity of ademon named Rahu participating in the battle between the demigods and thedemons, because the one generálky known was killed by Mohini-murti before thebattle started. Therefore it's difficult to imagine how he could take part inthat battle. You indicated that there are persons with the same names and I drewconclusion from it that this could be also possible in this case of Rahu(s). AmI wrong?Thank you for your patience with me.Answer by Suhotra SwamiDecember 31, 1995Well, if it can be true of the devotees, why not the demons?true of the karmis. Many people have the same name.It is certainly

GOING BTG WITHOUT CHANGING BODYQuestion from Kamalavati ddDecember 16, <strong>1995</strong>I was very surprised to read in SB 1.15.47-48 that "the Pandavas, beánycompletely washed of all material contamination, attained that abode in theirvery same bodies". In the purp SP writes "According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, aperson freed from the three modes of material qualities,..., and situated intranscendence can reach the highest perfaction of life without change of body."I was so surprised to read this because we hear so many times a day that we arenot the body. Moroever so many pure devotees in our parampara for exemple weredefenitly free from "the three modes of materiál qualities" but still we knowthat they have their eternal form in the spiritual world. Guru <strong>Maharaja</strong>, can youplease kindly explain this?Answer by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiDecember 8, <strong>1995</strong>First thing is, you have to be prepared for events in the lila of the Lord andHis devotees that are completely outside of your power of understanding. Then,one conclusion we are obliged to draw here is that the "bodies" of the Pandavasare actually their own transcendental siddha-deha forms. Just as Krsna appearsand disappears in His own form, coming to the material world and leaving itwithout changing His body, so also do His eternal associates like the Pandavas.That it indicates they became free of the modes of nature is a lesson for us,just like Arjuna's "falling into Maya" on the battlefield of Kuruksetra is alesson for us. But all this is happening under the direction and protection ofthe Supreme Personality of Godhead.JAYA & VIJAYAQuestion from Bhakta MaximDecember 22, <strong>1995</strong>While reading Srimad Bhagavatam I came across one interesting statement in8.21.16-17. This is a description of a fight between Lord Vamanadeva'sassociates and Bali <strong>Maharaja</strong>'s demoniac soldiers. But among other associates ofthe Lord, Jaya and Vijaya are listed that is quite surprising, since they weresupposed to be somewhere in material world by that time, having already takenbirth once as Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu. The later was the great-grandfatherof Bali <strong>Maharaja</strong>. And they the two still had two more births in the materialworld ahead to go through. How was it possible for them to act in the meanwhileas the Lord's associates? Were they some other Jaya and Vijaya (may be there aremany on Vaikuntha)?Answer by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiDecember 22, <strong>1995</strong>One thing we should learn as devotees. As soon as our minds start to think,"How is this possible" in connection with the lila of the Lord and His devotees,we should become very conscious of our insignificance. But still, we should tryto understand and not be blind followers, so the question is good. Among theassociates mentioned are Nanda and Sunanda. But they are not the Nanda(<strong>Maharaja</strong>) and Sunanda Gopa of Goloka Vrndavana. They are another Nanda andSunanda from Vaikuntha. There are other examples of residents of differentregions in the spiritual sky sharing the same names. There is a cowherd bodynamed Arjuna, different from the Arjuna of the Bhagavad-gita, for instance.There are countless Vaikuntha planets with countless doorkeepers, servants,

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