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experience and his unexpected crucifixion acc. to their capacity and who acc. tomy understanding quite didn't get it. Vaishnavera kriya mudra. The difference toSri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is that he had highly elevated and learned men aroundhim to preserve his teachings. Here we have fishers, simple men.However, these men, while not perceiving the teachings of Jesus BEYOND the Torahwere serious devotees, adhering to ascetic practices and Vegetarianism(inconceivable that they would not have been taught this by Jesus himself - "noservant is greater that his master") These were the puritans, later condemned asfanatics and finally declared heretical in their succeeding movements asEbionites and Nazarites (all Vegetarian).It is most significant that they described Paul as the first Christian Apostate(that means who fell from the faith) They were for at least twenty years heavilyembroiled in fighting with Paul and followers and ultimately lost the battle.Due to their Jewish-ness they would acc to scholars have participated in theRise of all of Israel in rise against the Romans. Consequently they would havenot survived the ensuing massacre of the entitě city of Jerusalem in 7o AD.There are description of a flight to Transjordania, pella though. But thesepeople were scattered, all information about them are distorted and possiblydestroyed by later Christian fanatics.Only AFTER all that all 4 Gospels were compiled...Paul and his followers make up the next phase of Christian development.Different from the original disciples of Jesus Paul was an intellectual, thefirst Theologian, well trained, according to him trained at the feet of thefamous Pharisaic teacher and scribe Gamaliel (Acts 22:3, this report is by theway is doubted by scholars). Naturally in comparison to him the Jerusalemcommunity was no match.He had no proper concepts of the teachings of Jesus either (having never metJesus except as described by Paul himself in his encounter on the Road toDamascus (which is impossible to verify and I cannot help to have some doubtsabout) And even if he met Jesus, the instructions from him are very differentfrom what he must told the other apostles. Hence the controversy.Like everyone else he is similarly on the bodily platform by all accounts, andbeing trapped in the thought patterns of his Pharisaic upbringing (who were bythe way the only Jewish sect which believed in the RESURRECTION of the dead , -hence hardly any traces are left in the later Gospels of reincarnationalconcepts and the resurrection of the flesh is prominently featured) Let us notforget that the Pharisees Sect were not exactly the target of Jesus' adoration.Paul would define now Christianity according to his realization. It isindicative that he does not at all dwell in all of his writings on thehistorical Jesus or his sayings like one would expect from him (like we saySrila Prabhupada said this and Srila Prabhupada said that). Indeed there arehardly a handful of references to the historical person. Rather he goes to workwith expounding his own philosophy which acc to his own writings areunacceptable by the direct followers of Jesus.At the heart of it all is the idea of the Salvation coming from the cross. It isthe cross which becomes the climax event from now on, providing the Salvationof men. Acc to the Torah crucifixion of a person actually points to the divinedamnation of the victim. ".. If a man guilty of a capital offense is put todeath and his body is hung on a tree, 23 you must not leave his body on thetree overnight. Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung ona tree is under God's curse."(Deuteronomy 21:22-23)

Paul rationalized that Jesus surviving crucifixion shows that he actuallydislodged the Torah and it's teaching. By the death of Jesus and hisResurrection the Torah had become irrelevant and the end the old covenant ofMoses had come: "...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, andare justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by ChristJesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in hisblood." (Roman 3:23-25)" For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing thelaw. (Roman 3:28)This of course is a whole step further from the teachings of Jesus who, seeabove declared the Torah not irrelevant (for the general public) but ratherpointed towards the fulfillment of the Torah in pure Bhakti:"...'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and withall your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second islike it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS HANG ONTHESE TWO COMMANDMENTS. (!!!)" (Matthew 22:37-40)Jesus thus spoke the truth when he said that in Bhakti the Torah was fulfilled:"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have notcome to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matthew 5:17)Praise the Lord.But for Paul the teachings of Jesus, the Jesus of History was practicallyirrelevant. Rather the cross, that very thing which brought about in the pastcondemnation now provided Salvation of mankind and inaugurated a new age. Notdeeds were yielding salvation (Like in the old Jewish religion), (and true:sanatan dharma is not the ascending path) but only faith in Jesus crucified,dying for our sins and resurrected on the third day.Christianity was invented and is based on this crucial error.As Paul was preaching in the Greco-Roman world (where Savior Gods were en vogue,dying on behalf of their followers) this concept fell on most Vergile grounds.Indeed as I have pointed out in Text 242539 of this conference, the specific daysat aside as Christmas is actually the birth day of the Roman God Mitra who wasworshipped as the savior of Mankind. This day was also termed as 'Dies NatalisInvict', the day of the Unconquerable.So my understanding now of all this is:Paul and James/Peter's party had poor understanding of the transcendentalmessage of Jesus - both being on the bodily platform. The Jerusalem Churchdeviated, regressing to a certain degree into Judaism after the demise of themaster. Paul who, differently from them, understood the message of Jesus to beuniversal speculated wildly. He threw out the Torah, lock stock an barrel, andconcocted various elements (also deification of Jesus) which are based onauthority neither of the Torah nor Veda. (After all why should God be on themental platform, that here somebody had to die on the cross for our sins while5000 years before Krishna clearly declared aham tvam sarva papebhyohmohshayishyami etc. Even Vasudeva datta was not allowed to take the sins of theuniverse..Because the second phase of Christianity presents James and Peter clearly asVegetarian (I will show that in my publication in the later writings of thefathers of the Church). They had no faith in the concept of salvation comingfrom the cross (see Letter of James, possibly not by James himself but breathinghis spirit), they knew Jesus better than that. And it's absolutely amazing thatPaul actually tells it himself: "...One man's faith allows him to eat

Paul rationalized that Jesus surviving crucifixion shows that he actuallydislodged the Torah and it's teaching. By the death of Jesus and hisResurrection the Torah had become irrelevant and the end the old covenant ofMoses had come: "...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, andare justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by ChristJesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in hisblood." (Roman 3:23-25)" For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing thelaw. (Roman 3:28)This of course is a whole step further from the teachings of Jesus who, seeabove declared the Torah not irrelevant (for the general public) but ratherpointed towards the fulfillment of the Torah in pure Bhakti:"...'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and withall your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second islike it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS HANG ONTHESE TWO COMMANDMENTS. (!!!)" (Matthew 22:37-40)Jesus thus spoke the truth when he said that in Bhakti the Torah was fulfilled:"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have notcome to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matthew 5:17)Praise the Lord.But for Paul the teachings of Jesus, the Jesus of History was practicallyirrelevant. Rather the cross, that very thing which brought about in the pastcondemnation now provided Salvation of mankind and inaugurated a new age. Notdeeds were yielding salvation (Like in the old Jewish religion), (and true:sanatan dharma is not the ascending path) but only faith in Jesus crucified,dying for our sins and resurrected on the third day.Christianity was invented and is based on this crucial error.As Paul was preaching in the Greco-Roman world (where Savior Gods were en vogue,dying on behalf of their followers) this concept fell on most Vergile grounds.Indeed as I have pointed out in Text 242539 of this conference, the specific daysat aside as Christmas is actually the birth day of the Roman God Mitra who wasworshipped as the savior of Mankind. This day was also termed as 'Dies NatalisInvict', the day of the Unconquerable.So my understanding now of all this is:Paul and James/Peter's party had poor understanding of the transcendentalmessage of Jesus - both being on the bodily platform. The Jerusalem Churchdeviated, regressing to a certain degree into Judaism after the demise of themaster. Paul who, differently from them, understood the message of Jesus to beuniversal speculated wildly. He threw out the Torah, lock stock an barrel, andconcocted various elements (also deification of Jesus) which are based onauthority neither of the Torah nor Veda. (After all why should God be on themental platform, that here somebody had to die on the cross for our sins while5000 years before Krishna clearly declared aham tvam sarva papebhyohmohshayishyami etc. Even Vasudeva datta was not allowed to take the sins of theuniverse..Because the second phase of Christianity presents James and Peter clearly asVegetarian (I will show that in my publication in the later writings of thefathers of the Church). They had no faith in the concept of salvation comingfrom the cross (see Letter of James, possibly not by James himself but breathinghis spirit), they knew Jesus better than that. And it's absolutely amazing thatPaul actually tells it himself: "...One man's faith allows him to eat

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