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Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

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nose and mala, kanthi, also." Sahaja bhajana kache mamu sange lana pare bhalo:"And he's, he has become a Vaisnava by illicit sex." This is stated byBhaktivinoda Thakura. "Here is a Kali's chela. He has dressed like a Vaisnava,but he is doing his bhajan with illicit sex." Sahaje bhajana kache mamu sangelana pare bhalo. You know? There is a class of sahajiyas?Bali Mardana: Yes.Prabhupada: Yes. Vaisnavas. Just like, dress like Rupa Gosvami, loincloth, and,but three dozen women behind him.Bali Mardana: Yes, gopis.Prabhupada: So Bhaktivinoda Thakura: "Here is a disciple of Kali. He has tilakaand he has kunti and he's doing this nonsense." Eita kalir chela. (SP morningwalk July 13, 1974)Comment by Narakara dasNovember 12, <strong>1995</strong>Well, on reading bhakta Jan's question regarding "scriptural reference to ourfour regulative principles," I immediatelly recalled one verse in connection:loke vyavayamisa-madya-sevanitya hi jantor na hi tatra codanavyavasthitis tesu vivaha-yajnasura-grahairasu nivrttir istaTRANSLATION: In this material world the conditioned soul is always inclined tosex, meat-eating and intoxication. Therefore religious scriptures never actuallyencourage such activities. Although the scriptural injunctions provide for sexthrough sacred marriage, for meat-eating through sacrificial offerings and forintoxication through the acceptance of ritual cups of wine, such ceremonies aremeant for the ultimate purpose of renunciation. (SB 11.5.11)Srila Prabhupada in one lecture comments:In the sastra it is said, loke vyavayamisa-madya-seva nityas-tu jantor na hitatra cadana. In the sastras, there is recommendation that "You can eat meatunder certain certain condition. You can drink under certain conditions. You canmarry, sex life, under certain conditions." Loke vyavaya amisa madya-seva.Vyavaya means sex; and amisa means meat eating; and madya-seva, drinking,intoxication. So sastra says that "Everyone, every living entity, has got ageneral tendency for these things: sex life, meat-eating and drinking." Thenwhere is the need of sastric injunction? That sastric injunction is there not toencourage them, but to restrict them. In the human life, pravrttir esam bhutanamnrvttes tu maha-phalam.You have got a tendency for sex life. Take for example. This is your tendency.But if you can check it, that is your success. Not that because you have gottendency, you have to increase it. That is not human civilization. Humancivilization means we have got so many snímal propensities, and if we cancontrol them, that is advancement of human civilization. Just try to understand.Not that "Because I have got this tendency, let me increase it without anyrestriction." That is not human civilization. (SB Lectures, 1.16.21, Hawaii,January 17, 1974)Comment by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiNovember 12, <strong>1995</strong>Yes, that is a useful quote also, which I too sometimes use in class, exceptthat as an answer to this particular question, gambling is not mentioned. SB1.17.38 mentions all four (un)regulative principles.

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