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Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

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could not even get that. And they lived in the jungle, in caves or inunderground tunnels. And of course they were very conscious of death being verynear. Don't forget, this was all due to a strong belief ... in completelymundane ideals. They were atheists.Buddhists are also atheists. Yet in Buddhist monasteries, monks and nunsperform very similar rigid austerities as do these Christians you mention.Of course, we accept (as Prabhupada taught) that Jesus Christ is a saktyavesaavatar of Krsna, as is Lord Buddha. So there is certainly much more benefit inpracticing austerities in the name of Jesus or Buddha than in the name of Ho ChiMinh or some similar materialistic socio-political leader. But as SrilaPrabhupada explained to Yogi Amrit Desai, if bhakti-yoga is not performedproperly (i.e. under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master), then allone gets for one's hard work is simply the result of the work, in other words,karma. It can be very good karma that results in a birth in heaven. But ifreal spiritual standing is not awakened (realization of the self as distinctfrom the body, and the function of the eternal self as servant of the SupremePerson), then the benefit from such practices *must* be material. SrilaPrabhupada even said that sentimental appreciation of his own books andteachings by a person in the sudra category, who does not follow the fourregulative principles, will not bring that person to Krsna consciousness. "Itis not possible," he said. "We require first-class men to understand thisphilosophy." In other words, brahmanas who strictly adhere to the sadacara andwho cultivate transcendental knowledge by the authorized process handed down bythe acaryas.Comment by Mukhya ddSeptember 6, <strong>1995</strong>I would like to ask a question in connection with the statement by SrilaPrabhupada that only first-class men can understand Krsna conscious philosophy.Sometimes sankirtan devotees say that they meet in the street persons who readcarefully Srila Prabhupada's books and some of those persóna know and appreciatethe books much more than the regular devotees in the temple. Is it possible thatsuch persons who obviously do not follow the regulative principles and aboveall, who have not surrendered unto a spiritual master, are able to understandthe philosophy better than the devotee who is trying to live the philosophy byexecuting devotional service?Answer by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiSeptember 6, <strong>1995</strong>Perhaps they understand it better as theory, or jnana. But if they do notfollow the regulative principles, then they have no vijnana (realization). Andthat means they have no solid spiritual standing.HONESTYQuestion from Kamalavati ddSeptember 12, <strong>1995</strong>Sometimes my service is to be in the Boutique in RD and it happens that poepleare quite space out and give more laxmi than needed without being aware.Iusually give them back what is more than nessecary and they are veryappreciative since it was their own fault to give so much and think that it'sok. So I was wondaring if they'll become more purified if I simply take thelaxmi and use it in in Krsna's service or if I give them back the money (which

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