Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

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A footnote to the previous text:It should be noted that Srila Prabhupada did appoint rtvik gurus to initiate onhis behalf during his manifest pastimes on this planet. There were severalsenior sannyasis who chanted on the Brada and selected the names of Prabhupada'sinitiates as early as 1974. In 1977, Srila Prabhupada selected 11 rtviks toinitiate devotees on his behalf; they were to become "regular gurus" after hisdeparture, and thereafter the devotees they initiated would become their owndisciples. These were Prabhupada's clear instructions.The so-called rtvik philosophers have interpreted his instructions in anotherway. They argue--on no tangible evidence whatsoever--that Prabhupada meant theeleven to remain rtviks even after his departure. This conception has beentermed "the philosophy of posthumous rtvik initiation." The first dictionarydefinition of the word "posthumous" is, "denoting a child born after thefather's death." Thus the rtvik philosophers argue that Srila Prabhupada willcontinue to fater spiritual children via rtvik initiation even after hisdeparture. But this is their own concoction. Such an idea is not reflected inSrila Prabhupada's own instructions.So the point of departure between Prabhupada's rtvik system and that proposed bythe so-called rtvik philosophers is precisely the point of departure of SrilaPrabhupada from this mortal world. After Prabhupada departed, the rtvik systemof initiation that he established during his manifest pastimes came to an end--by his own order, in accordance with the system of guru-parampara.LORD BRAHMAQuestion from Bhagavat Dharma dasMay 1, <strong>1995</strong>I have some questions about Lord Brahma: Does Lord Brahma ever fight demons? Ishe carrying any weapons? We see the account of demons or others like Daksaattack or offend Lord siva. Is there also such accounts about Lord Brahma?Answer by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiMay 2, <strong>1995</strong>According to Mahabharata Adi Parva 224.23, the Gandiva bow was formely LordBrahma's. He gave Lord Siva a sword (MB Santiparva 166.45). But because LordBrahma is the original brahmana of this universe, he does not engage in combatwith weapons like the ksatriyas. He blesses others with celestial weapons. Asfar as I know, he rarely fights with anyone.There is a narration in the Padma Purana of a dispute between Lord Brahma andLord Siva. In this controversy, Brahma created a powerful warrior named Svedajato fight for him. Since he is the creator of all living entities, why should hehave to fight himself?EGOISTIC PRINCIPLE SAMBUQuestion from Bhakta Jan MaresMay 16, <strong>1995</strong>In Brahma-samhita 16, purport by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta is mentioned "egotisticprinciple Sambhu" with regard to soul coming to the materiál world. What does itmean?

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