Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

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to tell how he was abducted to another planet by a UFO said about theexperience, "Believe me, I was not one happy camper!" In another magazine I sawan article about American prisoners of war that some people believe are stillbeing held in captivity by the Vietnamese. The magazine printed a questionablephotograph that these believers use as evidence. According to the USgovernment, the 3 white men in the photo are not Americans, but Russians. A USgovernment spokesman was quoted as saying, "All I see when I look at thispicture are 3 fat, happy campers."But actually in my case, Camper is an Anglicized version of Kaempfer. My fatherwas a Prussian of that name from Danzig (now called Gdansk) who moved to Canadaafter the Second World War, where he changed his name to Camper. He didn't likethe way people associated his name with "Mein Kampf". My first name is Hapgood,the name of a friend of my father in Halifax who helped him get established in"economic development" when he first arrived there. Shorten Hapgood to Hap, andyou have Hap Camper, my material upadhi.Your servant,Bhakta HapPS: Anything to say about Aum Shinrikyu, the poison gas sect in Japan?Comment by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiMarch 25, <strong>1995</strong>, 13:53 SWTWho's heard of the Mad Gasser of Mattoon out there in <strong>Danda</strong>-land?Comment by (erased object 1833)March 25, <strong>1995</strong>, 13:56 SWTOh, yes, <strong>Maharaja</strong>! The Mad Gasser of Mattoon is a VERY esoteric reference! Iam impressed! He was something like a Midwestern USA Springheels Jack, onlywith poison gas that never left a trace.This Aum Shinrikyu group seems to be in touch with similar inauspicous entitiesas were behind old Springheels and The Mad Gasser.Comment by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiMarch 25, <strong>1995</strong>, 13:58 SWTI think you are right about that. And of course there's Owl Man and The JerseyDevil ...Comment by (erased object 1833)March 25, <strong>1995</strong>, 14:01 SWT... what to speak of the Shaver Mystery.Comment by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiMarch 25, <strong>1995</strong>, 14:04 SWTYes, the Shaver Mystery. What a study of borderline human psychosocial behaviorthat one is. One nut writes a strange letter to a science fiction magazine inthe late forties, and suddenly there's a whole movement of people gettingpsychic messages from Deros, Teros and whatnot.

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