Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

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The name of the conference is: (Have) <strong>Danda</strong> (Will Travel)ENMITY IN THE SPIRTUAL WORLDQuestion from Aprameya ddJanuary 11, <strong>1995</strong>Recently in the text 60742 - Jiva strategy you quoted the following from SrilaPrabhupada's book "Reincarnation Through Wisdom": "Although He is the source ofunlimited potencies, He eternally exists in His transcendental, personal form.This form manifests in three aspects, namely, as He sees Himself, as a lovingdevotee sees Him, and as He is seen by His competitors and enemies." Than youexplain that "that was a very clear indication that competition and enmitytoward the Lord begins on the eternal platform in relationship with His"transcendental personal form". Is it to be understood that the competition andenmity are existing in Goloka Vrndavana, but how is it possible if as I know,even the slightest envy causes one's fall down from the spiritual world? Or theactual explanation is that this seeming enmity is not real but it is simply likea role in the Krsna's pastimes?Answer by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiJanuary 12, <strong>1995</strong>There is envy and enmity in Goloka Vrndavana, for instance between the two wingsof gopis headed by Srimati Radharani and Srimati Candravali respectively. Butthis is envy and enmity in pure love of Krsna. It pleases Krsna. It does notdisplease Him. Therefore this envy and enmity is transcendental. It arisesfrom an attitude of service to Krsna.In the quote you've cited from Renunciation Through Wisdom, Srila Prabhupadadistinguishes between the way the loving devotees see the Lord and the way Hisenemies and competitors see Him. So the envy and enmity that is ascribed to suchenemies and competitors (who are classified separately from the devotees) mustbe material. They are trying to become the Lord, not serve the Lord.Srila Prabhupada stated in 1972, "As soon as we try to become the Lord,immediately we are covered by Maya. Formerly we were with Krsna in His lila orsport."The vision of those who would become Krsna is instantly covered by Maya. Evenwhen the Lord is directly before their eyes, they cannot see Him as the lovingdevotees do. They see Him as a competitor, and they see His spiritual opulenceas objects of their own enjoyment. Therefore they must leave the spiritualworld, which is the abode of the Lord's devotees, and enter the abode of Maya,the abode of His enemies.Evidence: on Feb. 19, 1976, a disciple asked Srila Prabhupada, "In Krsna Book itsays there were some color fighting in Dvaraka. They were throwing color. Andsome men became lusty seeing the women. So is ... will that be the first partof their falldown, to be in Vaikuntha and think of personal lust with Krsna'sassociates?" Prabhupada answered, "Yes."Of course this is a controversial topic. As a result of hearing from Vaisnavasoutside of ISKCON, some devotees have developed the opinion that when SrilaPrabhupada said these things, he did not really mean them. They have heard thatthe jiva fell from the Brahmajyoti, or from Mahavisnu, or that he was always inthe material world. There is evidence from the sastra supporting each of thesepoints of view.

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