Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives Danda 1995 - Suhotra Maharaja Archives

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phenomenon, since I have read in the past many articles about it and also heardmany mysterious stories. Mostly I have been shocked by special behaviour(personal) in which the fire ball is dealing with those whom he meet.Sometimes he acts friendly and to those who wants to attack him he acts like anenemy. Or he is simply making different jokes from them.Answer by Suhotra SwamiFebruary 5, 1995Well, Mahakirti Prabhu, I will just open this conference to any member who hassomething to say about FIRE-BALL. I can't think of any sastric referencesconcerning this subject. But maybe Varnadi das has some. Or someone from amongyour Czech countrymen who are Danda members, who are often concerned withesotera (Parthogenecist Bhakta Jan, for instance). Maybe Vipramukhya Swami hasa story to tell about FIRE-BALL (I think this means ball lightning, Maharaja).Comment by Varnadi dasPhire ballski? Too esoteric for me. "Sastric" references can be obtained fromany local My-little-upsidedown-crystal-pyramid shop or the eso-corner of yourfavorite bookshop. I don't think Tesla thought ball lightnings to beparticularly useful, but you might also try his "Palm Spring Notes" to seewhether he said something about them.DEMIGODSQuestion from bhakta Jan MaresFebruary 9, 1995It is stated that senses are controlled by their demigods and also by theSupersoul. Could you explain their relation and how this process works? Whatsastra says about personal protective deity (amanava purusa) and family p. deity(kuladevata) mentioned by Sadadputa P.'s book Alien Identities?Answer by Suhotra SwamiFebruary 10, 1995There are ten pranas in the material body. One, known simply as `prana', is the`vital prana' or principal prana. The others are subsidiary. The secondarypranas activate the physical senses under the shelter of the vital prana. Thevital prana is moved by the Supersoul, who is known as Antaryami (the innerruler) and Prana-sarira (He who possesses the body of pranas). The individualsoul is said to be the ruler of the pranas inasmuch as the soul enjoys themovements of the pranas. The demigods are said to be the rulers of the pranasinasmuch as they define the activities of the senses. For instance, Surya is thelord of sight inasmuch as the light of the sun defines that which is visible toour eyes. But the actual director of the function of the eye is the Antaryami,who is the Prana-sarira, the controller of the pranas.The amanava-purusa is explained by Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana in his Govindabhasyacommentary to the 4th Chapter, 3rd Pada of Vedanta-sutra.There are numerous references to kuladevatas in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Forinstance, a kuladevi named Kotara appeared on the battlefield to protectBanasura as he fought Krsna (from KRSNA, Chapter 62). Banasura used to worshipKotara very faithfully, and their relationship was like mother and son. InChapter 51 of KRSNA we find that Durga was the family deity of PrincessRukmini's ksatriya clan. In the same chapter Srila Prabhupada writes that most

ksatriya families worshiped Radha-Krsna or Laksmi-Narayana as their familyDeities. In other words, Krsna becomes the kuladevata of Vaisnava families.And various demigods become the kuladevatas of materialistic families. Anotherexample: Surya was the kuladevata of Satyajit, father of Satyabhama, Krsna'ssecond queen in Dvaraka.LORD’S DEPARTURESQuestion from Komandita dasFebruary 14, 1995On the appearance day of Lord Nityananda I also herd on the lecture thenarration about His departure. But before I had heard that this story was notknown. Maharaja, can you explain this, please? And why the departures of Krsna'sdevotees are mostly introduced and celebrated then the departures of Him indifferent appearances? Thank you.Answer by Suhotra SwamiFebruary 23, 1995I do not know what story you heard. Lord Nityananda disappeared from this worldby merging Himself into the Deity of Bukka Raya, in Ekachakra-grama. Vaisnavasdo not discuss very much the disappearance pastimes of the Lord and His puredevotees, because it is a painful subject.LORD NITYANANDAQuestion from Sasvata dasMarch 2, 1995In Caitanya-Caritamrta Krsna das Kaviraj Goswami is discribing Lord Nityananda,when He appeared to him in a dream, as syama cikkana kanti - that He isblackish. And in Adi-lila on the picture He is painted as shyam. In SriNityananda-chandrasya-nama-dvadasakam by Sarvabhauma Bhatacarya one of His nameis Rakta-gaura-kalevara - He, whose complection in golden, tinged with red. WasHe shyam only in a dream of Krsna das Kaviraja?Answer by Suhotra SwamiMarch 4, 1995Lord Nityananda's pastimes are unlimited.activities, He displays different forms.According to His transcendentalAfter He departed this world Nityananda Prabhu merged into the Deity of BukkaRaya, Who is blackish and very powerful. This Deity displays lilas inEkachakra-grama even today. He still appears in the dreams of the devotees.Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami dreamed of Lord Nityananda after His disappearancefrom this world. He dreamed of Him as a cowherd boy. Bukka Raya is a blackishcowherd boy.SENSE GRATIFICATION ON THE HIGHER PLANETSQuestion from Mundita Mastaka dasMarch 9, 1995Srila Prabhupada said that there's no sense gratification on higher planetarysystems such as Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapaloka and Satyaloka.

ksatriya families worshiped Radha-Krsna or Laksmi-Narayana as their familyDeities. In other words, Krsna becomes the kuladevata of Vaisnava families.And various demigods become the kuladevatas of materialistic families. Anotherexample: Surya was the kuladevata of Satyajit, father of Satyabhama, Krsna'ssecond queen in Dvaraka.LORD’S DEPARTURESQuestion from Komandita dasFebruary 14, <strong>1995</strong>On the appearance day of Lord Nityananda I also herd on the lecture thenarration about His departure. But before I had heard that this story was notknown. <strong>Maharaja</strong>, can you explain this, please? And why the departures of Krsna'sdevotees are mostly introduced and celebrated then the departures of Him indifferent appearances? Thank you.Answer by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiFebruary 23, <strong>1995</strong>I do not know what story you heard. Lord Nityananda disappeared from this worldby merging Himself into the Deity of Bukka Raya, in Ekachakra-grama. Vaisnavasdo not discuss very much the disappearance pastimes of the Lord and His puredevotees, because it is a painful subject.LORD NITYANANDAQuestion from Sasvata dasMarch 2, <strong>1995</strong>In Caitanya-Caritamrta Krsna das Kaviraj Goswami is discribing Lord Nityananda,when He appeared to him in a dream, as syama cikkana kanti - that He isblackish. And in Adi-lila on the picture He is painted as shyam. In SriNityananda-chandrasya-nama-dvadasakam by Sarvabhauma Bhatacarya one of His nameis Rakta-gaura-kalevara - He, whose complection in golden, tinged with red. WasHe shyam only in a dream of Krsna das Kaviraja?Answer by <strong>Suhotra</strong> SwamiMarch 4, <strong>1995</strong>Lord Nityananda's pastimes are unlimited.activities, He displays different forms.According to His transcendentalAfter He departed this world Nityananda Prabhu merged into the Deity of BukkaRaya, Who is blackish and very powerful. This Deity displays lilas inEkachakra-grama even today. He still appears in the dreams of the devotees.Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami dreamed of Lord Nityananda after His disappearancefrom this world. He dreamed of Him as a cowherd boy. Bukka Raya is a blackishcowherd boy.SENSE GRATIFICATION ON THE HIGHER PLANETSQuestion from Mundita Mastaka dasMarch 9, <strong>1995</strong>Srila Prabhupada said that there's no sense gratification on higher planetarysystems such as Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapaloka and Satyaloka.

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