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1No.CIV/136/2009/AGM (CE)CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTNAME OF WORK:- MISCELLANEOUS WORKS AROUND CONTRACTWORKERS HYGIENE CENTERSPECIAL CONDITIONS1. The conditions enumerated below are in addition to and will have precedence over“the General conditions of contract given in “Conditions of contract andinstructions to Tenderers of CSL”2. The tenderers have to quote their rates and amounts for each item of work and thattoo both in figures and words. Rates quoted should be inclusive of all taxes andduties in accordance with the tender schedule.3. Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.10, 000/-, should be furnished either in the form ofDemand Draft or by way of fixed deposit from a scheduled Bank drawn in favourof Cochin Shipyard Ltd. and should be submitted in a separate sealed coveroutside the cover containing the tender. The tenders of only those tenderers whohave submitted proof of remittance of EMD as above will be opened.4. Following services/materials will be given free of cost depending uponavailability. Contractor has to make his own arrangements to avail the same at hisrisk and cost subject to satisfying statutory rules and regulations if any.a) Electricityb) Water5. The time of completion of work of two (2) months shall be reckoned from the 7 thday of the date of receipt of the work order or the date of handing over the sitewhichever is later.6. 10% of the bill amount less EMD will be deducted as security deposit and thesame shall be released after the successful completion of the observation period of6 months.7. The contractor has to follow the safety, security and labour rules enforced in CSLand any violation of the same will attract penal action.8. The contractor or his authorized technically qualified representative shall beavailable at CSL throughout the period of contract for arranging and executing thework.

29. The contractor / representative shall report at the civil dept. office on all workingdays before 8:30hrs and receive instruction regarding the works.10. The Contractor may have to work round the clock including holidays, if requiredto complete the work in time without any extra cost.11. The contractors are expected to read the condition thoroughly and understand theworks in all aspects. No extra claim will be admitted at a later stage. For anyclarifications, the same will be obtained from the General Manager (CE).12. The contractor will have to work in close co-ordination with all other agenciesworking simultaneously at site.13. The workers engaged for works should have sufficient knowledge and experiencein the respective fields.14. All materials procured by the contractor for the work has to be strictly conformingto the specification and shall be got approved by Engineer-in-Charge before use.15. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be for finished items of works includingsupplying appropriate materials, labour, equipment/tools, conveyance etc. allcomplete, unless specified in the tender schedule.16. All materials required for the execution of the work other than facilities mentionedunder clause 4 should be supplied by the contractor.17. The quantities specified in the tender schedule are approximate and there may bevariations during execution, for which no extra claim on rates will be entertained18. The contractor has to take extreme care while executing the job so that theexisting structures and the equipments are not damaged or disturbed.19. The contractor shall bring all necessary machineries and equipments required forthe work.20. If the contractor fails to arrange the work in time, CSL will arrange the work atthe risk and cost of the contractor.21. The contractor should clear the site of debris, rubbish etc. and the waste shall betransported and dumped at places pointed out by the Engineer-in-Charge duringthe course of work and also immediately after the completion of the works.22. For all items brought from outside to be used/ consumed on the work, materialdeclaration forms with work order number shall be obtained from Security sectionand the same shall be submitted at the office of the Engineer-in-Charge.

323. Tools and plants, and all items brought by the contractor to be put on use on thework, should have prior entry permit from CSL security and unauthorizedpossession of any undeclared material/equipment will attract penalty24. The tenderer shall specify his PAN Number25. Canvassing in connection with tender is strictly prohibited and tenders submittedby the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection.26. For the completed items of work 75% of the net bill amount payable in each billcan be paid by CSL at the discretion of Engineer-in-Charge on a request by thecontractor and on recommendation of the Engineer-in-Charge and on productionof an undertaking on approved format by the contractor. Balance amount will bepaid after scrutiny and check of the bill.27. The rates quoted shall include, sale tax, and other taxes as applicable to contractworks in csl. The contractors registered under the Kerala Value Added Tax Act2003 and shall produce a liability certificate along with the bill, in relation to theworks contract from the assessing authority showing the tax liability or taxremittance as the case may be and the works contract tax deduction will be madeaccordingly. Otherwise work contract tax @ 8% in the case of registeredcontractors and 10% in the case of unregistered contractors will be deducted fromthe payment released against the contract.28 Tenders duly filled shall be deposited in the Tender Box kept in the office of theAGM (Civil), Cochin Shipyard Ltd. before the date and time as specified in theTender Notice.Signature:Name & Addressof the Tenderer :Date:Sd/-ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER (CE)

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