Supported Accommodation - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre

Supported Accommodation - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre

Supported Accommodation - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre


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<strong>Newtown</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>Incorporated1 Bedford St, <strong>Newtown</strong> 2042Ph: 9564 7333 Fax: 9519 2509Email: admin@newtowncentre.org Website: www.newtowncentre.orgABN: 96 884 462 833<strong>Supported</strong> <strong>Accommodation</strong>(Updated June 2012)<strong>Supported</strong> <strong>Accommodation</strong> aims to provide transitional accommodation and related supportservices, to assist people who are homeless or in a crisis situation.GENERALWesley Mission CommunityHousingPO Box 11 Earlwood 22069558 1001Fax: 9558 8211Time Period: up to 24 monthsAge Range: 18 +Gender:allEmail:robert.neligan@wesleymission.org.auProvides a range of medium-term accommodation optionsas the next step on from hostel accommodation. Thisallows clients to progress towards independent living withdignity, privacy, security and self-worth.The number of houses and units within the communityvaries. At present, there is accommodation for 130 peoplein 24 different houses or units across 24 suburbs.Website: www.wesleymission.org.auMEN WITHOUT CHILDRENHope Street359 Bourke St Darlinghurst 20109358 2388Fax: 9358 4128Time Period: 12 – 18 monthsEmail:homeless@hopestreet.org.auWebsite: www.hopestreet.org.auProvides supported accommodation for men, 18 yearsand over experiencing homelessness.Support services available to residents include:independent living skills, referrals, case managementand follow-up.Foster HouseProvides supported accommodation and caseA just community that includes and acts

5 Mary St Surry Hills9212 1065Fax: 9211 6837Short term crisis accommodationAge Range: 18 years +Mission Australia <strong>Centre</strong>Surry Hills19 Denham St Surry Hills9356 0600Fax 9356 0605Time Period: short termAge: 18+Websitewww.mission.com.aumanagement to homeless men over 18 years.Assistance is given in identifying and achieving personalgoals leading to independent living; referral to specialistservices such as advocacy and basic counselling,<strong>Centre</strong>link and medical services.Crisis <strong>Accommodation</strong> and Low-Cost Housing for menhomeless men. The <strong>Centre</strong> offers individual support,rehabilitation, living skills programs, access toemployment/training programs and on-site health andspecialised care.Also provides a range of holistic supporting programs tocrisis accommodation clients including:Dental service: 9356 0621Employment Services: 9356 0711Creative Youth Initiatives (drama, music, art) inconjunction with TAFE NSW: 9356 8897Matthew Talbot Hostel22 Talbot PlaceWoolloomooloo 20119357 1533Fax: 9358 6331Time Period: up to 3 monthsAge: 21+Appointments for assessments arenecessaryThe Gateway - MissionAustralia1/83 Marion St Harris Park 21509860 5900Fax: 9687 1968Time Period: up to 2 yearsAge Range: 18 +Provides supported accommodation for men in a crisissituation. Services include meals, showers, change ofclothes, notice board, mail service, library, laundry,clothing store, kiosk, Mass (religious service), AAMeetings.Mental health worker, optometrist and podiatrist.Weekly visits: <strong>Centre</strong>link officers; legal service.Individual assistance and case management is alsoprovided.Alcohol, drugs, violence and weapons are not permitted.<strong>Supported</strong> accommodation for men in need of secureand safe accommodation. Case management aims atassisting men to secure long-term accommodation andempowerment.Clients MUST be referred by another agency(rehabilitation services, SAAP agencies, Crisis & ReferralServices etc) and appointments are necessary.This group runs the Men’s <strong>Accommodation</strong> Referral andSupport Services (MARSS) for homeless men in theParramatta area.A just community that includes and acts

Age Range: 18+Email: nesh@nesh.org.auWebsite: www.nesh.org.auSamaritan HousePh: 9211 5794Fax: 9212 5430Time Period:up to 3 monthstransition up to 6 monthsmedium term up to 3 monthscommunity housing up to 18monthsAge Range: 18 +Gender:anyone whoidentifies as femaleSpecial Client Group: womengenerally and includes currentdrug/alcohol/mental health issuesReferral from a previous refuge isrequiredSamaritan <strong>Accommodation</strong>PO BOX 583 Surry Hills, 2010Ph: 9211 5794Fax: 9212 5430Time Period: 12 monthsAge Range: 18+unmanageable psychiatric disorders.Samaritan House offers four levels of supportedaccommodation to single women without children.Women are provided with case management to assistthem to move towards independent living and to makechoices that will empower them to reach their owngoals.Samaritan House also offers a life skills program,housing support, advocacy and a Chaplain.When the client calls, she should ask for aninterpreter if she does not speak English.Samaritan <strong>Accommodation</strong> provides apartment-styleaccommodation and support for single migrant womenthat have experienced situations of human trafficking,slavery and/or slavery-like practices.The service is staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week to helpresidents with their needs. Residents are provided withtheir own room and share facilities.Support can include referrals and information aboutlegal and medical assistance, learning English, finding ajob and a place to live. Staff can help residents tounderstand their situation, get information about theirrights, assist with daily living and provide support inmaking decisions about the future.City Women’s HostelPO BOX 1132 Darlinghurst 2010Ph: (02) 9360 4881Fax: (02) 9360 7369Web:www.citywomenshostel.com.auProvides supported accommodation for women with amental illness who are wanting to engage in casework,treatment and support around their mental illness.Will not take women who are in active addiction.Time Period: Medium Term 3monthsCost: $10 a night (negotiable)Age: 18+A just community that includes and acts

YOUTHBondi Youth<strong>Accommodation</strong>77 Newland St Bondi Junction 20229389 7453Fax: 9388 9785Time Period: up to 2 yearsAge Range: 16 - 25Gender:allEmail: bya@bya.org.auOasis Youth SupportNetwork365 Crown StreetSurry Hills9331 2266Fax: 9331 2200Time Period: up to 3 monthsAge Range: 16 - 21Gender:AllStepping Stone House227 Wardell Rd, Dulwich Hill 2203Ph 9558 3529Fax: 9558 7499Time Period: Medium-Long termAge Range: 14-20Gender : AllEmail:steppingstonehouse@bigpond.comWebsite:www.steppingstonehouse.com.auProvide a mix of single and shared semi-supportedaccommodation.Case management focussed service – clients areencouraged to engage in improving their lives throughemployment, education, addressing issues of drug oralcohol dependence and mental health issues.Vacancies are advertised onwww.yfoundations.org.auCrisis accommodation for youth for up to 3 months.Services include recreational programs, casemanagement, drug and alcohol support, referrals andlinking to health services.Youth residential service providing medium to long termaccommodation (18mths-2years) in a home likeenvironment. SSH aims to provide a place where youngpeople can build skills towards a healthy and happy life.14-17years.They also offer a Semi Independent & IndependentLiving Program to support residents once they leaveSSH, 17-20years.No drugs or alcohol permitted.Erskinevilla Youth HousingInc13 Knight St, Erskineville 20439557 2810Time Period: Medium TermAge Range: 16-19Gender: AllEmail:erko@tpg.com.auMedium term accommodation service which providessupported housing for up to five young people agedbetween 16 to 19 years who are homeless orunsatisfactorily housed.Rendu Youth Services9550 9610 Medium term semi supported accommodation for youngA just community that includes and acts

The Gender <strong>Centre</strong>PO Box 266, Petersham 2049Ph 9569 2366Fax: 9569 1176Email: gendercentre@bigpond.comWebsite:www.gendercentre.orgProvides services and activities aimed at enhancing theability of people with gender issues to make informedchoices. They provide semi-supported sharedaccommodation for residents aged 16 and above.Residents can stay for up to one year and are supportedto move towards independent living.Other services for gender questioning young peopleinclude : counselling, outreach, social & supportnetworks, drug & alcohol.A just community that includes and acts

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