Alarm-Display SD9648 - Martens Elektronik GmbH

Alarm-Display SD9648 - Martens Elektronik GmbH Alarm-Display SD9648 - Martens Elektronik GmbH
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Martens Elektronik GmbHKiebitzhörn 18 • D-22885 Barsbüttel/Germany • www.martens-elektronik.deF+49-(0)40-670 73-0 • Fax +49-(0)40-670 73-288 • J info@martens-elektronik.deAlarm-Display SD 964820 Digital- or 12 Digital- and 8 Analog inputsElektronikFeaturesM Activation with voltage free contacts,0/24 V signals or 0/4 ... 20 mA for monitoringof analog measuring valuesM First- or last message, priorityM Internal and external resetM LCD-text display with background lighting2 lines, 16 characters each, 6.5 mm highM Text length max. 64 charactersM Programming by frontside keypador IR-remote controlM Acoustic alarm with integr. buzzerM Alarm relay, SPDTM Real-time clockM Front protection IP65GeneralThe Alarm-Display SD9648 will be used for indicating and evaluations of alarm signals as well as analogmeasured values.Short informationSort modeDisplay modeDisplay timeRelay / buzzerStart-up-delayThe messages take place alternatively after their priority or after its occurrence (first/lastmessage).Fault signals are cyclically or permanently displayed. With permanent announcement allmessages can be queried by depressing the key.It is programmable whether a message is deleted automatically after omission of thecause or additionally an acknowledgement is necessary.Parallel to the messages buzzers and/or alarm relay can be activated.After switching on of the device, for an adjustable time by 0 ... 999 s all alarm signals aresuppressed.Message delay time Programmable from 0.0 ... 9.9 s.Analog inputDate / timeNote:Display range, alarm setpoints und alarm performance (min / max) are free programmable.Process values can be displayed at any place in the message.Can inserted in arbitrary place into a message (only with real-time clock), alternativelythe current time or the time with the occurrence of an alarm.With powerless device the inputs became a high resistance.- 1 -

<strong>Martens</strong> <strong>Elektronik</strong> <strong>GmbH</strong>Kiebitzhörn 18 • D-22885 Barsbüttel/Germany • www.martens-elektronik.deF+49-(0)40-670 73-0 • Fax +49-(0)40-670 73-288 • J<strong>Alarm</strong>-<strong>Display</strong> SD 964820 Digital- or 12 Digital- and 8 Analog inputs<strong>Elektronik</strong>FeaturesM Activation with voltage free contacts,0/24 V signals or 0/4 ... 20 mA for monitoringof analog measuring valuesM First- or last message, priorityM Internal and external resetM LCD-text display with background lighting2 lines, 16 characters each, 6.5 mm highM Text length max. 64 charactersM Programming by frontside keypador IR-remote controlM Acoustic alarm with integr. buzzerM <strong>Alarm</strong> relay, SPDTM Real-time clockM Front protection IP65GeneralThe <strong>Alarm</strong>-<strong>Display</strong> <strong>SD9648</strong> will be used for indicating and evaluations of alarm signals as well as analogmeasured values.Short informationSort mode<strong>Display</strong> mode<strong>Display</strong> timeRelay / buzzerStart-up-delayThe messages take place alternatively after their priority or after its occurrence (first/lastmessage).Fault signals are cyclically or permanently displayed. With permanent announcement allmessages can be queried by depressing the key.It is programmable whether a message is deleted automatically after omission of thecause or additionally an acknowledgement is necessary.Parallel to the messages buzzers and/or alarm relay can be activated.After switching on of the device, for an adjustable time by 0 ... 999 s all alarm signals aresuppressed.Message delay time Programmable from 0.0 ... 9.9 s.Analog inputDate / timeNote:<strong>Display</strong> range, alarm setpoints und alarm performance (min / max) are free programmable.Process values can be displayed at any place in the message.Can inserted in arbitrary place into a message (only with real-time clock), alternativelythe current time or the time with the occurrence of an alarm.With powerless device the inputs became a high resistance.- 1 -

ContentPageTechnical data ....................................................................................................................................................2Connection diagram ...........................................................................................................................................3Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................................3Controls and indicators ......................................................................................................................................4Description .........................................................................................................................................................4Programming......................................................................................................................................................5Error messages................................................................................................................................................12Characters........................................................................................................................................................13Variables ......................................................................................................................................................... 13Programming examples ...................................................................................................................................14Remote control IR51 ....................................................................................................................................... 15Ordering code ..................................................................................................................................................16Start-up note:Before the device can be used, it must be configurated for the intended use.Technical dataPower supplySupply voltage : 230V AC ±10%, 115V AC ±10%, 24V AC±10%, 24V DC ±15%Frequence AC: 50/60 HzPower consumption : max. 3.5 VAOperating temperature : 0 ... +50 °CRated voltage: 250 V~ acc. to VDE 0110 between input/output/supply voltagedegree of pollution 2, overvoltage categoric IIITest voltage: 4kV=, between input/output/supply voltage- conformity : EN55022, EN60555, IEC610004-3/4/5/11/13InputsDigital inputsImpulse/ breakAnalog inputsAccuracyTemperature coefficientTransmitter-supply: 0/24 V DC, Ri = 10 kΩ, switching threshold low 11 V max. 35 V: min. 10 ms: 0/4 ... 20 mA, Ri = 100 Ω voltage drop max. 2.2 V at 20 mAoverload app. ≥ 23 mA (max. voltage 35 V).With powerless device the inputs became a high resistance: 0.1 %, ± 1 Digit: < 0.003 %/K: Uo = 24 V, Ri 150 Ω, max. 50 mA<strong>Display</strong>: LCD-text display white/blue, 6.5 mm high with background lighting<strong>Display</strong> range : 2 lines 16 characters eachRefreshing time : 0.5sOutputPanel caseDimensionsWeightConnectionProtection: SPDT < 250 V AC < 250 VA < 2 A, < 300 V DC < 50 W < 2 A: DIN 96x48 mm, Material PA6-GF; UL94V-0: Front 96x48 mm, mounting depth 100 mm,: max. 390 g: Clamp terminals, 2 mm² single wire, 1,5 mm² flexible wire, AWG14: Front IP65, terminals IP20, finger safe acc. to German BGV A3- 2 -

Connection diagramDigital- or analog inputs 1-8 Digital inputs 9-20Input 1Input 2Input 3Input 4Input 5Input 6Input 7Input 8Input 9Input 10Input 11Input 12Input 13Input 14Input 15Input 16Input 17Input 18Input 19Input 20Extern. acknowledge+24 V DCGND<strong>Alarm</strong>relayOperation with voltagefree NO contactSupply voltageOperation with voltagefree NC contactOpeartion with external control voltage 24 V DCAnalog inputs0/4 ... 20 mANote!If the analog signal is generated by an device with automatic burden recognition (current/voltage changeover),the analog output must be configured to 4 ... 20mA (see page 7).DimensionsSealTerminal positionPanel cut-out acc. toDIN 43700-96x48- 3 -

Controls and indicatorsField foradditional textInfrared-sensorUp buttonRight buttonLeft buttonEnter/acknowledge buttonDown buttonDescriptionAfter switching on the supply the device initializes itself. The display shows the message <strong>SD9648</strong> VX.X(X.X software-version). After the initializing procedure the device is located in the working level. <strong>Display</strong>edmessages can be paged and acknowledged with button .Pressing the button for more than 2 seconds, activates the Configuration level Now all the parametersdefining the function of the <strong>SD9648</strong> can be programmed.After finishing the configuration or when no button was pushed for more than 2 minutes, the program returns tothe working level. Leaving the configuration level is possible at any time by pressing the button for morethan 2 seconds.Programming:Menu selectionWith every new display page 2 menu points will be shown.The arrow º marks the actual menu pointWith button the next menu point will be selectedWith button the last menu point will be selected(Over the infrared remote control IR51 the menu items can also be selected by entering of the first letters.)With button the wanted menu will be called up.Parameter(e.g. input-no.; measuring range, alarm setpoint.....)The wanted value will be entered with and .Arrows º » indicates that more than 32 characters can be displayed in the arrow direction.+ = 1 parameter backMessagesThe wanted character position in the message will be selected with buttons and . The wanted characterwill be selected with buttons and .The entered character will be automatically stored with button and the cursor shows the next position.Special functions:+ = Deletes character at the cursor position. Repeat function by pressing the button continuously.+ = Blank 8 at the actual cursor position. Repeat function by pressing the button continuously.+ = Line feed in the next line of the character set (see page 13).+ = Simulation for controlling of the edited messages including the variables (see page 13).- 4 -

ProgrammingNotes to representationParameter is only displayed when configuratedParameter is only displayed when feature is included (see order code)Note:All parameters can be called if they are not blocked by other programmed parameters and if theyare available. Factory settings are shown in the display grafic.Menue displayOperating level<strong>SD9648</strong>Strmelde<strong>Display</strong>press 2 s min.Parameter displayWhen first calling the configuration level.1Configuration levelºLanguageStandard text –1.1 deutsch~ englischLanguage of the operating instructions.2LanguageºStandard text2.1<strong>SD9648</strong>Strmelde<strong>Display</strong>Message if no error is present.Edit message,see page 4 and 13.continuepage 6- 5 -

Menue displayParameter display3ºMessages •Copy messages –Message programming for the inputs 1... 20.Devices with analog inputs have additional parameters.3.1Input: 1(digital)Selection of input no.(depends on device type)3.2Input: 1(analog)Selection of input no.3.3Measure range 1Decimals: 1Decimal selection,0 ... 3 decimals3.4Measure range 1Start: 0.0Setting possible from-9 9 9 9 9 ... 9 9 9 9 9 digitNote!In case of change ofa measuring rangeincluding analog variablesin the messagethey must be adaptedif necessary(see page 13).3.5Measure range 1End: 100,03.6<strong>Alarm</strong> function 1OFF ~MIN ~MAXSelection possible from-9 9 9 9 9 ... 9 9 9 9 9 digitSwitching performance for alarm outputactivation3.7<strong>Alarm</strong> 1at: 0.0Setting possible fromstart value ... end value3.8Text 1Edit message(see page 4 and 13).Note :Parameter programmning for input 2-20are identicalcontinuepage 7- 6 -

Menue displayParameter display4Messages •ºCopy messages –Copy mode.With same or similar messages the programming expenditurecan be reduced with this function.4.1Copy messagefrom 1 to 2Start- and destination address (identicalwith input no.).Note:With same start- and destination addressthe existing text will be deleted and withText X substituted. X = Input-no.4.2Overwrite?Message 2NOnly displayed if text is available at thedestination address.Selection with Y or N.4.3Text 1Edit message5ºInput type •<strong>Alarm</strong> output –Input identification.NO (H) or NC (L) with digital inputsand 0...20mA or 4...20mA with analog inputs5.1Input 1 2 3 ºactive H H HEnter H or Lfor digital inputs 1 ... 20.5.2Input 1 2 3 º0/4mA 4 4 4Enter 0 or 4for analog inputs 1 ... 8.5.3Input 9 10 11 ºactive H H HEnter H or Lfor digital inputs 9 ... 20.continuepage 8- 7 -

Menue displayParameter display6Input type •º<strong>Alarm</strong> output –Definition of the criteria for the identification of messageswhen simultaneous several alarms being present.6.1Text scrollingafter1sInput of the display time of a message ofseveral lines (scrolling lines 1+2/3+4)and/or change to other activated messages.6.2Auto scrollingOFF~ONAutomatical scrolling between severalpresented messages.Selection of ON jumps backto the menu selection.6.3Sort byFirst message –Selection:First messageThe first message is permanently indicated.When manual scrolling is selected,every following messages are displayedin the queue of there indicated sequenceLast messageas before, however in reverse order.PriorityThe message with the highest priority ispermanently indicated. At manualscrolling all further messages in the orderof their priority, and/or with the samepriority are sorted according to the lastmessage mode.6.4Input 1 2ºPriority 1 1Enter wanted priority.1 = highest priority9 = lowest prioritycontinuepage 9- 8 -

Menue displayParameter display7ºAcknowledge •<strong>Alarm</strong> relay –Acknowledge functionextern and/or intern possible7.1Acknowledge int.~OFFON7.2Acknowledge ext.~OFF HIGH ~LOW7.3Quit relayFault removed –Acknowledge internwith button .Note: only the just displayed and inactivemessage will be deleted. The internalbuzzer can always be reset with everyfrontside button.Acknowledge externSelectionOFFHIGH (NO)LOW (NC)Note: all inactive messages will bedeletedFault removedThe relay can be quit if the belongingmessage is not present(like the message in the display).Fault pendingThe relay can be quit if the belongingmessage is present (like buzzer).7.4Input 1 2 3ºAcknowl. N N NSelection Y activates the generalacknowledge function for each input.8Acknowledge •º<strong>Alarm</strong> relay –Switching function of the internal alarm relay.8.1Not energized~EnergizedSwitching performanceNot energizedRelay active at alarmEnergizedRelay inactive at alarm8.2Inputs 1 2 3ºRelay N N NSelection Y activates the alarm relay forthe indicated inputcontinuepage 10- 9 -

Menue displayParameter display9ºBuzzer•<strong>Alarm</strong> delay –Buzzer function9.1Input 1 2 3ºBuzzer N N NSelection Y activates the buzzer for theindicated input.The buzzer can quit with every frontsidebutton10Buzzer•º<strong>Alarm</strong> delay –<strong>Alarm</strong> delay function10.1Startup delayDelay0sStartup delay of the device after poweron from 0 ... 999 s.10.2Messagesdelay 0.0sMessage delay after incoming alarmfrom 0.0 ... 9.9 s.11ºDate/time •LCD-display –Only with feature realtime clock11.1Date of the actual date.11.2Time hh:mm:ssXX:XX:XXConfiguration of the actual time.continuepage 11- 10 -

Menue displayParameter display12Date/time •ºLCD-display –12.1BrightnessLevel: 7Configuration of display brightnessfrom 1 ... 9.12.2ContrastLevel: 5Configuration of display contrastfrom 1 ... 9.13ºRemote control •Input lock –13.1Device adressNo: 7Input of a device address within the range1... 99. Itś possible to program 99devices with the remote control IR51 withoutmutual influence. If the address 1should be standard, the address no mustnot be changed by IR51. Every devicereact of each pressed button .14Remote control •ºInput lock –14.1Input lockOFF ~INT ~ALLINTFront key pad lockedALLas before, additional remote control is locked.Changing possible by pressingbuttons or for 2 seconds.continuepage 12- 11 -

Menue displayParameter display15ºFactory adjust •(Exit)15.1Factory adjustCode=0Code for factory settings.16Factory adjust •º(Exit)End of programmingOperating level<strong>SD9648</strong>Strmelde<strong>Display</strong>If no alarm is indicated the programmed Standard text (page 5) will be displayed.Error messagesParameter error-> please checkIf this messages appears, an configuration error is present. This message will bedeleted by entering the Configuration level. The device is working with factory settingsof this / these parameter(s). The function must be tested. If the same messagesappears again, the device must be sent for factory repair.Write protected!!Input lock activated. See page 11.- 12 -

Character set: 8 = BlankA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ä ö ü ß ñ 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ² ³ -1$ ε @ - + ± * ÷ ^ [ ] ( ) < = > » ➔ ~ · ∞ % # & α γ µ Ω π Σ ̊ / “ ́8 ! ? : ; , . _ 8= 1 character forwards= 1 character backwards+ = Line feed to the next line of the character setVariableVariable can inserted in arbitrary place into a message.Variable Function$c Number of the indicated message ( = input number)$a Number of indicated messages$o Priority of the indicated message (does not work at “Standard text” )$n Recording counter of repeated messages on one input until acknowledge appears.(f ≤ 1Hz; nmax=99; if no. >99 flashes)[xxxx] All characters between [ ] are flashing (no combination with analog values possible)Only with feature real-time clock$h Actual hour (24h mode)$i Actual hour (12h mode)$p am / pm (12h mode)$m Actual minute$s Actual second$d Actual day$x Actual month$y Actual year$w Actual week day, 2 letters identificationεh, εi, εp, εm, εs, εd, εx, εy, εwas before, if messages appears (does not work at “Standard text” )εtAdditional time 1/100 secondsOnly with feature analog inputs$1 ... $8 Shows permanent the analog value of the actual inputs 1 ... 8.By pressing the button after entering the input number, a number of substitute symbols isinserted automatically of the confirured measuring range into the text. This preemption can beadapted if necessary to the requirements. _ is a substitute symbol for a number. "," or "." indicatesthe decimal point. Maximally 5 numbers can be indicated, whereby already the variablename reserves $x already 2 numbers and/or signs and 1 number. If the difference betweenmeasuring range end and measuring range start is more than 10000, the last number is keptautomatically to "0".If are less digits reserved than necessary for the measuring range, this is marked in the simulationmode (buttons + at the same time) by flashing squares.ε1 ... ε8Shows the analog value at input 1 ... 8 to the actual time of the presented signal(does not work at “Standard text” )must be pressed. Reserved positions for the ana-After entering the variables (e.g. $x or εx) the buttonlog variables will be inserted in the working mode.Example: $2_,_ Reserved Positions for the analog-display of the measuring range from 0 ... 160.0If reserved positions will be overwritten, the displayed value of the variable is incorrect.More examples next page.- 13 -

Variable function examplesMMM<strong>Display</strong>ing of date and time in Standard text if no alarm appears..<strong>Display</strong>ing of date and time in messages at the time of the incoming signal.Identification possible for time and sequence of the signals.<strong>Display</strong>ing of the actual analog measuring value in messages or Standard text.M <strong>Display</strong>ing of several analog values in the messages, at the time of incoming signal .This function allows to make an analysis for process problems possible.MIdentification of the alarm input (identical with input number).Programming examplesLineActual date and time1 $w, $d.$x.$y2 $h:$m:$sLine12AnzeigeMo, 16.02.0714:23:30Time at indicated input1 εh:εm:εs2 Less water3 Raw water122316:10:33Less waterLess waterraw waterAnalog value (actual value)1 Press 6: $1_,_°C2 Over temperature12Press 6 160.5°COver temperatureAnalog value (process value at time of incoming signal)1 Press 6: ε1_,_°C2 Over temperature12Press 6 158.5°COver temperatureNumber of the indicated input1 $C Door open101 Door openRecording counter1 Door open,2 $n Messages12Door open33 MessagesFlashing Text1 [Attention!]2 No pressure12Attention!No pressure- 14 -

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<strong>Martens</strong> <strong>Elektronik</strong> <strong>GmbH</strong>Kiebitzhörn 18 • D-22885 Barsbüttel/Germany • www.martens-elektronik.deF+49-(0)40-670 73-0 • Fax +49-(0)40-670 73-288 • J<strong>Elektronik</strong>Ordering code:1.<strong>SD9648</strong> - -2. 3.- -4. 5.-1. Inputs1220 digital inputs12 digital + 8 analog inputs2. Real-time clock0 without1 with clock3. Supply voltage0 230 V AC1 115 V AC4 24 V AC5 24V DC±10 %±10 %±10 %±15 %50-60 Hz50-60 Hz50-60 Hz4. Options00without option5. Additional text (appears in the field for additional text,max. text field 3 mm x 90 mm)10/05-V1_9-01- 16 -

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