Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - Doi-archived.gov.mt

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - Doi-archived.gov.mt

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - Doi-archived.gov.mt


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L-1 ta’ Settembru, 2009 VERŻJONI ONLINE11,529Dawk li jagħmlu offerta huma avżati li jżuru l-websitetad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti fuq http://contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>minn fejn jistgħu jniżżlu previżjoni tad-dokumenti, jixtrudokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta online 24 siegħa kuljum, u jirreġistrawgħall-funzjonalitajiet addizzjonali. Il-website tipprovdi wkollinformazzjoni dwar sejħiet ta’ offerti u rakkomandazzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat Ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu wkoll jinkisbu fuqapplikazzjoni mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Notre DameRavelin, il-Furjana VLT 2000, <strong>Malta</strong>, Tel:- (0356) 21 220 212,Est. 128, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu wkoll jitħallsu permezz ta’sistema point-of-sale elettronika (EPOS) <strong>tal</strong>-Bank of Valletta.Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u reġistrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>offertifil-ħin u d-data msemmija aktar ’il fuq.L-1 ta’ Settembru, 2009Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) jgħarraf lill-offerentikollha li skont SL 174.07 tar-Regolamenti dwar il-KuntrattiPubbliċi 2005 ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet magħmula mill-Kumitat Ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti għar-rigward <strong>tal</strong>-għoti ta’kuntratti pubbliċi se jkunu ppubblikati fuq in-notice-boardtad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti nhar ta’ Erbgħa u nhar ta’Ġimgħa wara nofsinhar. L-offerenti jistgħu jiksbu dinl-informazzjoni billi jużaw il-website uffiċjali tad-Dipartiment, http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>Kull offerent li jkollu xi oġġezzjoni għal xi rakkomandazzjonijrid iressaq l-ilment uffiċjali tiegħu lid-Direttur Ġenerali(Kuntratti) skont parti XIII <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmija Regolamenti litistabbilixxi fid-det<strong>tal</strong>l il-proċedura li trid tkun segwita f’każbħal dan. Huwa fl-interess ta’ kull offerent li jkun jaf sewwad-det<strong>tal</strong>ji ta’ din il-parti tar-Regolamenti.L-1 ta’ Settembru, 2009Tenderers are advised to visit the website of the Departmentof Contracts at http://contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong> from where theycan download preview documents, purchase tenderdocuments online 24 hours a day, and register for additionalfunctionalities. The website also provides updated informationconcerning calls for tenders and General Contracts Committeerecommendations.Tender documents are also obtainable on application fro<strong>mt</strong>he Department of Contracts, Notre Dame Ravelin, FlorianaVLT 2000, <strong>Malta</strong>, Tel:- (0356) 21 220 212, Ext.: 128 on anyworking day between 8.30 a.m. and noon. A Bank of Vallettapoint-of-sale system (EPOS) is also available for the paymentof tender documents.The public may attend during the opening and schedulingof tenders at the time and dates specified above.1st September, 2009The Director General (Contracts) notifies all tenderers thatin terms of SL 174.07 of the Public Contracts Regulations2005 recommendations made by the General ContractsCommittee for the award of public contracts will be givenpublicity in the Department of Contracts’ notice-board everyWednesday and Friday after 12.00 noon. Tenderers mayalso obtain this information by utilizing the Department’sofficial website, http://www.contracts.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>mt</strong>Any tenderer who may feel aggrieved by any suchrecommendation must submit his official complaint to theDirector General (Contracts) in accordance with part XIII of thesaid Regulations which lays down in detail the procedure to befollowed in such a case. All tenderers should, therefore, familiarisethemselves with the provisions of this part of the Regulations.1st September, 2009AVVIŻ TAD-DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTICT 194/2009 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2005/2009.Modifikazzjoni ta’ boiler fl-Impjant <strong>tal</strong>-Enerġija ta’ Delimara– Korporazzjoni Enemalta. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €1,000.00għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Supplies Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta qiegħda tiġi kkunsidrata biex tkunparzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-FondEwropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali 2007-2013 – Ninvestufil-futur tiegħek.(Budget Stmat: €21,600,000.00 mingħajr V.A.T.).Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-20 ta’ Mejju 2009.Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża għall-informazzjonita’ kulħadd illi d-data u l-ħin biex jintbagħtu l-offerti għall-DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTS NOTICECT 194/2009 - Contracts Ref No, CT 2005/2009.Boiler modification at Delimara Power Station – EnemaltaCorporation. A fee of €1,000.00 will be charged for eachcopy of tender document.This is a Supplies Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is being considered for partfinancingby the European Union under the European RegionalDevelopment Fund 2007-2013 – Investing in your future.(Estimated Budget: €21,600,000.00 excluding V.A.T.).The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 20th May 2009.The Director General (Contracts) notifies for generalinformation that the date and time for the presentation of offers

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