(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA


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- 6 6 -MEETING CALENDARAMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, ANNUAL MEETINGSBoston, U .S .A . ; August 27-31, <strong>1979</strong>SOCIAL NETWORKS Session .Organizer : Ron S . Burt (Sociology, UC at Berkeley <strong>and</strong> SUNY at Albany)Presider : Linton C . Freeman (<strong>Social</strong> Relations, Lehigh U ., Bethlehem, Penn .)Discussant : Ron S . BurtMaureen T . Hallinan <strong>and</strong> Ed Hutchins (Sociology, U . of Wisconsin, Madison) "Structural Effects on DyadicChange"Joseph Galaskiewicz (Sociology, U . of Minnesota, Minneapolis) <strong>and</strong> Stanley Wasserman (Applied Statistics,U . of Minnesota) "A Dynamic Study of a Corporate Network ."Christopher Winship (National Opinion Research Center, Chicago) <strong>and</strong> Michael M<strong>and</strong>el "Roles, Positions <strong>and</strong><strong>Networks</strong> ."Ann Goetting (Anthropology <strong>and</strong> Sociology, Western Kentucky U .) . "Behavior Expectations Associated withFormer-Spouse/Current-Spouse Relationships ."Clio Ziani (<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Psychology</strong>, Teachers College, Columbia U .) <strong>and</strong> Charles Kadushin (Graduate School <strong>and</strong>University Center, City U . of New York) . "Network Density <strong>and</strong> Mental Health : The Experience of theVietnam Generation ."Richard E . Ratcliff <strong>and</strong> Kay Oehler (Sociology, Washington U , St . Louis) . "<strong>Networks</strong> of Financial Power :An Analysis of the Impact of the Internal Structure of the Capitalist Class on the Behavior ofBanks ."THEMATIC PANELS"Complex Organizations" (Kanter, Perrow, Blau)"Political" (Linz, Birnbaum, Gamson)"Development" (Abu-Lughod, Wallerstein, Marian Levy, Portes)"Family <strong>and</strong> Kinship" (Reuben Hill, Farber, Straus, Parsons)"<strong>Social</strong> Movements <strong>and</strong> Collective Behavior" (Killian, Gary Marx, Zald)"Urban Ecology <strong>and</strong> Community" (Frisbie, Sennett, Suttles)SECTION ON COMMUNITY : ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS (Selected)Rosalie G . Genovese (St . John Fisher) "Women's Self-Help <strong>Networks</strong> in the Suburbs"Donald I . Warren (Oakl<strong>and</strong>) "Can <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Networks</strong> answer the 'Community Question'?"Albert Hunter (Northwestern) "The Sixth Circle : Forces in Urban Contraction"Charles R . Simpson (SUNY-Plattsburgh) "Communal Processes versus Market Processes in the Art World : TheCase of SoHo"Barry Wellman (Toronto) "Approaches to the Study of the Impact of Large-Scale Divisions of Labor on theStructure of Community Ties"WORLD FORUM OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS .Brussels, Belgium; June 23-27, 1980 .FROM INTERNATIONAL TO TRANSNATIONALDiscussion Commissions : 1 . The Association Phenomenon--Its Nature, Its Significance2 . Participation of Associations in the World Order3 . Transnational Communication in the World Today4 . Meeting Sociology, Dynamics, PracticalitiesMore information from : Secretariat of the Forum, Union of International Associations, Rueaux Laines 1,1000 Brussels, Belgium . Tel : 02/511-83-96 .

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