(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA


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This analysis is based upon Franco Cagnetta's data of a pre-WW I blood feud in Orgosolo, the author'sfield work in a neighbouring community, <strong>and</strong> it makes critical use of Alex Weingrod's discussion of Sardicpartronage .BONACICH, Phillip . 1977 . "Using Boolean Algebra to Analyze Overlapping Memberships ." pp . 101-115 inSociological Methodology 1978, edited by Karl F . SchuessZer . San Francisco : Jossey-Bass .This paper proposes more advanced techniques for studying interlocking directorates, especially a newtechnique based on homomorphisms in Boolean algebra . "The simplifying homomorphism involves forming classesof groups that contain the same combination of core individuals . The output is an algebra giving relationsbetween these classes of groups . However, a classification of people based on similarity of their membershippatterns may also be desired . The same procedures described previously to classify groups according totheir members can also be used to classify people according to their membership ." Comparisons with othertechniques (Levine, Bonacich 1972, Breiger, Sonquist <strong>and</strong> Koenig) are made . "The technique described inthis chapter is distinctive in that it not only clusters individuals <strong>and</strong> groups but also preserves thehierarchial relations existing between them ."BRETON, Raymond (Toronto) . "Stratification <strong>and</strong> Conflict between Ethnolinguistic Communities with Different<strong>Social</strong> Structures ." Canadian Review of Sociology <strong>and</strong> Anthropology 15 (2) ( , 1978) : 148-"A critical dimension of ethnic differentiation has to do with the extent to which the ethnic communitieshave parallel social networks <strong>and</strong> institutions . This dimension has to do with the character of the social<strong>and</strong> institutional boundaries between groups . We will refer to the two aspects in question as the degreeof social enclosure <strong>and</strong> of compartmentalization that exists between ethnic communities" . (extract from paper)COLEMAN, James <strong>and</strong> Anthony BABINEC (Chicago) . "The Corporate Structure of the Economy <strong>and</strong> its Effects onIncome ." Zeitschriftfur Soziologie 7(4), (October, 1978) : 335-46 .Transactions in the economy are conceived as exchanges in which the terms of the exchange depend onrelative power of the two parties to it . An indicator of that power is industry concentration (or inthe case of labor, unionization) . Effects of the factors are estimated for the U .S . economy, <strong>and</strong> a procedureis outlined for comparing the terms of exchange to those in a wholly unconcentrated economy .This allows, in conjunction with an input-output matrix, the comparing of the level of activities <strong>and</strong> distributionof income in the economy with that which would be found in a wholly unconcentrated economy . Theprocedure for doing this is outlined, but further work remains before the comparison can be carried out .DIEKMANN, Andreas (Hamburg) "A Dynamic Stochastic Version of the Pitcher-Hamblin-Miller Model of 'CollectiveViolence 'Paper presented at a conference on "Mathematical Models of <strong>Social</strong> Change", Bad Homburg, WestGermany, March <strong>1979</strong> .The deterministic diffusion model of Pitcher, Hamblin, <strong>and</strong> Miller (1978) is formulated as a timeinhomogenousstochastic process . It will be shown that the stochastic process leads to a negative binomialdistribution . The deterministic diffusion function can be derived from the stochastic model <strong>and</strong> isidentical to the expected value asterms of the underlying stochasticdistribution for any point in timeobservations .a function of time . Therefore the deterministic model is supported inprocess . Moreover the stochastic model allows the prediction of the<strong>and</strong> the construction of confidence intervals for a large number ofFIORAVANTI-MOLINIE, Antoinette . "La Communaute Aujourd'hui ." AnnaZes 33 (. pt .-Dec . 1978) : 1182-96 ."Community", the term most often used to characterize contemporary Andean societies, is much tooreductive to be useful . It denies the ethnic nature of these societies <strong>and</strong> their original features, forit suggests a social structure without internal fragmentation, whereas actually an Andean group oftenconsists of a heterogenous ensemble of parental, residential, <strong>and</strong> religious units . Moreover, these groupsare differentiated on the economic <strong>and</strong> social level as well . Finally, the term totally ignores history .Historical study makes it possible to distinguish, within the Andean world, three types of society(beyond those which live as ethnic groups) . These are illustrated in the present article by three examples .San Juan Uchucuanicu (Chancay Valley, Peru) represents the archetype of the "community" in which the indigenousstrain predominates . Its equalitariarism is evident in the distribution of l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> water, in theorganization of work, in a way of organizing work which is based on kinship, <strong>and</strong> in its political organization. But the development of salaried work <strong>and</strong> the sale of fruit at Lima generates inequalities whichcould threaten to upset its equilibrium . Ambana (Larecaja, Bolivia) is representative of those societieswhich function on the basis of social, territorial, <strong>and</strong> residential units established at the beginning ofthe colonial period . Its system of l<strong>and</strong>holdings can be reconstructed only if one considers it in the

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