(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA


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ANU-MACRONET2 . A PROGRAM FOR COMPUTING SYMMETRIC ADJACENCY, REACHABILITY, DISTANCE AND POINT-CENTRALITYIN LARGE NETWORKS (N< 3000)D .W . Carrick, (Sociology, Research School, A .N .U .) <strong>and</strong> R .A . 0modei <strong>and</strong> A .S . KZovdahZ (Sociology, AustralianNational U .)ANU-MACRONET2 is an improvement on the previous version of MACRONET (Klovdahl <strong>and</strong> Omodei, 1978) . Ituses a new algorithm that makes it possible to compute reachability, distance <strong>and</strong> point-centrality (Freeman,1977) in networks with up to about 3,000 nodes (Carrick, Omodei, <strong>and</strong> Klovdahl, 1978) . The exact upperlimits of the program depend on the amount of core space available, <strong>and</strong> on the number of links relativeto the number of nodes in a network .For example, using 48K words of core on the ANU's UNIVAC 1100/42 a network of about 600 nodes <strong>and</strong>36,000 links (i .e . an average of 60 links per node) would take approximately 9 minutes (UNIVAC SUP time)to process ; a network of about 2,000 nodes <strong>and</strong> 20,000 links (10 per node) would take on the order of 22minutes ; <strong>and</strong> a network of about 2,800 nodes <strong>and</strong> 14,000 links (5 per node) would require about 24 minutes .(A procedure for estimating the time required for processing a particular network is provided in a moredetailed description of the program (Carrick, Omodei, <strong>and</strong> Klovdahl, 1978) .In this version of MACRONET there is also provision for a variety of input formats <strong>and</strong> output specifications. Measures of centrality, as noted, may also be obtained as part of the output .ANU-MACRONET2 is written in FORTRAN V .References :Carrick, D .W ., R .A . Omodei, <strong>and</strong> A .S . Klovdahl . ANU-MACRONET2 : A program for analyzing data from largenetworks (n< 3000) . Computer program description . Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, TheAustralian National University, Canberra, 1978 .Freeman, L .C . A set of measures of centrality based on betweeness . SOCIOMETRY, 1977, 40(1), 35-41 .Klovdahl, A .S . <strong>and</strong> R .A . Omodei . ANU-MACRONET : A set of programs for computing symmetric adjacency, reachability,<strong>and</strong> distance matrices for larger networks (n< 60) . CONNECTIONS, 1978, 1(2), 19 .ANU-R4NDNET . A PROGRAM FOR GENERATING MONTE CARLO SAMPLES OF NETWORKS .Alden S . KZovdahZ (Sociology, Arts, Australian National U .)This program makes it possible to take r<strong>and</strong>om samples from a constructed (population) network . Twobasic types of sampling are possible : "Independent r<strong>and</strong>om sampling", <strong>and</strong> "dependent r<strong>and</strong>om sampling" .In the former, nodes are selected independently of links that might connect them to other nodes . In thelatter, which may also be referred to as link-tracing, the selection of nodes (other than the first in asequence) is dependent on the linkages actually observed in a population .Once the sample selections have been made, by either method, the resulting data is converted intomatrix form for analysis using such network programs as MICRONET, MACRONET2, <strong>and</strong>/or MARKOV (Klovdahl <strong>and</strong>Omodei, 1978 ; Carrick, Omodei <strong>and</strong> Klovdahl, 1978 ; <strong>and</strong>, Thong <strong>and</strong> Klovdahl, 1978) .Ther results of a large number of samplings, of course, may then be used to evaluate the relativemerits of different approaches to network sampling .ANU-RANDET is written in FORTRAN VReferences :Carrick, D .W ., R .A . Omodei <strong>and</strong> A .S . Klovdahl . ANU-MACRONET2 : A program for computing symmetric adjacency,reachability, distance <strong>and</strong> point-centrality in large networks (n< 3000) . Computer program description .Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, The Australian National University, Canberra, 1978 .Klovdahl, A .S . <strong>and</strong> R .A . Omodei, ANU-MICRONET : A set of programs for computing symmetric adjacency, reachability,symmetric reachability <strong>and</strong> distance matrices for smaller networks (n< 85) . CONNECTIONS, 1978,1(2),19 .Thong, L .D . <strong>and</strong> A .S . Klovdahl, ANU-MARKOV : An interactive program for using Markov statistics to analyzenetwork data . Computer Program Description . Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, The AustralianNational University, Canberra, 1978 .

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