(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA


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-109-We have compared the connectivity of entire populations (sociometric "universes") using both CATIJ<strong>and</strong> limited choice sociograms . By the time we got to seven unreciprocated choices, the links in the sociogramapproached the complexity of our own diagrams produced by CATIJ . In fact, in one test there were morelinks in the unreciprocated 7-choice sociogram than in the CATIJ row 1 matrix . 16% of the CATIJ row 1links were missed, however, by the sociogram . These links were the ones which formed vital between-grouplinks (Killworth <strong>and</strong> Bernard, 1974b) . (See Granovetter, 1973 for a discussion of the importance of weakties in the structuring of groups .)Software for CATIJThe KBPAK is available from the authors . It is written in FORTRAN IV, <strong>and</strong> runs nicely on IBM equipment. There are four programs . ZERO checks for "illegal" entries, repeated entries, <strong>and</strong>, when 100% ofa group has given data, that everyone has been mentioned by each informant once <strong>and</strong> only once . Errors areprinted out so the data may be cleaned .Program ONE produces the CATIJ matrix, <strong>and</strong> prints dij, mini J•, <strong>and</strong> catij, mutual connections (i .e .,those persons who have mutual CATIJ row 1 connections), all row 1 connections, <strong>and</strong> the number of CATIJentries produced by dij entries . This last bit of data is peculiar . It specifies how many dij rankingswere required in order to produce the complete CATIJ matrix . We continue to produce this table because wehave no formula to determine the minimal number of rankings required to produce a CATIJ on a given sizedata set . Users are requested to send us this bit of data . Program ONE also punches a CATIJ deck . Intape version, a CATIJ deck pops out automatically, but may be suppressed .Program FIVE uses the CATIJ deck <strong>and</strong> produces general statistics on the CATIJ matrix . It shows howmany row 1 connections people have to <strong>and</strong> from others, <strong>and</strong> computes the mean, etc .Program TEN computes <strong>and</strong> prints the correlation matrix of CATIJ . The matrix if factored by rows,rather than by the usual columns (see Killworth <strong>and</strong> Bernard, 1974a for reasons for this procedure) .Program TEN prints out the correlation matrix, the eigenvalues <strong>and</strong> factor matrix, the suggested subgroups(using the stingy 0 .6 criterion), <strong>and</strong> a variety of other data concerning between-group-links, <strong>and</strong> so forth .Details of the output are in our users' manual (Killworth <strong>and</strong> Bernard, 1975) for CATIJ . A bank of morethan 100 data sets, collected for analysis by the CATIJ technique is also available (see Bernard, Killworth,<strong>and</strong> Kuznicki, 1975) .ReferencesActon, Forman, 1970 . Numerical Methods that Work . New York : Harper <strong>and</strong> Row .Bernard, H . Russell, <strong>and</strong> Peter D . Killworth . 1973 ."On the <strong>Social</strong> Structure of an Ocean Going Vessel <strong>and</strong>Other Important Things" <strong>Social</strong> Science Research 2(2) :145-84 .Bernard, H . Russell, <strong>and</strong> Peter D . Killworth . 1975 . "On the Structure of Affective <strong>and</strong> Effective SociometricRelations in a Closed Group Over Time ." Technical Report 4#BK-107-75 . Office of Naval Research,Code 452, Arlington, Virginia .Bernard, H . Russell, <strong>and</strong> Peter D . Killworth . 1977 . "Informant Accuracy in <strong>Social</strong> Network Data II ." HumanCommunication Research . 4(1) : 3-18 .Bernard, H . Russell, Peter D . Killworth, <strong>and</strong> Richard Kuznicki . 1975 . "KBDATA : A Bank of Effective SociometricData Sets ." Technical Report #BK-109-75 . Office of Naval Research, Code 452, Arlington,Virginia .Bernard, H . Russell, Peter D . Killworth, <strong>and</strong> Lee Sailer . 1978 . "Informant Accuracy in <strong>Social</strong> Network DataIV ." Technical Report #BK-116-78 . Office of Naval Research, Code 452, Arlington, Virginia .Granovetter, M .S . 1973 . "The Strength of Weak Ties ." American Journal of Sociology 79 :1360-80 .Killworth, Peter D ., <strong>and</strong> H . Russell Bernard . 1974a . "CATIJ : A New Sociometric <strong>and</strong> Its Application to aPrison Living Unit : Human Organization 33(4) :335-50 .Killworth, Peter D ., <strong>and</strong> H . Russell Bernard . 1974b "The CATIJ Technique : Some Descriptive Tests of ItsAdequacy ." Technical Report #BK-104-74 . Office of Naval Research, Code 452, Arlington, Virginia .Killworth, Peter D ., <strong>and</strong> H . Russell Bernard . 1975 "How to Use the KBPAK ." Technical Report #BK-106-75 .Office of Naval Research, Code 452, Arlington, Virginia .Killworth, Peter D ., <strong>and</strong> H . Russell Bernard . 1976 "Informant Accuracy in <strong>Social</strong> Network Data ." HumanOrganization 35(3) :269-86 .Killworth, Peter D ., <strong>and</strong> H . Russell Bernard, 1978 "Informant Accuracy in <strong>Social</strong> Network Data III ."Journal of <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Networks</strong>, in press .

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