(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA


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- 95 -6 . HypothesesAmong anticipated results : a) we expect sheer volume of communication about nutrition <strong>and</strong> healthmatters to increase from Time I to Time II . b) we expect those villagers who become regular voices on theradio to increase their "connectedness" in village communication networks . c) we expect "radio" to bementioned as an information source more frequently at Time II than at Time I . d) we expect an increasein agreement of perceptions of organizations' goals between villagers <strong>and</strong> organization employees from TimeI to Time II .7 . ScheduleBecause of unforseen-but not untypical--delays, RER broadcasting will begin in mid-April <strong>1979</strong> . Budget<strong>and</strong> other grant specifications require Time II interviews to be conducted in July, allowing but two-<strong>and</strong>a-halfmonths of participatory programming . The researchers hope to be able to conduct a follow-up surveyat a later date .8 . Requests of readersThe researchers/project coordinators are interested in hearing from readers who have worked in similarcommunication projects <strong>and</strong>/or have dealt with network analysis in non-urban communities Specifically,we're interested in the mechanics <strong>and</strong> cost of programming two corresponding (Time I <strong>and</strong> Time II) sets ofnetwork data . (Sample size for the three villages is 117 subjects .) We'd also like to hear from otherswho have ideas for enhancing the participation package described above .Readers may contact : Bonnie Brownlee <strong>and</strong> Gary Garriott,Ned WallacecoordinatorsWisconsin-Nicaragua PartnersProyecto RER, Puerto Cabezas or 610 North Walnut StreetDepto . de Zelaya Madison, WI 53706Nicaragua, Centro AmericaMOTHERS'NETWORK STUDYLois Steinberg (National Opinion Research Center, Chicago)The Mothers' Network Study is focused on underst<strong>and</strong>ing how mothers develop contacts within <strong>and</strong> beyondthe community to influence local public school decisions . We are especially interested in networks whichsupport programs or policies that would improve educational services for children whose interests are notrepresented, or are overlooked, by local educational authorities . The study is sponsored by the NationalInstitute of Education .By informal network we mean a group of mothers who got to know each other through shared activities ormutual friends <strong>and</strong> who use these contacts, rather than membership in a formal organization (such as the PTA)to influence the school program .The networks included in the study are located in two communities, a northeast suburb <strong>and</strong> a midwestcity . We will interview members of seven networks, other citizens active in school affairs, <strong>and</strong> schooladministrators affected by the networks . We will also tour neighborhoods <strong>and</strong> observe school activities tosee how community <strong>and</strong> school factors affect mothers' opportunities to form informal networks . The findingswill be applied to a comparative analysis of similar community-school factors in five different communitiesin a third city .Some of the questions we will try to answer are : How did the mothers develop the networks? Under whatcircumstances can a network operate effectively? Are networks affected by neighborhood characteristics?Data will be collected by network members <strong>and</strong> community residents who will also serve as consultantsto the project . A summary of the findings will be prepared especially for these participants .

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