(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA

(1979). Social Networks and Psychology. Connections, 2 - INSNA


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- 80 -emphasized the "circumstances directly encountered, given, <strong>and</strong> transmitted from the past" in terms ofwhich people act . (1968 ; 15) . Marxian theory, roughly, interprets idea systems which guide action asmore or less close approxima tions to a "true" underst<strong>and</strong>ing of social organization -- based either on acorrect perception of class interest ("consciousness"), or on a "rational" but obfuscating descriptionof society ("ideology") . There is no comparable vantage point in Weberian theory fromwhich to judgethe adequacy of meaning for the actor . In principle, "reality" is understood only through the subjectivemeanings of actions .4 . Weber's use of the term "mass" actions here is reminiscent of current concepts such as "collectivebehaviour", in contrast to his-more organizational concepts . This is clearly antithetical to the majorthrust of Weber's work, <strong>and</strong> his use of such language in his methodological discussions is indicative ofthe problems of attempting to construct social organization through cumulative social actions . LeslieHoward suggested this point .5 . Thus Weber sees bureaucracy as a structure in its own right, <strong>and</strong> does not, as Wrong (1970 : 23),argues, "identify bureaucracy as a form of social organization with the bureaucrat as a human type" .6 . Aron (1970 : 86-89), discusses the problems of Weber's approach to causality in history . It is nothis specific methodology of comparative historical analysis referred to here, but his general theoretical<strong>and</strong> substantive interest in historical explanation .7 . Abner Cohen (1969), in his study of the political <strong>and</strong> economic leverage in Nigerian society gainedthrough changing Hausa ethnic organization, provides an exciting example of the potentials of such anapproach . See, especially, his theoretical arguments in his introductory <strong>and</strong> concluding chapters .References :Abel, Theodore, 1969 . Systematic Sociology in Germany . New York : Octagon Books .Aron, Raymond, 1970 . "The Logic of the <strong>Social</strong> Sciences", in Dennis Wrong (ed .), Max Weber . Englewood Cliffs :Prentice-Hall .Blau, Peter M ., 1963 . The Dynamics of Bureaucracy . Chicago : The University Press .<strong>and</strong> O .D . Duncan, 1967 . The American Occupational Structure . New York : Wiley .. <strong>and</strong> Marshall W . Meyer, 1971 . Bureaucracy <strong>and</strong> Modern Society . New York : R<strong>and</strong>om House .Cohen, Abner, 1969, Custom <strong>and</strong> Politics in Urban Africa . Berkeley : University of California Press .Crozier, Michel . 1965 . The Bureaucratic Phenomenon . London : Tavistock Publications .Etzioni, Amitai, 1964 . Modern Organizations . Englewood Cliffs, N .J . : Prentice-Hall .Freund, Julian, 1968 . The Sociology of Max Weber . New York : R<strong>and</strong>om House .Howard, Leslie L . 1974, "Industrialization <strong>and</strong> Community in Chotanagpur", unpublished doctoral dissertation,Cambridge, Harvard University .Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1967 . Structural Anthropology . Garden City, N .Y . : Doubleday & Company, Inc .Marx, Karl, 1963, The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte . New York : International Publishers .Mills, C . Wright, 1963 . Power, Politics, <strong>and</strong> People . I .L . Horowitz, (ed .) . New York : Ballantine Books .Parsons, Talcott, 1962 . "Sociological Aspects to the Theory of Organization", in Amitai Etzioni, ComplexOrganizations . New York : Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, pp . 32-47 .. 1949 . The Structure of <strong>Social</strong> Action . Glencoe : The Free Press .Simmel, Georg, 1971 . "The Problem of Sociology", in Donald N . Levine (ed .) George Simmel on Individuality<strong>and</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Forms . Chicago : University of Chicago Press .Wagner, Helmut R ., ed ., 1970 . Alfred Schutz on Phenomenology <strong>and</strong> <strong>Social</strong> Relations . Chicago : University ofChicago Press .Weber, Max, 1968 . Economy <strong>and</strong> Society (Wirtschaft <strong>and</strong> Gesellschaft), An Outline of Interpretive Sociology .Guenther Roth <strong>and</strong> Claus Wittich (eds .) . New York Bedminster Press .. 1949 . The Methodology of the <strong>Social</strong> Sciences . Edward A . Shils <strong>and</strong> Henry A . Finch (eds .) . Glencoe :Free Press .White, Harrison C . 1970 . Chains of Opportunity . Cambridge, Mass ." Harvard University Press .Wrong, Dennis, ed . 1970 . Max Weber . Englewood Cliffs, N .J . : Prentice-Hall, Inc .Zeitlin, Irving M ., 1968 . Ideology <strong>and</strong> the Development of Sociological Theory . Englewood Cliffs, N .J . :Prentice-Hall, Inc .

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