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Island BiodiversityA workshop entitled “Brazilian OceanIslands – from Research to Management”was organized by the National Museumof Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,by Ibama, and by the Ministry ofthe Environment from 5 to 7 July2005, with support from the NationalScientific and Technological ResearchCouncil (CNPq) and the Ministry ofthe Environment. The findings werepublished as “Brazilian Oceanic Islands– from Research to Management”. Thebook is a groundbreaking publicationas it consolidates existing knowledgeon the research and management ofBrazilian oceanic islands. It constitutesas a starting point for the study onand management of these importantecosystems. The results of the studiesand projects described in the book’schapters show that scientific knowledgeof our oceanic islands is advancingand that the systematization ofexisting knowledge is fundamental into the identification of new paths forfuture research that will allow for thepreservation of these unique ecosystems.The book has 298 pages and its chaptersaddress the strategic importance ofoceanic islands and our knowledgeof their geology, soils, terrestrial flora,marine flora, sponges, molluscs, octopi,fish and biogeography, as well as anappendix containing summaries of thepresentations. A second volume is readyfor publication in 2008. The book is inPortuguese, with a preface in English.The first volume can be found at www.mma.gov.br/portalbio.40

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