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Agricultural BiodiversityConservation and sustainable use ofagrobiodiversity are strategic objectivesthat ensure the food and nutritionalsafety of urban populations, promotefamily agriculture, protect traditionalpeoples and communities and areessential components of the sustainabledevelopment and maintenance of thegenetic diversity of species that are ofcurrent or potential social-economicimportance to the country.Over the last four years, many activitieshave been carried out including, forexample, the creation of OutreachCentres for Agrobiodiversity Management(Centros Irradiadores do Manejo daAgrobiodiversidade – CIMAS), whoseobjective is the recovery, conservationand sustainable use of components ofagrobiodiversity using agro-ecologicalprocesses and principles. Organizationof seed exchange fairs, congresses andworkshops have also been supported bythe MMA. Another activity related to thematter was the effective participationof the MMA in the development ofthe National Policy on Medicinal andPhytotherapeutic Plants (PolíticaNacional de Plantas Medicinais eFitoterápicos).In conjunction with other governmentalbodies that also work withagrobiodiversity, the MMA led thecreation of a more ample governmentprogram that was started in 2008.This program involves MMA activities,as well as those of the Ministry forAgrarian Development (Ministério doDesenvolvimento Agrário – MDA), SocialDevelopment (Desenvolvimento Social– MDS), and the Ministry of Agriculture,Livestock and Supply (Ministério daAgricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento- MAPA). Other government bodies suchas the Brazilian Agricultural ResearchCorporation and the National SupplyCompany (Companhia Nacional deAbastecimento – CONAB) are also part ofthe new program.The Programme for the Conservation,Management and Sustainable Useof Agrobiodiversity strives to ensureconservation and sustainable use ofagrobiodiversity components so as ensurefood safety, employment and income11

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