Siebel CRM 8.1.x - HrOUG

Siebel CRM 8.1.x - HrOUG Siebel CRM 8.1.x - HrOUG


Automating Business ProcessesOrdered and structured tasks can be done manually.We might be successfull as long as we establish thetasks in a correct order.But what about:The risk about a missing step that effects the entire process?The risk about the effective time? Etc..SOLUTION: Business Process AutomationBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Siebel Automation FeaturesBusiness ServicesWorkflow ProcessesTasksAssignment ManagerState ModelSmart ScriptsScriptingBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Automating Business ProcessesOrdered and structured tasks can be done manually.We might be successfull as long as we establish thetasks in a correct order.But what about:The risk about a missing step that effects the entire process?The risk about the effective time? Etc..SOLUTION: Business Process AutomationBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

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