Siebel CRM 8.1.x - HrOUG

Siebel CRM 8.1.x - HrOUG

Siebel CRM 8.1.x - HrOUG

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Agenda (Continues)Deploying Workflow ProcessesBest Practices and Design PrinciplesQuestions & AnswersBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Business ProcessesBusiness process is a collection of related andstructured activities to achieve a specific businessobjectiveSome improvement areas:Effectiveness: The outputs expected from the process.Efficiency: Does is it worth to process it? Ex: Average time.Internal Control: Controlling for quality.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Automating Business ProcessesOrdered and structured tasks can be done manually.We might be successfull as long as we establish thetasks in a correct order.But what about:The risk about a missing step that effects the entire process?The risk about the effective time? Etc..SOLUTION: Business Process AutomationBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

<strong>Siebel</strong> Automation FeaturesBusiness ServicesWorkflow ProcessesTasksAssignment ManagerState ModelSmart ScriptsScriptingBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

<strong>Siebel</strong> Business ServicesBusiness services are units of functionality.They are resuable encapsulated objects which areglobally accessible.They enable business logic to be executed in differentcontexts.They are stored in the repository (*.srf file).So can be modified and and created by using “<strong>Siebel</strong>Tools”.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Architecture<strong>Siebel</strong> ArchitectureBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

<strong>Siebel</strong> Business ServicesBusiness Service consists of operations which arecalled as methods.Every method has a set of input and output argumentsBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

<strong>Siebel</strong> Prebuilt Business ServicesCustomer Order ManagementISS Credit Check ServiceEnterprise Application IntegrationEAI <strong>Siebel</strong> AdapterXML Document ProcessingXML ConverterCommunications ManagerInbound E-mail ManagerBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Testing <strong>Siebel</strong> Business ServicesBusiness Services can be tested by using the simulatorbefore using.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Workflows and <strong>Siebel</strong> Workflow ArchitectureA workflow consists of a sequence of ordered tasksand used to automate the business proccesses inorder to improve the efficiency.In <strong>Siebel</strong> <strong>CRM</strong>, these set of tasks are created in“Workflow Processes” by using “<strong>Siebel</strong> Tools”.Reusable objects like “Business Services” can be usedinside the Workflow Processes.Once they’re created, they must be deployed.Each workflow process is versioned automatically.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

<strong>Siebel</strong> Workflow ProcessesThey are created from inside the <strong>Siebel</strong> Tools.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Common Workflow StepsStart - End StepsBusiness Service Step<strong>Siebel</strong> Operation StepDecision Point StepConnector LinksBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

<strong>Siebel</strong> Operation TaskUse this task to interact with BusinessComponentsBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Business Service TaskThis task is used to call the existing businessservices.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Decision PointsIt’s used to create branching options. Multiplepaths based on the condition criteria.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Building Robust WorkflowsUse existing “Business Services”.Package workflow steps for reuse and access the otherworkflow by using the sub-process step.Errors should be handled. There are 2 error handlingmechanisms in <strong>Siebel</strong> WF.Error ProcessError Exception ConnectorValidate the workflow process.Run WF Simulator in order the test the logic.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

<strong>Siebel</strong> Scripting<strong>Siebel</strong> scripting allows to extend the out-of-boxfunctionality.There are 2 kinds of scriptings:Browser Scripts: Interpreted and executed by the web browsers during runtime,are written in JavaScript.Server Scripts: Interpreted and executed by Application Object Manager (AOM),are written in <strong>Siebel</strong> Visual Basic (Supported on Windows platforms and <strong>Siebel</strong>eScript based on ECMAScript (Supported on both Unix and Windowsplatforms.Use as a last resort.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

<strong>Siebel</strong> Scripting<strong>Siebel</strong> Tool includes an integrated developmentenvironment.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Reasons to Avoid ScriptingSlow processing.Requires maintenance.Brings complexity.Complicates upgrade process.Mostly reproduces the existing functionality.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Scripting Alternatives<strong>Siebel</strong> WorkflowTask UIState ModelAssignment ManagerData Validation ManagerDeclarative Properties: Validation, Requires, Predefaultvalue, Postdefault value, Readonly and etc..Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

The Methods of How To Invoke Workflow ProcessesThere are 4 different kinds of invoking methods:Run-Time EventsCustom Controls (Buttons or Menu Items)Workflow PoliciesProgrammatically (Scripting)Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Invoking Workflow ProcessesCustom ControlsUser should click a button or menu item to invoke theworkflow.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Invoking Workflow ProcessesRuntime EventsWorkflow processes can be triggered based on theuser activity.There are 3 types of Run-Time events.Application: Login, logoutAppet: Displaying an applet, displaying the recordBusiness Component: Querying a record, updating afield value.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Invoking Workflow ProcessesRuntime EventsRun-Time events can be added as a condition on theconnector out of a: Start Step, Wait Step and UserInteract Step.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Invoking Workflow ProcessesWorkflow PoliciesWhen you need to run the WF Process asynchronously,you’ll need to use “Workflow Policies”.A workflow policy contains information about the:One or more policy conditionsA policy actionThe policy action is going to be exexuted when allconditions are TRUEBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Invoking Workflow ProcessesWorkflow PoliciesThere are some requirements in order to gain benefit ofasynchronous workflow processes.Workflow policies use the “Workflow Process Manager”server component.“Generate Triggers” component should be executed tocreate the database triggers based on the policyconditions.Workflow monitor agent checks for fired trigger.Workflow Process Manager executes the WF Process.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Deploying Workflow ProcessesWorkflow Proccesses should be validated in order tocheck if there’s an error.WF Simulator should be used to check the logic.Then last step will be about deploymeny. Everyworkflow process should be published and activated.Every workflow has a version number so when it’s theWF process is modified, you should republish the latestversion.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

WF Simulator -1-Always test and validate your workflow process.Check each step.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

WF Simulator -2-You can access the details in each step (like propertyvalues).Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Deploying Workflow ProcessesPublishing and activating can be done by using <strong>Siebel</strong>Tools.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Best Practices and Design PrinciplesUse “Business Services” and “Sub WorkflowProcesses” for reusability. This will positively effect themaintenance.Avoid scripting because of complixity and the impacton upgrade. Try to use existing features.Errors should be handled otherwise unexpected errorswill be displayed to the user.Always validate and simulate the workflow processesbefore publishing and activating them.Bilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

Q & ABilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

THANK YOUcuneyty@bilginc.comwww.oratt.comBilginç IT AcademyTuesday, October 18, 11

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