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english - Biblioteca de Catalunya

english - Biblioteca de Catalunya


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The cultural activities of the BCSaint George’s Day. Open DayThe <strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Catalunya</strong>, in or<strong>de</strong>r to disseminate its patrimony and culture in general, organizes numerousactivities throughout the year in or<strong>de</strong>r to bring its collections closer to researchers and to all of the citizens.n Letting of rooms for functions. The BC hasspaces which it lets temporarily to otherinstitutions for activities:Various activities are organized:n Open Day. This is held each year on SaintGeorge’s Day. During the course of this dayone can see an audiovisual presentation onthe <strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Catalunya</strong> which inclu<strong>de</strong>sgraphic images of its history, the building,the collections and the services; exhibitionsare prepared which show documents in differentformats, recent acquisitions, specificfacsimiles, virtual exhibitions of photos in3D… Also the Fre<strong>de</strong>ric Marès Book Museumcan be visited, and the Sala Cervantina.Every year, for the Open Day, complementaryactivities are presented.n Temporary exhibitions, conferences andpresentations. The collections of the <strong>Biblioteca</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>Catalunya</strong> are varied, rich and valuable.Every year exhibitions, conferences andpresentations are held about them with theobjective of revealing these collections tosociety. Recently concerts, recitals and playshave also been put on. All of this informationis systematically updated on the website.n Fre<strong>de</strong>ric Marès Book Museum. The Marèscollection comes from the private donationof the bibliophile Fre<strong>de</strong>ric Marès. Throughits selection of items one can trace a routethrough the history of the book: frommedieval production, the incunabula, theprinted works of the XVI-XVIII th centuries,the industrial product of the XIXth an<strong>de</strong>arly XXth centuries, to the different typesof bindings that have existed. This collec-tion can be found in the Via Crucis hall andcan be visited if requested in advance.n General and thematic visits for groups.The <strong>Biblioteca</strong> offers a service of organizedvisits for groups that request it. You willfind the information on the website.n Editions and publications. The <strong>Biblioteca</strong><strong>de</strong> <strong>Catalunya</strong> publishes informative andscientific materials. There are publicationswhich are only edited in digital format.Some examples of different types of publicationsare the following: virtual exhibitions,cultural agenda, BCNews, TresorsBC,cataloguing standards, catalogues of the<strong>Biblioteca</strong> and of exhibitions, facsimile editions,..The catalogue of all of the publicationsof the <strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Catalunya</strong> can beconsulted on the website.

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