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english - Biblioteca de Catalunya

english - Biblioteca de Catalunya


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ARCA(Archive of Old Catalan Magazines)The digital collectionARCA. Archive of Old Catalan MagazinesThis is an open access portal which inclu<strong>de</strong>sdiscontinued periodical publicationswhich have been representative withinCatalan society and culture. It is a cooperative<strong>de</strong>pot of digital preservation promotedby the <strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Catalunya</strong> with thesupport of the Consortium of UniversityLibraries of Catalonia. This portal will facilitatethe consultation of the whole collectionof periodical publications, even thoughthe original copies are distributed amongseveral different institutions. It is a projectwhich will maximize the potential of researchamong scholars and will contributeto the preservation of original periodicalheritage, since the use of the collections onpaper will be reduced, so avoiding physicalwear and tear.The <strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>de</strong> Catlunya, as a member of the Consortium of University Libraries of Catalonia,participates in the Digital Library of Catalonia. It has also collaborated, since 1998, onthe project of the Miguel <strong>de</strong> Cervantes Virtual Library. In recent years, the <strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Catalunya</strong>has un<strong>de</strong>rtaken many projects to promote the digitization of its own collection and thesubsequent consultation via the web. Among these projects, the following are worthy of note:PADICAT(Digital Heritage of Catalonia)The PADICAT project, begun in 2005, has asits objective to <strong>de</strong>sign and produce a systemthat enables the <strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Catalunya</strong> tocompile, process and give permanent accessto the digital output of Catalonia, that is tosay to bring together all of those documentswhose origin is digital. It is the equivalent ofthe already well-known Legal Depot in theworld of the book. In or<strong>de</strong>r to achieve this,the digital material published on the Internetis gathered en masse, there is a drive for thesystematic <strong>de</strong>positing of the online output ofthe agents involved in Catalonia, and lines ofresearch are promoted through the integrationof the digital resources regarding certainevents in Catalan public life. The PADI-CAT project enjoys the collaboration of theCentre <strong>de</strong> Supercomputació <strong>de</strong> <strong>Catalunya</strong>(CESCA) and the backing of the Secretariatof Telecommunications and the InformationSociety of the Government of Catalonia.RACO(Open Access Catalan Magazines)RACO is a <strong>de</strong>pot from which articles withthe complete text from scientific, culturaland scholarly magazines that are currentlyin publication can be consulted in openaccess. The principal aim of RACO is toincrease the visibility and consultation ofmagazines, whether they are electronicor scanned from paper format, in or<strong>de</strong>r todisseminate the aca<strong>de</strong>mic and scientificoutput. With this project the electronic publicationof Catalan magazines is promoted,and their consultation and preservation isfacilitated. This initiative is a joint effortbetween the CBUC, the BC and the CESCA.

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