english - Biblioteca de Catalunya

english - Biblioteca de Catalunya

english - Biblioteca de Catalunya


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Rare prints and special collectionsIn 1917, ten years after the foundation ofthe <strong>Biblioteca</strong>, the Rare prints section wascreated, to which were assigned the foundationaland heritage collections, such as theAguiló collection, acquired in 1908. Presentlythe Rare Prints collection houses bookswhich are ancient, rare, valuable or precious,including the incunabula (printed before theyear 1500). Its structure is divi<strong>de</strong>d in to twomain groups: The Catalan Reserve – namedAguiló – and the General Reserve, particularlyrich in books from the Gol<strong>de</strong>n Age of Spanishliterature, and which also inclu<strong>de</strong>s worksfrom other periods. Of particular importanceamong the Special Collections are the Cervantine(one of the richest and most completecollections of the works of the author),the Verdagueriana (with a wi<strong>de</strong> selection ofworks and editions of this Catalan poet), theFullets Bonsoms (an extraordinary collectionof legislative, administrative, legal, informativeand literary texts in Catalan spanningthe XVI th to the XIX th centuries), as well as thePrat <strong>de</strong> la Riba, Espona, Almirall, Rull, TorresAmat, Bulbena, Pedro Pons, Elzeveriana andSant Joan <strong>de</strong> la Creu collections, and theToda collection, of the Spanish bibliographicaloutput of Italy, the Verrié collection ofchildren’s books, that of books in small format,the mythological collection, that of theFrench Revolution and Human Rights, or theLoose Leaf collection, among others.Eiximenis, Francesc. Llibre <strong>de</strong> les dones. Barcelona,1495. Incunabula

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