Premier Handbook - AAA Carolinas

Premier Handbook - AAA Carolinas

Premier Handbook - AAA Carolinas


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RWhen calling for road service, please have the following informationready:• Your name, club code and membership number• The make, model and color of the vehicle• Exact location of your vehicle(street address if available)• Nature of trouble (flat tire, won’t start,in ditch, etc.)• Phone number where you can be reachedRoadside AssistancePOption 2: You may be towed to a destination you select more than 200miles from the disablement at a rate of $3.00 per mile beyond the first200 free miles (rate subject to change). Charges for mileage beyondthese limits must be paid by the member at the time of service and arenot re im burs able.Option 3: You may be towed to a <strong>AAA</strong> Car Care Center or to the <strong>AAA</strong>Contractor’s station that responded to your call at no charge (if availablewithin 30 miles). See page 28 for more about <strong>AAA</strong> Car Care Centerlocations in the <strong>Carolinas</strong>.3 <strong>AAA</strong>.comTowing. When your vehicle cannot be safely driven after attempting anyof the listed emergency services herein, you will be given three (3) towingoptions:Option 1: You may be towed to a destination you select within 200miles of the disablement (at no charge).* If service is not performed at the <strong>AAA</strong> Car Care Center, towing charges may apply. If the member’scar is kept overnight, storage charges may apply.<strong>Premier</strong> members receive one 200 mile tow per membership year, and three additional 100 mile towsto the destination of your choice. The number of calls allowed increases with the addition of associates.Please refer to page 48 for roadside assistance numbers for North Carolina and South Carolina.

P R E M I E RRoadside AssistanceTire Service. If your vehicle’s spare tire is inflated and serviceable, it willbe installed to replace a flat tire. Actual repairs of the tire are not cov eredby <strong>AAA</strong>. If an inflated spare is not available, the towing benefit applies.Fuel Delivery Service. An emergency supply of fuel will be delivered toyour dis abled vehicle to enable you to reach the nearest service sta tion(Specific brands or octane ratings cannot be promised). <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong>members are provided the fuel free of charge.Vehicle Lockout Service. If your keys are locked inside the vehicle,service will be sent to gain entrance. If your keys are lost, broken, or theser vice provider cannot gain entrance to your vehicle, locksmith ser viceor reimbursement for locksmith service up to $100 will be pro vid ed.For the protection of the member’s vehicle, <strong>AAA</strong> may request ownershipverification of the vehicle and/or seek identification of the person drivingthe vehicle. Registered owners must be present for this service. Insome cases the towing benefit may apply.Note: Ignition mechanisms are not covered. If your keys are locked inyour trunk and the trunk release is inoperable, then the towing provisionapplies. Programming a key is not included in our locksmith service.Battery Service. A battery boost will be provided to start your ve hicle.In most locations, <strong>AAA</strong> offers a Battery Assist Program wherebythe responding facility will test your old battery and your car’s chargingsystem. If the test indicates a problem, you will be given the choice ofpurchasing a new battery (installed on the spot), or getting a jump toget you on your way. If the vehicle will not operate after battery service,it will be towed according to the towing provision.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 4

Trip Interruption & Vehicle Return Group Insurance BenefitsTrip Interruption. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> members have added peace of mind whenon trips of 100 driving miles or more from home. If you are driving or ridingin a <strong>AAA</strong>-qualifying vehicle which becomes inoperable as a result of a trafficaccident (not mechanical failure), or your vehicle is stolen, you may receive areimbursement for up to $1,000 of your covered unexpected out-of-pocketexpenses incurred during the first 96 hours immediately following the accident/theft.These expenses include:-Car rental (excluding gas, insurance and drop or one way fees)-Meals and lodging in the vicinity of the incident (within a 25 mile radius)-Commercial transportation from the location of the incident to your destinationor current residence.The trip interruption benefit can be used once per membership, per membershipyear. An accident report must be filed with the local police departmentand submitted to the club along with all other required documentationwithin 60 days of the incident. For details on reimbursement guidelines or tofile a claim, contact Member Relations toll-free at 877-282-3682.7 <strong>AAA</strong>.comPVehicle Return. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> members traveling in a <strong>AAA</strong>-qualifyingvehicle 100 driving miles or more from home are reimbursed up to $500for transportation of the vehicle back to the <strong>Premier</strong> member’s residencewhen an unexpected illness or injury prevents completion of the trip.The vehicle must be operable. Transportation must be performed byan accredited professional transport company. Benefits are not payableif the transportation of the vehicle could have been performed by themember or a traveling companion of the member.The Vehicle Return benefit may be used once per membership, permembership year. This benefit excludes transport of a rental vehicle or avehicle with an original lease term of less than one year. Evidence of illness/injurymust be submitted along with all other required documentationwithin 90 days of the incident. For information on reimbursementguidelines and to file a claim, contact the Member Relations departmenttoll-free at 877-282-3682.

Home Lockout ServiceAs a <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> member, if you become locked out of your home, youcan receive up to $100 in locksmith services to pick or drill the lockto gain access to your home from the outside. Home lockout serviceis reserved for the <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> member’s primary residence in North orSouth Carolina only and excludes all other buildings or locked areas. Theservice provides up to $100 for the cost of re-keying, changing locks ormaking a new key only when the lock must be drilled to gain entry tothe home or if keys are lost or stolen. Any charges in excess of $100, aswell as all charges associated with any other residential locksmith servicesare at the expense of the <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> member.PHome lockout service is limited to one usage per <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> membershipper membership year.** Home lockout service is not transferable to any other person. The <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> member mustbe present at the time of service. Identification and proof of residence is required. In the caseof rental property, approval of the property owner may be required. Service is valid only inNorth or South Carolina. Service is subject to provider availability, and if <strong>AAA</strong> cannot provideservice, the member will be referred to a commercial locksmith and will be reimbursed forcovered service up to $100. Locksmith arrival time is based upon locksmith availability.Did You Know?We’ll translate for you! Call 1-877-865-8548 and we’ll arrange for a languagetranslation by telephone.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 8

P R E M I E R24-Hour Concierge ServicesAs a <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> member, you can receive easy access to many serviceswhen you’re traveling on a domestic or international trip 100 miles ormore from your primary residence. Call toll-free 877-865-8548 forConcierge Services.Destination Information. Contact the Assistance ServicesRepresentative for detailed information about the <strong>Premier</strong> member’sdestination, including hours, locations, directions, and reservations for:• Theater, sporting event and other entertainment ticketing/reservations• Limousine and car service information and reservations• Shopping, sightseeing, and museums• Airports and other mass transportation• Health club referrals and information• Exhibition, shows and festival information• Messenger service referral and arrangements• Golf tee times, information, referrals, and reservations(subject to availability)• Gift basket and floral delivery arrangements• ATM location information• Weather forecast information• Local customs & duty requirements• Current exchange rates and local visa and passport requirementsThere is no fee for the Assistance Services Representative providing theinformation to the <strong>Premier</strong> member, and the <strong>Premier</strong> member isresponsible for all other costs, including admission costs, customs andduty charges, etc.9 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

24-Hour Concierge ServicesContact the Assistance Services Representative during a leisure trip forthese additional services.Computer rental referrals and arrangements. If a <strong>Premier</strong> memberneeds to rent a computer while on an Eligible Trip, the AssistanceServices Representative will assist the <strong>Premier</strong> member in locating andarranging such computer rentals. There is no fee for the AssistanceServices Representative providing information or making arrangements,and the <strong>Premier</strong> member is responsible for all rental and other fees associatedwith renting and transporting the computers.Floral delivery arrangements. The Assistance Services Representativewill assist the <strong>Premier</strong> member in ordering flower arrangements. There isno fee for this service and the <strong>Premier</strong> member is responsible for all costsassociated with the flowers and delivery.PAudio/visual equipment referrals and arrangements. If a <strong>Premier</strong>member needs to rent or purchase audio/visual or other businessequipment while on an Eligible Trip, the Assistance ServicesRepresentative will assist the <strong>Premier</strong> member in locating and arrangingfor such equipment. There is no fee for the Assistance ServicesRepresentative providing information or making arrangements, and the<strong>Premier</strong> member is responsible for all rental and other fees associatedwith renting, purchasing and transporting the equipment.Did You Know?We offer route assist! If you get lost on anyroad in the U.S., call 800-941-6658 fordirections to your destination.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 10

P R E M I E R24-Hour Concierge ServicesGift basket delivery arrangements. The Assistance ServicesRepresentative will assist the <strong>Premier</strong> member in ordering a gift basketfor a specific occasion. There is no fee for this service, and the <strong>Premier</strong>member is responsible for all costs including the gift basket and delivery.Messenger service referrals and arrangements. If the <strong>Premier</strong>member needs to arrange for messenger services to be provided duringan Eligible Trip, the Assistance Services Representative will provide the<strong>Premier</strong> member with information regarding messenger services for the<strong>Premier</strong> member’s destination. There is no fee for the Assistance ServicesRepresentative providing this information, and the <strong>Premier</strong> member isresponsible for all messenger costs.Other specialty requests arrangements. The Assistance ServicesRepresentative will assist the <strong>Premier</strong> member in locating and orderingspecialty items including gourmet food and unusual gifts. There is no feefor this service. The <strong>Premier</strong> member is responsible for all fees associatedwith the purchase of specialty items and their delivery.To access these services,please call <strong>Premier</strong> Member Concierge AssistanceToll-Free at 877-865-8548Concierge services are provided for <strong>Premier</strong> members in conjunction with Eligible Trips only. An“Eligible Trip” is any planned trip which: 1) takes the <strong>Premier</strong> member at least 100 traveled milesfrom the <strong>Premier</strong> member’s primary residence, 2) includes at least one overnight stay, and 3) doesnot exceed, and was not planned to exceed, 45 consecutive days.11 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

P R E M I E R24-Hour Emergency Travel AssistanceAssistance translation services. <strong>Premier</strong> members have an AssistanceService Representative available for language translation or to arrange fortranslation, by telephone.Lost luggage assistance. If a <strong>Premier</strong> member’s luggage is lost or stolenwhile traveling, an Assistance Services Representative will help locate theluggage by following up with the airline, train, cruise, etc.information, referral, arrangement, ticketing and reservation servicesfor Emergency Travel Assistance and Concierge Services are providedwithout charge, and the <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> member is responsible for all fees,expenses and other amounts charged by outside entities. Certain restrictionsand limitations may apply. Benefits and service provider are subjectto change without notice.Emergency Travel and Medical Assistance and Concierge Servicesare applicable only to planned trips 100 or more miles from the <strong>AAA</strong><strong>Premier</strong> member’s primary residence, which include at least one overnightstay and are not more than 45 days in duration. These servicesare available to <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> Primary members, <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> adultAssociate members, and <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> dependent Associate membersin good standing. The member must purchase the <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> serviceprior to the travel departure date in order to use these services. The<strong>AAA</strong>.com 12

24-Hour Emergency Travel AssistanceEmergency visitation arrangements. If a <strong>Premier</strong> member is hospitalized,such member’s family may call an Assistance Services representativefor help with travel arrangements to visit the <strong>Premier</strong> member. The<strong>Premier</strong> member and his/her family members are responsible for anycosts of travel.Emergency cash transfer arrangements. If the <strong>Premier</strong> member’s cashor checks are lost or stolen, or if emergency cash funds are needed for thepayment of unanticipated expenses, an Assistance Services representativewill make necessary arrangements for emergency cash to be transferred tothe member. These funds, as well as any associated fees, will come fromthe member’s family, friends, or credit accounts.Lost ticket and document replacement arrangements. If a <strong>Premier</strong>member loses a ticket or passport while traveling, an Assistance ServicesPrepresentative will provide information and help the member to obtainreplacement documents, including tickets and passports. The membermust pay for all associated fees.Emergency message center service. In the event of an emergency,call the Concierge Services Center with a message you need to deliver tosomeone you cannot reach. We will make at least 3 attempts in 24 hoursto reach your requested party, and we will provide you with an updateon the disposition of our attempts to deliver the message. (We are notresponsible for delivery of a message if the recipient cannot be reached).This service can be used for trips anywhere in the world.To access these services, please call<strong>Premier</strong> Member Concierge AssistanceToll-Free at 877-865-854813 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

Auto/Stereo Theft Reward and Legal DefenseAuto/Stereo Theft Reward. You are protected by <strong>AAA</strong>’s Auto/StereoTheft Reward. One reward pay ment per in ci dent, up to $1500 for autotheft and up to $600 for stereo theft, is payable to anyone pro vid ingin for ma tion to the po lice re sult ing in the ar rest and con vic tion of someonewho steals the above men tioned prop er ty from a member. Membersand im me di ate fam i ly, As so ci ate members, law enforce ment and se cu ri tyof fic ers are inel i gi ble.Legal Defense. If a <strong>AAA</strong> member has to go to court for a traffic vi o lation,<strong>AAA</strong> reimburses you for at tor ney fees up to $300 for covered trafficvi o la tions; or $1000 for manslaughter in connection with an autoPaccident; and a total of $2000 if appealed to the State Supreme Court*.This benefit may be used once per membership year.For reimbursement guidelines and exclusions, or to file a claim, contactthe Quality Assurance/Member Relations department toll-free duringbusiness hours toll-free at 877-282-3682.* You must appear in court or furnish a signed waiver that an attorney represented you. A pleaof not guilty must be given to the original charge. Notice of claim to the club along with allrequired documentation must be submitted within 60 days of the trial date. Reimbursementdoes not cover the charge of driving while impaired, failure to appear on previous traffic violations,or other serious driving offenses.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 14

TTravel ServicesYour membership gives you access to quality travel products, value-addedmember benefits and enhanced service through <strong>AAA</strong>’s world wide travelagency. Because <strong>AAA</strong> is the world’s largest travel organization, you reapthe benefits of our buying power. Plus, as a <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> member, youare eligible for reduced service fees on Airline purchases. Please visit any<strong>AAA</strong> Car o li nas branch office or call 800-750-5386 for your next trip.<strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong>’ professional and friendly travel consultants are waiting toserve you.PCruise Specials. Throughout the year, negotiated cruise discounts and/or spe cial amenities are avail able on selected sailings for <strong>AAA</strong> membersonly and can often re duce the cost of a cruise by as much as fifty percenton such well known cruise lines as Celebrity, Roy al Car ib be an, Carnival,Hol land Amer i ca, and Prin cess. Cruise specials are an nounced in your GoMagazine and may also appear in local media in clud ing radio, TV andnewspaper, and on <strong>AAA</strong>.com. <strong>AAA</strong> members also receive special addedvalues on select sailings such as free upgrades or shipboard credits. Call orvisit your local office, or chat live with a <strong>AAA</strong> travel agent at <strong>AAA</strong>.com.15 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

P R E M I E RTravel ServicesEscorted and Independent Tours. Wherever your destination, domesticor international, you may purchase a tour or travel pack age from <strong>AAA</strong>Vacations to meet your individual in ter ests and needs. <strong>AAA</strong> travel agentscarefully plan the itineraries and handle all the de tails for you, so you canenjoy your trip. <strong>AAA</strong> members also receive discounts and added values onselect tours and packages. Call or visit your local office or chat live with a<strong>AAA</strong> travel agent at <strong>AAA</strong>.com.Car Rentals. <strong>AAA</strong> and Hertz provide special car rental discounts to <strong>AAA</strong>members. Look in your Go Magazine for periodic promotions such asspecial rates and free car class up grades. Call Hertz directly at 800-654-3080, visit our website at <strong>AAA</strong>.com to be connected to Hertz, or callyour local <strong>AAA</strong> Travel Agent.Destination Discovery. Introducing <strong>AAA</strong> Destination Discovery poweredby Triporati. This innovative website allows our members to explorethe world and discover vacation destinations that perfectly fit their tastes,dreams and lifestyle. <strong>AAA</strong> Destination Discovery provides a personalizeddestination recommendation powered by expert travel advice. Try it todayat <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Travel.Did You Know?<strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> members get our Europe Tour-Book ® for free. That’s in addition to the freedomestic maps and TourBook guides which ourmembers receive at no charge.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 16

Travel ServicesHotel Reservations and Discounts. <strong>AAA</strong> members receive discounts atmore than 12,000 hotels worldwide, including:Best Western • Hampton Inn • Hilton Hotels • Hyatt HotelsMarriott • Starwood HotelsFor reservations, call toll-free 866-<strong>AAA</strong>-SAVE or your local <strong>AAA</strong> TravelAgent. You can also book online at <strong>AAA</strong>.com.Airline Tickets. <strong>AAA</strong> will find the best available airfare for our members.Some airlines offer special <strong>AAA</strong> member savings. members may call orvisit their local <strong>AAA</strong> branch office to purchase airline tickets, or call800-941-6658 for air, car, hotel, or leisure travel needs. Also, as a <strong>AAA</strong><strong>Premier</strong> member, you are eligible for reduced service fees on airline ticketpurchases. Call 800-941-6658 for details.PTravel Accident Insurance. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> members receive $300,000Travel Accident Insurance to cover members for accidental loss of life,limbs, or sight in any licensed common carrier when the transportationis purchased through a <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> travel agency. A common carriermay include planes, trains, ships and buses.Coverage applies while you are riding solely as a passenger in or on, orboarding from any licensed common carrier.Did You Know?<strong>AAA</strong> maps are among the best in the world.Our cartographers produce regional, state,province and city maps known for theiraccuracy and quality.17 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

P R E M I E RTravel ServicesWhen you purchase a common carrier ticket with your <strong>AAA</strong> CreditCard, you automatically receive up to an additional $100,000 in TravelAccident Insurance at no additional charge.Internet & Travel Sales. The Internet & Travel Sales Departmentservices your air, car, hotel, or leisure travel needs during these extendedhours: Mon.–Thurs.: 7:00am-10:00pm; Friday: 7:00am–7:00pm;Saturday: 9:00am–6:00pm; and Sunday 1:00pm–6:00pm. Call 800-941-6658 to make your travel plans with the Internet & Travel SalesDepartment.U.S. Passport and ID Photos. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> members get free photosfor U.S. passport/iden ti fi ca tion at any <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> branch office. Four(4) sets are allowed per membership year.International Driving Permits. These permits are issued only through<strong>AAA</strong>. If you are plan ning to drive while traveling abroad, we recommendyou obtain an in ter na tion al driving permit. Applications are availablein our offices, or can be downloaded from our website. (A small feeapplies.)<strong>AAA</strong> Travel Money. Before you travel, visit your local <strong>AAA</strong> branch officefor secure and convenient travel money including the Visa TravelMoney®Card, TipPaks® and foreign currency. American Express® TravelersCheques and U.S. dual-signature cheques are available fee-free to members.For more information visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/TravelMoney.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 18

Travel ServicesPrepaid <strong>AAA</strong> Gift Cards. Prepaid Visa or American Express® gift cardsare available at your local <strong>AAA</strong> office or American Express® Gift Chequesare also offered for purchase.International Travel Guides. Published by <strong>AAA</strong>, international travelguides to Europe, Mexico, and the Caribbean are available to <strong>Premier</strong>members at no charge. Other destinations are also available for a nominalfee.Authorized Disney Vacation Planner. <strong>AAA</strong> Travel, an Authorized DisneyVacation Planner (although not an agent of The Walt Disney Companyor its affiliates), offers <strong>AAA</strong> members exclusive benefits and great valuesPwhen they book a <strong>AAA</strong> Vacations® package to the Disneyland® Resort, theWalt Disney World® Resort or Disney Cruise Line® package. Ask aboutexclusive <strong>AAA</strong> parking, VIP lounge, and <strong>AAA</strong> Diamond Card. Call orvisit your local <strong>AAA</strong> travel office for more details.Pre-planned Drive Vacations/Weekend Getaways. <strong>AAA</strong> offers manypre-planned drive vacations, including hotel accommodations, sightseeing,and attraction entry fees for destinations throughout the U.S.Traveling within the <strong>Carolinas</strong> is easier for <strong>AAA</strong> members with specialCarolina Getaways and hotel/resort packages. Ask your local <strong>AAA</strong> TravelSales Specialist for details.19 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

P R E M I E RTravel ServicesTourBook ® Guides give you information on lodging (including whichproperties offer discounts), restaurants, attractions, points of interest andeven local temperature ranges. All lodgings and res tau rants listed in theTourBook® Guides are inspected by <strong>AAA</strong> and rated on a scale of one tofive diamonds.TripTik ® Routings. Each TripTik® Routing is a customized routing ofyour trip using pre-printed maps which are marked to show you the bestroutes from your origin to your des ti na tion. Mileage information, drivingtime, tolls, areas of strict law enforcement, construction areas andde tours are clear ly marked. In addition, there are brief de scrip tions of theareas you are pass ing through.<strong>AAA</strong> Maps. <strong>AAA</strong>’s cartographers produce regional, state, province andcity maps known for their accuracy and quality. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> membersreceive these maps free of charge.CampBook ® Guides. Camping areas all over the U.S. and Canada arelisted with de tailed information on rates, locations and facilities avail able.Public camp grounds (National or State Parks, for example) are not rated.Winter Road Conditions. A nationwide network provides informationfor <strong>AAA</strong> members concerning icy roads and other road conditions fromNo vem ber 15th through March 15th. Information is also available yearroundon road con di tions, detours, washouts and other driv ing haz ards.Important TipPlease call a few weeks before your trip whenrequesting a TripTik ® , maps or guides. That waywe can be sure you have them in time!<strong>AAA</strong>.com 20

AAuto Insurance<strong>AAA</strong> knows it is not just a car…it is your baby. And, it’s our goal to protecther as if she was our own. Our insurance consultants can customizea protection plan that gives you the best value for your insurance dollar.As a member you already qualify for some of the following discounts:<strong>AAA</strong> Membership, Mature Operator, Multiple Car, Auto and Home,and Safe Driver.PIn order to provide the greatest protection at the best value, <strong>AAA</strong><strong>Carolinas</strong> started its own insurance company. The Members InsuranceCompany (TMIC) is your insurance company; created for <strong>AAA</strong><strong>Carolinas</strong> members. TMIC has preferred rates for members, an easy reliableclaims process and compassionate experts in the field of insurance,ready to care for your specific needs. TMIC stands ready to protect thedreams of our members. And remember, it is a <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> ownedcompany. That means anyone covered by TMIC can rest easy in the factthat they are protected by the <strong>AAA</strong> name, and that the President of thecompany is always within driving distance. Your baby is not just anothercar, and TMIC is not just another insurance company. Call us today andexperience the member difference. Insurance consultants can be reachedtoll-free at 877-766-6222.21 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

P R E M I E RSpecialty Vehicles Insurance. For many of our members, acquiringa motorcycle, recreational vehicle or other specialty vehicles has been alifetime dream. These types of vehicles need specialized policies. Thebasic automobile policy written by most companies isn’t enough to provideadequate coverage. By representing a number of the major specialtycompanies, <strong>AAA</strong> is able to provide members with the specific coveragethat is needed for these vehicles at the most competitive rate.A quick phone call with one of our consultants can give you the peace ofmind that your dream is fully protected. You can reach us at <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Insurance, or toll-free by phone at 877-766-6222.Homeowners and Liability Coverage<strong>AAA</strong> realizes that no one invites their friends and family over to justsee their house; instead we open our homes to them. Your home willmore than likely be the largest investment you’ll ever make and requiresthe proper protection. Just think for a moment how your lifestyle haschanged over the last 10 years. More of us are working from home andhave acquired more personal property. Each of these requires special coverage,and <strong>AAA</strong> can provide the right protection plan for you.The Members Insurance Company was created with the purpose ofmeeting these special protection needs. Call one of <strong>AAA</strong>’s insurance consultantsand see if you qualify for one or more of the following discounts:gated community, loss free, new home, first time homeowner or protectivedevices.By contacting an insurance consultant toll-free at 877-766-6222, you’llreceive the security of doing business with someone you trust.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 22

P23 <strong>AAA</strong>.comSpecialty Property Coverages. Whether you need coverage for a vacationhome, manufactured home, rental property or additional liabilitycoverage, your <strong>AAA</strong> insurance consultant can customize a program tomeet your needs.We offer competitive rates for renters, manufactured homes, condominiums,personal articles, and umbrella policies. Call a consultant today tollfreeat 877-766-6222 to review your needs.Life Insurance<strong>AAA</strong>’s solid commitment to service and excellence makes us the perfectchoice as your life insurance provider. Our knowledgeable insuranceconsultants can help evaluate your present insurance needs and devise aplan that will provide you, your family, and your heirs with a lifetime ofsecurity. Products offered include:• Economical Term Life Insurance• Whole Life and Universal Life products that build cash value• Estate Protection Programs• Juvenile Life Insurance for your children or grandchildren• Guaranteed Life Insurance available to members aged 45–75Individual Health Insurance. <strong>AAA</strong> offers individual health insurancethrough leading health insurance companies. Shopping for health insurancecan be a complicated process, but our agents can assist in selecting aprogram that fits your needs. A wide range of major medical coverages areavailable, including managed health care and traditional indemnity plans.

P R E M I E RSpecialty Coverages• Short Term Health Coverages for 30 to 365 days is available to memberswho may be between jobs, graduating from college, waiting on group coverage,or with dependents coming off parents’ health coverage.• Student Health insurance is renewable individual health insurance availableto full-time undergraduate and graduate students.• Medicare Supplement is offered to qualified individuals 65 or older as asupplement to Medicare hospital and medical coverage.• Long Term Care insurance can help protect your assets and secure yourfuture financial independence. LTC services can include nursing home orhome health care and policies can be custom designed to meet your needsand budget. <strong>AAA</strong> represents several of the top-producing carriers in theLong Term Care industry.• Annuities can be used as tax-deferred instruments, and the foundation foryour overall financial plan. <strong>AAA</strong> offers a wide range of annuity productswith competitive rates and multiple terms.• Travel Insurance covers trip cancellation, baggage, personal accident andemergency evacuation. Travel Medical Insurance offers full medical coveragefor those members who need additional protection while travelingabroad and for non-citizens coming into the U.S.For more information on any of these products, call our insurance consultantstoll-free at 877-766-6222.Did You Know?<strong>AAA</strong> Insurance can protect your preciousfamily heirlooms? We offer specialtycoverage for all kinds of valuables.Call toll-free 877-766-6222 to find outwhat qualifies for coverage.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 24

FFinancial Services25 <strong>AAA</strong>.com<strong>AAA</strong> Visa ® Credit Card with WorldPoints ® Rewards. The <strong>AAA</strong> Visacredit card goes the extra mile for you. Enjoy exceptional peace of mind,wherever you travel. Whether you’re at home or on the road, the <strong>AAA</strong>Visa credit card with WorldPoints rewards gives you the security alongwith the great value—you need in a credit card. With a low introductoryAnnual Percentage Rate (APR) offer*, the <strong>AAA</strong> Visa credit card gives youthe flexible spending feature that you need. The <strong>AAA</strong> Visa card provides24-Hour Customer Service, around the clock fraud protection, andsecure online access to your account information at aaanetaccess.com.You can enjoy even more features with the <strong>AAA</strong> Visa credit card withWorldPoints rewards, including:• WorldPoints rewards*• Free MyConcierge SM personal assistant service**• Up to $100,000 Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance**• Supplemental auto rental collision damage waiver**For more information, visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/CreditCard.P*For information about the rates, fees, and other costs and benefits associated with the use ofthis Credit Card, or to apply, call 1-800-545-7899, visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/creditcard or contact theissuer, FIA Card Services, N.A., by writing to P.O. Box 15020, Wilmington, DE 19850.Terms apply to program features and Credit Card account benefits. For more informationabout the program, visit fiacardservices.com/worldpoints. Details accompany new accountmaterials.**Certain restrictions apply to these and other benefits described here and in your Guide toCoverage.The <strong>AAA</strong> Financial Services credit card program is issued and administered by FIA CardServices, N.A. The WorldPoints program is managed in part by independent third parties,including a travel agency registered to do business in California(Reg. No. 2036509-50); Ohio(Reg. No. 87890286); Washington (6011237430) and other states, as required. MyConciergeis a service mark of Les Concierge Inc, and is used by the issuer pursuant license. WorldPointsis a registered trademark of FIA Card Services, N.A. Visa is a registered trademark of VisaInternational Service Association, and is used by the issuer pursuant to license from VisaU.S.A. Inc. All other company and product names and logos are the property of others andtheir use does not imply endorsement of, or an association with, the WorldPoints program.<strong>AAA</strong> is a trademark of American Automobile Association, Inc.© 2010 Bank Of America Corporation

P R E M I E RFinancial ServicesAuto Leases If you are among the growing number of Americans whowant to beat rising car and truck prices by leasing, we can provide competitiveleasing arrangements with creative options and custom-tailored termsthrough <strong>AAA</strong> Auto Sales. For information, call 800-231-0349.<strong>AAA</strong> Deposit Program Members save more with the <strong>AAA</strong> DepositProgram. Special benefits include:• Preferred, member-only rates that consistently beat thenational average 1 ;• No minimum required to open a CD, IRA CD or Money Marketaccount (Money Market Accounts require a minimum balance of$1,500 after 60 days);• Quick account set-up by phone, mail or online;• Easy and secure access to your account information 24/7 via online at<strong>AAA</strong>.com/Deposits or by phone.Discover the <strong>AAA</strong> difference in high-yield 2 savings accounts. Calltoll-free 888-728-3230 or go online to <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Deposits for moreinformation.1. National Average APYs based on top 50 U.S. banks by deposit provided by Informa Research Services,Inc. as of 11/30/10.2. Bankrate.com (2Q-2010) Top Tier Quarterly Winner for consistently high yields.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 26

AAutomotive ServicesAuto Sales. Let <strong>AAA</strong> Auto Sales help you find your next new, certifiedor pre-owned vehicle. Visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/AutoSales to view our onlineinventory and request a quote or give us a call at 800-231-0349. You’llwork with one Auto Sales representative from start to finish. We willsearch to find you the best vehicle at the best price and will even deliverit straight to your home or office. <strong>AAA</strong> Auto Sales can also assist youwith financing, extended warranties, and maintenance plans. Plus, we’lleven take your trade-in. Buying a car just got easy!<strong>AAA</strong> Approved Auto Repair & Body Repair. The <strong>AAA</strong> ApprovedAuto Repair program was created to provide members with referrals toautomotive repair facilities that meet <strong>AAA</strong>’s stringent standards for technicalcompetence and customer service. These referrals come with the27 <strong>AAA</strong>.comPassurance that <strong>AAA</strong> will arbitrate in the event of a dispute between anApproved Repair facility and a member. <strong>AAA</strong> benefits include:• Free Maintenance Inspection (Note: Auto Body Repair facilities do not currently offerthis inspection.)• Written Estimate• Warranty (Note: For Auto Body facilities, the warranty is for 12 months. No mileage stipulation.)• Return of Parts• Dispute Resolution

P R E M I E RVehicle Inspection Program. Whether you’re getting ready to take a roadtrip or you just have a question about that noise your car is making, theVehicle Inspection Program can give you the peace of mind you’re lookingfor. Just visit any participating Approved Auto Repair facility or <strong>AAA</strong>Car Care Center for a <strong>AAA</strong>-designed 86 point safety vehicle inspection,and <strong>AAA</strong> will provide a $45 rebate. <strong>Premier</strong> members receive one VehicleInspection Program rebate per membership, per membership year. ContactMember Relations toll-free at 877-282-3682 for details of vehicle inspectionand rebate form.<strong>AAA</strong> Car Care Center. Visit <strong>AAA</strong> Car Care Center for all your vehiclemaintenance and repair needs including oil changes, brakes, A/C service,CV repair, alignment and suspension, cooling systems, belts and hoses,electrical systems, and more. <strong>AAA</strong> members receive a 10% discount on laborand a 2-year/24,000-mile warranty. Our locations feature amenities such asinternet access, kid’s activity area, and coffee bar. Visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/CarCare orcall 800-720-0117 for hours of operation and the most current list of <strong>AAA</strong>Car Care Center locations. <strong>AAA</strong> Car Care Center is owned and operated by<strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong>.!To find a <strong>AAA</strong> Car Care Center near you,call 800-720-0117 or visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/CarCare.$18 953,000 Mile MaintenanceOil Change ServiceUp to 6 quarts GTX oil. Includes 16 point inspection, standardoil filter. Plus tax and disposal fees. Most vehicles.Not valid with any other coupon or discounts.Expires 3/31/12PHB 12/10<strong>AAA</strong>.com 28

IInternet Services<strong>AAA</strong>.com<strong>AAA</strong>.com. Think of <strong>AAA</strong>.com as our online branch office that is opento you all day, everyday. Whether you need to make travel arrangements,purchase insurance or find advice on automotive services, <strong>AAA</strong>.com hasit all.Online TripTik ® Routings. <strong>AAA</strong>’s very own enhanced maps can nowbe found at <strong>AAA</strong>Maps.com. Detours, construction delays and pointsof interest are just a few of the reasons why you’ll keep coming back tothis feature before every trip. Online routings also include gas prices atstations along your route. Simply print out the directions to your destination,and hit the highway with the most up-to-date road informationavailable.PAir, Car, Hotel, Cruise, & Tour Reservations. <strong>AAA</strong> offers the convenienceof booking your air, car, hotel, cruise, and tour reservationsonline. Choose your dates and destinations at <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Travel and compareprices instantly.Roadside Assistance Requests. For those who would rather click amouse than dial a phone, we offer you the capability to request road servicevia <strong>AAA</strong>.com. Your service request will be automatically dispatchedto the closest available contractor to get you on your way. When youneed assistance, just go to <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Help.Online Fuel Pricing. Our <strong>AAA</strong> Fuel Price Finder shows local prices andstation locations within a three-, five-, or 10-mile radius. The price datais derived from more than 85,000 individual stations throughout theUnited States. Before you go to the pump, go to <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Fuelfinder.To calculate the estimated fuel cost for your trip, click on “Fuel Cost ForA Trip” on <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Fuelfinder.

P R E M I E RInternet Servicese-Update Newsletter. Sign up for the <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> e-Update. Ouronline newsletter is packed with discounts, travel specials, and contestsavailable only through the e-Update. Sign up online at <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Email.Online TourBook ® Guide Search. <strong>AAA</strong>’s famous TourBook® Guidesare now available online to help plan your next trip. Look up hotel andattraction information including rates and amenities, <strong>AAA</strong> diamond ratings,attractions, and more. Still prefer a hardcopy? No problem. Just goto <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Travel, and click the “TourBook & Maps” link.Disney Vacation Planner. <strong>AAA</strong>’s online Disney Vacation Planner makesplanning that special family trip to Disney easy. Enjoy exclusive memberbenefits and great values when booking a <strong>AAA</strong> Vacations® package. Visit<strong>AAA</strong>.com/Disney for details.Chat with a Cruise Expert. Find the perfect cruise online! With ouronline chat feature, you can submit your special requests and let ourcruise specialists locate the dream cruise to fit all of your needs. Just goto <strong>AAA</strong>.com/cruises to see our exclusive offers.Auto Sales. If you want the best price on a new car and a pleasant carbuyingexperience, <strong>AAA</strong>.com is the place to go. You will also find carreviews to help make your purchase even easier. See page 27 for detailsor visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/AutoSales.Online Insurance Quotes. Go online for free insurance quotes oneverything from automotive to health insurance. Let our agents get thebest rate for you. See page 21 for details or visit us online at <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Insurance.Hotel and Restaurant Reviews. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> reviews top-ratedhotels and restaurants in the <strong>Carolinas</strong> independently throughout theyear. Before you plan your next trip visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Diamond.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 30

SShow Your Card & Save ® Discounts and SavingsYour <strong>AAA</strong> membership card is also a valuable discount card, enablingyou to save money on a variety of products and services. You’ll receivespecial prices, upgraded services or extra value when you show your <strong>AAA</strong>membership card. Call 800-477-4222 or visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Discounts for acomplete description of all <strong>AAA</strong> discounts.PPrepaid <strong>AAA</strong> Gift CardsNow it’s easy to give millions of gift choices with one convenient giftcard. The <strong>AAA</strong> Gift Card is accepted by retailers worldwide and online.You set the value, choose your design, and add a message if you wish.<strong>AAA</strong> Gift Cards are the perfect choice for everyone on your gift list.Purchase your <strong>AAA</strong> Gift Cards at any <strong>AAA</strong> branch office.31 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

Show Your Card & Save Discounts and SavingsNational PartnersP R E M I E R®Save with these partners and more!Note: Terms and conditions of Show Your Card & Save® partners and their agreements are subject to change. Conditions may apply. Visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Discounts for more information.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 32

Show Your Card & Save Discounts and SavingsLocal/Regional PartnersP33Save with these partners and more!Note: Terms and conditions of Show Your Card & Save® partners and their agreements are subject to change. Conditions may apply. Visit <strong>AAA</strong>.com/Discounts for more information.

S35 <strong>AAA</strong>.comSpecial ServicesFree Personal Notary Service. Stop by your local <strong>AAA</strong> office the nexttime you need a notary. As a <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> member, you receive mostpersonal notary transactions free of charge.Go Magazine. Published six times a year, this member publicationin cludes articles about travel, <strong>AAA</strong> discounts and benefits, internetupdates, travel destinations, insurance, auto repair tips, new car reviewsand car buying information, leg is la tive in for ma tion and more. Visit<strong>AAA</strong>.com/Go to view the latest publication online.Did You Know?Go Magazine has the largest circulation ofany single publication in the <strong>Carolinas</strong>.PDriver Improvement Classes. The nationally recognized DriverImprovement Program is available for experienced drivers. Motoristswho receive traffic tickets in NC, SC or VA counties may be able toattend a <strong>AAA</strong> Driver Improvement class for a reduced or dismissedticket. Contact your county of citation for eligibility. Motorist may alsobe eligible for reduced insurance premiums or driving record points byattending the course. To enroll in a class, visit us online at <strong>AAA</strong>.com/DrivingSchool or call toll-free 866-741-6668.<strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> Foundation for Traffic Safety. The Traffic SafetyFoundation uses information and resources to educate the public ontraffic safety issues and seeks to influence behavior to improve safety onroads in the <strong>Carolinas</strong>. The tax-exempt Foundation accepts donationsfrom members and the public, and its activities are often noted in GoMagazine or in studies and activities reported in the media. For moreinformation, call 704-569-7733.

P R E M I E RSpecial ServicesLegislation. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> is active in local communities as well as inthe legislatures of both states representing motorists and trav el ers. Anannual legislative poll is conducted through Go Magazine to help determinewhich is sues are im por tant to our members. <strong>AAA</strong> will then followup with the appropriate action and representation to ensure the rights ofmotorists and travelers.Business Memberships. Your organization or company may offer <strong>AAA</strong>membership to your employees at a discounted rate for new memberships.Simply call toll-free 866-727-8590 and our membership salesdepartment will coordinate with your company officials to promote thediscounted memberships through a convenient method (on your companywebsite, in your new employee welcome kit, with a flyer in yourbreakroom, etc.)<strong>AAA</strong>.com 36

Membership InformationMYour Membership. Dues may be paid by check, money order, Visa,MasterCard, Amer i can Express, Discover or cash. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> alsooffers Au to mat ic Renewal of your annual membership dues by creditcard. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> members must reside in North or South Carolina.Memberships are on a con tin u ous year-to-year ba sis with dues pay ablean nu al ly by the last day of the month shown on your membership card.Please re member to notify <strong>AAA</strong> if you change your ad dress by calling800-941-6658, or by writ ing us at: <strong>AAA</strong> Car o li nas; Attn: Membership;P.O. Box 29622; Charlotte, NC 28229-9622.Pchange their membership status from associate to pri ma ry. This will bedone automatically at the end of the renewal cycle.Gift Memberships. Purchase a <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> gift membership bycalling 800-941-6658. We’ll send the <strong>AAA</strong> gift membership kit to yourspecial someone along with the membership card(s). You will be billedsep a rate ly for the gift at regular membership rates, and you may renewthe gift each year. Gift memberships may only be purchased for residentsof the <strong>Carolinas</strong>.Primary Members. Primary members make all the decisions regardingthe membership, such as adding associates or cancelling the membership.Associate members may be a spouse or any de pen dent chil dren age 25and under living with and sup port ed by the im me di ate family. Childrenwho reach age 26, leave the household, or be come self-sup port ing, mustGive The Gift Of Safety & Security.Call 800-941-6658 today to purchase a <strong>AAA</strong>membership for someone you care about!<strong>AAA</strong> is the gift that keeps on giving.37 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

P R E M I E RMembership InformationYour Privacy. Benefits of your <strong>AAA</strong> membership include savings anddiscounts on a variety of products and services which may be related totravel, insurance, financial services, automobile, and the Show Your Cardand Save® program.From time to time you may receive information or offers regarding thesevalue-added services which are only offered by providers who meet ourhigh quality standards and who have committed to respecting your privacyas a <strong>AAA</strong> member.However, we understand that you may prefer not to learn more aboutthese valuable offers, or to receive these savings opportunities. If youdo not wish to receive these communications, please write us at <strong>AAA</strong><strong>Carolinas</strong>, Privacy Policy; 6600 <strong>AAA</strong> Drive; Charlotte, NC 28212;or click on “Contact Us” at <strong>AAA</strong>.com. Please include your full name,address, and membership number with your correspondence, and allowsix weeks from receipt of notification for the suppression to take effect.Unless specified, you will continue to receive our bi-monthly publication,Go Magazine, and occasional email updates.Please Note. We reserve the right to non-renew or cancel any membershipwhich, in Management’s sole discretion, would have an adverseimpact on the cost of membership to other members or is disruptive tothe operation of the club.Benefits listed in this handbook are subject to change and/or cancellationwithout notice. Members can always find the most currentmembership benefits online at <strong>AAA</strong>.com.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 38

Roadside Assistance ProvisionsModified Vehicles. Vehicles that have been mod i fied by the own er riskpossible damage when towed or serviced. Therefore, <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong>reserves the right to refuse the tow or service on the grounds of safety andliability. If service is provided, the owner assumes responsibility for anydamages not caused by the operator’s negligence.Unattended Vehicles. Because of questions of liability and the possibilityof articles being stolen from unattended vehicles, <strong>AAA</strong> requires thatthe member or designated agent be present at the time of service. Anunattended vehicle will be serviced only when pre-approved by the cluband only in extreme circumstances. Members can be transported to theirvehicle, though they may be charged. If the vehicle is unattended whenthe service arrives, the member may be assessed for additional trips. TheClub will not be responsible for any damage to the vehicle or its contents.PExtrication/Winching Service. This service does not cover vehicles thatbecome disabled on a beach, non-public road, construction site, boatramp, vacant lot, or an area not regularly used for public traffic. This serviceis subject to capability of service provider in the area.Commercial Service. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> roadside assistance may not beused for commercial purposes or as a substitute for regular maintenancenecessary to keep a vehicle in good operating condition. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong>reserves the right to terminate or non-renew <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> service in theevent of the aforementioned. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> towing may be subject todelay.39 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

P R E M I E RRoadside Assistance ProvisionsImproper or Excessive Service. <strong>Premier</strong> members are required to partici pate in the cost of emergency roadside assistance after four (4) callswith in a membership year. The number of calls al lowed in creas es withadded associates. For exact number of calls allowed on your membership,please contact Member Relations. An attempt will be made to notifythe primary member when they are ap proach ing or have reached themax i mum call limit. Members who require service after the maximumallotted calls will be provided basic service at a special reduced rate.Additional charges for towing mileage and added services will be due andpayable to the servicing facility at the time of service. On the renewaldate of the membership, full road ser vice benefits will be re stored. Wereserve the right to can cel a membership for ex ces sive use or cost ofRoadside Assistance or for per mit ting use by a non-member.<strong>AAA</strong> Service Contractors. We select Roadside Assistance facilities fortheir ability to handle service calls, but we cannot guarantee that thesefacilities have parts or equipment to make repairs. ERS facilities are independentbusinesses and are not employees or agents of <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong>.Responsibility for loss, damage or unsatisfactory workman ship remainswith the facility providing the service. <strong>AAA</strong> will mediate disputes.Damage complaints must be received within 10 days of the incidentand <strong>AAA</strong> cannot promise resolution if repairs are completed prior toinvestigation.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 40

Roadside Assistance ProvisionsReimbursement Regulations. <strong>AAA</strong> is dedicated to providing a level ofservice far beyond the modest cost of membership. One way we do thatis by contracting with carefully screened Roadside Assistance providers todeliver services at specially negotiated prices that are well below the ratesof independent contractors. In an instance where a <strong>AAA</strong> contracted provideris available but a member chooses to call a service provider outsidethe <strong>AAA</strong> network instead of calling our 800-222-4357 number, reimbursementswill be based on your membership plan. On the rare occasionthat a <strong>AAA</strong> provider is not available (after calling our “800” number),or your membership cannot be confirmed, you will be reimbursed forthose services normally provided free of charge with your membership,based on the regular commercial rate for the area when <strong>AAA</strong> service isrequested and unavailable.PReceipts that are altered, copied or in the name of anyone other than themember cannot be honored for reimbursement. The Club will considerreimbursement requests received within 60 days from the date of service.Mail receipts to: <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong>; P.O. Box 29600; Charlotte, NC28229; Attn. Member Relations Department.If you have any questions, please call the Quality Assurance/MemberRelations Department toll-free at 877-282-3682.41 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

P R E M I E RRoadside Assistance ProvisionsService Calls. You may not use more than one service call per breakdown.Passengers. The responding tow truck will have room for up to two passengers.<strong>AAA</strong> will assist in locating commercial taxi service at the member’sexpense to transport additional passengers if necessary.After Hours. When most repair garages are closed, the vehicle may betowed to a place of safekeeping and the member may be charged forvehicle storage. The member may be assessed a second ser vice call and/orappropriate mileage charges for the sub se quent tow.• Services to unregistered or unlicensed vehicles or those with registrationsexpired more than 30 days.• Vehicles without tags unless a police report is presented.• Towing of ve hi cles for salvage is not cov ered.• More than one tow per breakdown.• A pre-existing condition prior to joining <strong>AAA</strong>.• <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> is not responsible for any expense when a ve hi cle isordered to be towed, extracted, or impounded by the police for violatinglocal laws.• Entrance Fees charged by private or gated communities.Services Not Included at <strong>AAA</strong> Expense.• Mechanical or repair work, and any parts or supplies required to repairvehicle.• Service on a vehicle which was abandoned or im mo bi lized by inspectionlaw.<strong>AAA</strong>.com 42

43 <strong>AAA</strong>.comRoadside Assistance ProvisionsEligible Vehicles. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Carolinas</strong> will provide service to the following:• Four-wheeled motor driven vehicles of the passenger type regardless oflicense plate designation, if those services can be safely delivered;• Dual-wheel campers/motor homes and RVs will be provided all servicesexcept towing, extraction and winching, and tire services. Note: If youare a <strong>Premier</strong> RV member, your dual-wheel camper/motorhome will beprovided all services.• Rented passenger vehicles are eligible for service. Commercial vehiclesare eligible for service, excluding taxi cabs and limousines.• Dual-wheel unloaded pickup trucks and panel vans (ten or morepassengers) are provided all services except tire service.• Box trucks are provided all services except towing, extraction andwinching, and tire service.Trailers. If you become disabled while towing a trailer, service will beprovided for the trailer at your expense and will be payable to the servicePfacility at time of service. If <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> RV coverage is purchased, theClub extends service to: motorhomes, travel trailers for the purpose ofcamping with sleeping accommodations only, pickup trucks with bedmountedcampers, motorcycles, and 5th wheel travel trailers. The <strong>AAA</strong><strong>Premier</strong> 200-mile towing provision does not apply to trailers or RVs.Flatbed Service. Charges for flatbed service requested by members,when not required by the <strong>AAA</strong> Towing manual, will be passed on to themember.Did You Know?When you need more than a jump-start,<strong>AAA</strong> offers on-site battery replacementthat comes with a 3-year, non-proratedguarantee—the best in the business!

P R E M I E RRoadside Assistance ProvisionsMember Privilege Only. Service will be provided to the person namedon a valid membership card if he or she is driving or riding in an eligiblevehicle at the time of breakdown. Prior to rendering service, <strong>AAA</strong> mayre quest identification, such as a driver license, in addition to the <strong>AAA</strong>membership card. Only members may use the membership card and serviceis not provided to non-members using the member’s vehicle, whetheror not they reside in the member’s household. Spouse and children maypurchase “Associate” memberships which in clude all services provided tothe Primary member.need emer gen cy cash. Some restrictions may apply. Contact the QualityAssurance/Member Relations Department toll-free at 877-282-3682 fordetails.Emergency Conditions. Whenever possible, Roadside Assistance is availableto you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year throughout the United Statesand Canada. However, during se vere weather conditions, civil disturbancesor national emer gen cies, <strong>AAA</strong> reserves the right to temporarily delay serviceto members who are in a place of safety.Paying by Personal Check. <strong>AAA</strong> Roadside Assistance facilities acceptpersonal checks up to $250 for emergency service. When you are travelingat least 100 miles away from home, you may also cash a per son al check forany amount up to $100 at any <strong>AAA</strong> office in the United States when you<strong>AAA</strong>.com 44

PFree Hertz #1 Club Gold MembershipHertz, <strong>AAA</strong>’s preferred car rental partner, offers <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> membersone year of free membership in Hertz #1 Club Gold. <strong>AAA</strong> <strong>Premier</strong>members enjoy the convenience of never repeating required personalinformation and rental preferences at time of reservation, as well asby-passing the rental counter at the rental destination. Your name andpreassigned car space will appear on the lighted #1 Club Gold board todirect you to the vehicle containing your pre-printed rental agreement.Pick up and return your Hertz rental car under weather-protected #1Club Gold areas in over 22 countries at 42 major airports. No waiting…simply show your driver’s license at the exit gate and you’re on your way.To enroll, go to <strong>AAA</strong>.com/<strong>Premier</strong> and click on the Hertz #1 Club Gold“Enroll” link.Please wait 5–7 business days after joining premier membership before enrolling for Hertz #1 Club Gold toensure your information has been updated for the online member login.Renting For FunCar rental isn’t just for vacation travel. Hertzoffers a variety of vehicles that can make anyoccasion a little more fun.45 <strong>AAA</strong>.com

<strong>AAA</strong> MEMBER COUPONUp to $15 Offa Weekend RentalHertz “Up to $15 Off Weekend” offer saves you $5 aday, up to $15 off, weekend rentals of any reserved carclass. Hertz qualifying weekend rate restrictions for therenting location apply.Call your <strong>AAA</strong> Travel office or Hertz at800-654-3080.Coupon Expires 12/31/11.U.S., Canada& Puerto RicoPC# 147770<strong>AAA</strong> MEMBER COUPONHertz “$20 Off Hertz Weekly” offer applies to weeklyrentals of any reserved car class. Hertz qualifying weeklyrate restrictions for the renting location apply.Call your <strong>AAA</strong> Travel office or Hertz at800-654-3080.Coupon Expires 12/31/11.$20 Offa Weekly RentalU.S., Canada& Puerto RicoPC# 147766<strong>AAA</strong> MEMBER COUPONHertz “$50 Off a Monthly rental” offer saves you $50on minimum 28 day rentals of any car class. Hertzqualifying monthly rate restrictions apply.Call your <strong>AAA</strong> Travel office or Hertz at800-654-3080.Coupon Expires 12/31/11.$50 Offa Monthly RentalU.S., Canada& Puerto RicoPC# 132952CDP #0000111 CDP #0000111Must appear on rental recordMust appear on rental recordCDP #0000111Must appear on rental record

<strong>AAA</strong> MEMBER COUPON <strong>AAA</strong> MEMBER COUPON <strong>AAA</strong> MEMBER COUPONImportant Rental InformationPromotion terms and conditions: Advance reservations required andmust include your <strong>AAA</strong> CDP#, along with the PC# for this offer. Exceptas noted above and subject to availability, these offers are redeemableat participating Hertz locations in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Ricoand Mexico (not all benefits and discounts are valid in Mexico). Offershave no cash value, may not be used with Pre-pay Rates, Tour Rates orInsurance Replacement Rates and cannot be combined with each otheror with any other certificate, voucher, offer or promotion. Modifyingyour reservation may result in a change in your rate and/or invalidatethis offer. Hertz age, driver and credit qualifications for the renting locationapply. Taxes, tax reimbursement, age differential charges, fees andoptional service charges, such as refueling, are not included. Discountsapply to time and mileage charges only. Discounts in local currency onredemption. Offer valid for vehicle pickup through 12/31/11.<strong>AAA</strong>.com/hertzImportant Rental InformationPromotion terms and conditions: Advance reservations are requiredand must include your <strong>AAA</strong> CDP#, along with the PC# for this offer.Modifying your reservation may result in a change in your rate and/or invalidate this offer. Subject to availability, this offer is redeemableat participating Hertz locations in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico andMexico (not all benefits and discounts are valid in Mexico).This offerhas no cash value, may not be used with Pre-Pay Rates, Tour Ratesor Insurance Replacement Rates and cannot be combined with anyother certificate, voucher, offer or promotion. Hertz age, driver, creditand weekly rate qualifications for the renting location apply. Taxes,tax reimbursement, age differential charges, fees and optional servicecharges, such as refueling, are not included. Discounts apply to timeand mileage charges only. Discounts in local currency on redemption.At the time of rental, present your <strong>AAA</strong> membership card or Hertz/<strong>AAA</strong> Discount Card for identification. Offer valid for vehicle pickupthrough 12/31/11.<strong>AAA</strong>.com/hertzImportant Rental InformationPromotion terms and conditions: Advance reservations are requiredand must include your <strong>AAA</strong> CDP#, along with the PC# for this offer.Modifying your reservation may result in a change in your rate and/or invalidate this offer. Subject to availability, this offer is redeemableat participating Hertz locations in the U.S, Canada, Puerto Rico andMexico (not all benefits and discounts are valid in Mexico). This offerhas no cash value, may not be used with Pre-pay Rates, Tour Rates orInsurance Replacement Rates and cannot be combined with any othercertificate, voucher, offer or promotion. Hertz age, driver, credit andqualifying weekend rate restrictions for the renting location apply. Taxes,tax reimbursement, age differential charges, fees and optional servicecharges, such as refueling, are not included. Discounts apply to timeand mileage charges only. Discounts in local currency on redemption.At the time of rental, present your <strong>AAA</strong> membership card or Hertz/<strong>AAA</strong> Discount Card for identification. Offer valid for vehicle pickupthrough 12/31/11.<strong>AAA</strong>.com/hertz

P R E M I E R<strong>AAA</strong> Phone Numbers Quick Reference GuideRoadside AssistanceInside North or South Carolina . . . . . . . . . .800-941-6658Outside North or South Carolina . . . . . .800-<strong>AAA</strong>-HELP(800-222-4357)<strong>AAA</strong> Vacations/Local Branch Offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-750-5386(Tours & Cruises, Hotel, Car Rental and Air Reservations)<strong>Premier</strong> MembersAssistance Services . . . . . . . . . . Toll-free 877-865-854824-Hr Emergency Travel AssistanceConcierge Services<strong>AAA</strong> Internet & Travel Sales . . . . . . . .800-4ME-TOGOOpen 7 days a week with extended (800-463-8646)hours to service all your travel needs.Hertz Car Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-654-3080Auto and Home Insurance . . . . Toll-free 877-766-6222Life and Health Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-333-4242Hotel Reservations/Discounts . .Toll-free 866-<strong>AAA</strong>-SAVE<strong>AAA</strong> Visa ® Credit Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-587-8093<strong>AAA</strong> Auto Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-231-0349<strong>AAA</strong> Car Care Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-720-0117<strong>AAA</strong> Auto Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toll-free 888-452-7771Member Relations/Reimbursements/Rebates . . . . . Toll-free 877-282-368248

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