saving more energy through compliance - 4E - Efficient Electrical ...

saving more energy through compliance - 4E - Efficient Electrical ...

saving more energy through compliance - 4E - Efficient Electrical ...


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a d v a n c e d n o t i c eSaving <strong>more</strong><strong>energy</strong> <strong>through</strong><strong>compliance</strong>International Conferenceon Compliance in <strong>energy</strong>efficiency programmesfor electrical equipment14-16 September 2010Copthorne Tara HotelLondon, UKorganised by theInternational Energy AgencyImplementing Agreementfor <strong>Efficient</strong> End-use<strong>Electrical</strong> Equipment (<strong>4E</strong>)in partnership with theCollaborative Labeling andAppliance Standards Program(CLASP) and the UK Governmentspace isstrictly limited!reserve aplace early athttp://www.iea-4e.org/events/<strong>compliance</strong>-conference

Effective <strong>compliance</strong> regimesare needed to ensureefficiency programmescontinue to deliver <strong>energy</strong>and greenhouse gas <strong>saving</strong>sat low cost.High <strong>compliance</strong> rates alsosafeguard these programmesfrom losing the confidence ofconsumers and industry.Compliance is therefore amajor concern to all marketparticipants who have aninterest in maximising<strong>energy</strong> efficiency.This international threeday Conference will bringtogether public and privatesector stakeholders to shareexperiences in the designand operation of their<strong>compliance</strong> activities.registrationThere is no charge forattending the conferencehowever space is strictlylimited and we encourageyou to reserve a placeearly by completing thebooking form at the <strong>4E</strong>website: http://www.iea-4e.org/events/<strong>compliance</strong>conferenceTell us if you would liketo make a presentation byregistering at this website.Amongst the Topics raised:uuuuuuuuWhy are <strong>compliance</strong> rates important?How can high <strong>compliance</strong> rates beachieved cost-effectively?When to take remedial or enforcementaction?Should <strong>compliance</strong> regimes differbetween voluntary and mandatoryprograms?Can we learn from other <strong>compliance</strong>regimes, such as electrical safety?How do <strong>compliance</strong> regimes formanufacturing economies differfrom those with a high proportion ofimported products?How can modern approaches toInformation Management contributeto effective low cost <strong>compliance</strong>?How can international co-operationimprove <strong>compliance</strong>?Who should attenduuuuuuOfficials responsible for the designand operation of <strong>energy</strong> efficiencyprogrammes;Representatives from industriesinvolved in the manufacture, supply andretail of electricity using products;Policy-makers from the public andNGO sectors specialising in <strong>energy</strong> andgreenhouse gas topics;Regulatory affairs officers;Consultants and private sectorcompanies in the fields of monitoring,verification and evaluation;Representatives from verification andcertification companies.

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