July 7, 2013 - Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church

July 7, 2013 - Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church July 7, 2013 - Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church


SERVICE OPPORTUNITIESPRODUCTS OF THE MONTH:deodorant, toothpaste, & toothbrushesThere is always a need for certain items, like the ones above, at FISH and the Samaritan Shelter. Please bring yourproducts to the church and place them in the labeled basket downstairs.REAL CHOICES WALK FOR LIFEThe event will take place on Saturday, July 20, 2013 atHarlow Platts Park (Viele Lake) in Boulder. Walkerscan choose between walking .7 miles and 1.4 miles toachieve their goals in the name of life. Walkers raisepledges to sound their voice and take a stand on howprecious each life is. Each team with $500 in pledgeswill also be entered into a drawing! Sign up today byvisiting www.realchoicespartners.org.ARCHBISHOP'S CATHOLIC APPEALTo those families who have supported the 2013Archbishop's Catholic Appeal, thank you! AllAppeal gifts will be allocated to archdiocesanministries which were created to promote the faith,ease the hardships of the impoverished, and draw all toChrist. If you have not made your contribution, pleasedo so today. Every gift is critical to our parish's path tosuccess.SIGN THE PERSONHOOD AMENDMENT PETITION!On July 5, 2012, Heather Surovik was eight months pregnant with her son Brady, when a drunk driver slammedinto her car, injuring Heather and her mother and killing Brady. Because Colorado law doesn't recognize Bradyas a person, there was no prosecution for his tragic death. This amendment to the Colorado Constitution willrecognize that Brady and the unborn are persons deserving of protection under the law. The petition will beavailable for signature outside the sanctuary after Masses starting on July 20.Online GivingNativity participates in an online giving program that serves as a consistent, reliable means of making your offering to our parish.To give online:1. Visit our website www.nool.us.2. Click on the Online Giving button on the right sidebar.3. Complete the registration.Questions?Contact Kyle Hubbart atk.hubbart@nool.us.PROJECT RACHEL POST ABORTIONHEALING HOTLINE: 303-388-4491 ext. 153Open 24 hours to women and men.COUNSELING SERVICESBecky Kusick, M.A., L.P.C., offers counseling servicesthrough Nativity. Becky has a Master’s Degree inClinical Psychology and is a Licensed ProfessionalCounselor. She has worked in the field for over 20years. Becky works with couples, children, and adults.For more information or for an appointment,call 303-907-6499.HEALING OPPORTUNITIESFEELING DOWN?Let a Stephen Minister help! You don't have to besuffering through a 'big' crisis. We are available for the'little' ones, too. So many times, too many little thingsadd up to be a big thing. Don't let your crisis become abig one. A Stephen Minister is a trained volunteerready to listen in a non-judgmental way whilemaintaining strict confidentiality. Through a caringrelationship, those who are hurting receive the love andsupport they need. Please call 303-469-5171, ext.113 and leave a confidential message. Your callwill be returned within 48 hours.

SERVICE OPPORTUNITIESPRODUCTS OF THE MONTH:deodorant, toothpaste, & toothbrushesThere is always a need for certain items, like the ones above, at FISH and the Samaritan Shelter. Please bring yourproducts to the church and place them in the labeled basket downstairs.REAL CHOICES WALK FOR LIFEThe event will take place on Saturday, <strong>July</strong> 20, <strong>2013</strong> atHarlow Platts Park (Viele Lake) in Boulder. Walkerscan choose between walking .7 miles and 1.4 miles toachieve their goals in the name <strong>of</strong> life. Walkers raisepledges to sound their voice and take a stand on howprecious each life is. Each team with $500 in pledgeswill also be entered into a drawing! Sign up today byvisiting www.realchoicespartners.org.ARCHBISHOP'S CATHOLIC APPEALTo those families who have supported the <strong>2013</strong>Archbishop's <strong>Catholic</strong> Appeal, thank you! AllAppeal gifts will be allocated to archdiocesanministries which were created to promote the faith,ease the hardships <strong>of</strong> the impoverished, and draw all toChrist. If you have not made your contribution, pleasedo so today. Every gift is critical to our parish's path tosuccess.SIGN THE PERSONHOOD AMENDMENT PETITION!On <strong>July</strong> 5, 2012, Heather Surovik was eight months pregnant with her son Brady, when a drunk driver slammedinto her car, injuring Heather and her mother and killing Brady. Because Colorado law doesn't recognize Bradyas a person, there was no prosecution for his tragic death. This amendment to the Colorado Constitution willrecognize that Brady and the unborn are persons deserving <strong>of</strong> protection under the law. The petition will beavailable for signature outside the sanctuary after Masses starting on <strong>July</strong> 20.Online Giving<strong>Nativity</strong> participates in an online giving program that serves as a consistent, reliable means <strong>of</strong> making your <strong>of</strong>fering to our parish.To give online:1. Visit our website www.nool.us.2. Click on the Online Giving button on the right sidebar.3. Complete the registration.Questions?Contact Kyle Hubbart atk.hubbart@nool.us.PROJECT RACHEL POST ABORTIONHEALING HOTLINE: 303-388-4491 ext. 153Open 24 hours to women and men.COUNSELING SERVICESBecky Kusick, M.A., L.P.C., <strong>of</strong>fers counseling servicesthrough <strong>Nativity</strong>. Becky has a Master’s Degree inClinical Psychology and is a Licensed Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalCounselor. She has worked in the field for over 20years. Becky works with couples, children, and adults.For more information or for an appointment,call 303-907-6499.HEALING OPPORTUNITIESFEELING DOWN?Let a Stephen Minister help! You don't have to besuffering through a 'big' crisis. We are available for the'little' ones, too. So many times, too many little thingsadd up to be a big thing. Don't let your crisis become abig one. A Stephen Minister is a trained volunteerready to listen in a non-judgmental way whilemaintaining strict confidentiality. Through a caringrelationship, those who are hurting receive the love andsupport they need. Please call 303-469-5171, ext.113 and leave a confidential message. Your callwill be returned within 48 hours.

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