Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Operation Scorched ArseArse out of her mind as she drifted into the land ofnod.Any inclinations Ms Lawton may have harboredof moving towards a position of détente wereimmediately dispelled when she entered the assemblyhall on Monday morning and found Deborah Mortonstanding in the familiar pose of disgrace for thesecond time in the space of three days.Deborah’s chums were transfixed as theywatched the drama unfold. When the Grand Damefirst observed Deborah her expression changedmomentarily to one of open-mouthed incredulity. Asshe took the ten steps between the doors of the halland the spot where Deborah was waiting her featuresquickly rearranged themselves into undisguisedvexation.Deborah was visibly anxious. Her mouthtwitched and her eyes darted nervously as the GrandDame approached. At first Ms Lawton seemed at aloss for words. She fixed Deborah with a gimlet gaze.Debs gamely tried to return the Grand Dames stare.There was a brief and ominous silence in thehall as the two women stared at each other, but itwas just a lull before the storm.It did not take long for Ms Lawton to find hervoice. She leaned her face in close to Deborah andunleashed her tongue. Every inmate in the hall hadexperienced a scolding from Ms Lawton at one timeor another but thankfully they were generallydelivered in the privacy of her study.The Grand Dame didn’t raise her voice,choosing instead to use a tone so icy that it sent

87shivers down the spines of the watching inmates.Deborah recoiled under the verbal assault.It was a scolding on an epic scale. It was thegeneral consensus amongst the inmates that theGrand Dame stayed up late at nights poring overancient tomes and lexicons searching for newvariations of the word malfeasance. She seemedintent on demonstrating the full extent of hervocabulary as she publicly denounced Deborah.Debs did her best not to flinch under thescathing attack but she could feel her cheeks turningbright red and she was having increasing difficultymeeting the Grand Dames eye.Deborah trudged out of the hall. This morningspublic scolding had made the one she had receivedtwo days earlier seem like a cozy chat over tea andcrumpets. She felt mentally and physically drained asshe dispiritedly made her way through the corridors.The past forty-eight hours had not been kindto Deborah Morton’s rear end. Her nailing by theGrand Dame and the heinous double beating by MsWhitton had been excruciating. The following morningshe had been forced to pitch up at Katie’s to beslippered for collar and tie abuse. The unit matronhad taken great relish in putting Debs over her kneeand had spanked her so hard it had brought tears toDeborah’s eyes.Deborah had been forced to spend most of theweekend standing up. As she cut through thecorridors it occurred to Debs that if the Grand Damedecided to lay it on as thick as she had on Saturdaymorning she was in for a very disagreeableexperience. Deborah Morton was not faint of heart

87shivers down the spines of the watching inmates.Deborah recoiled under the verbal assault.It was a scolding on an epic scale. It was thegeneral consensus amongst the inmates that theGrand Dame stayed up late at nights poring overancient <strong>to</strong>mes and lexicons searching for newvariations of the word malfeasance. She seemedintent on demonstrating the full extent of hervocabulary as she publicly denounced Deborah.Debs did her best not <strong>to</strong> flinch under thescathing attack but she could feel her cheeks turningbright red and she was having increasing difficultymeeting the Grand Dames eye.Deborah trudged out of the hall. This morningspublic scolding had made the one she had receivedtwo days earlier seem like a cozy chat over tea andcrumpets. She felt mentally and physically drained asshe dispiritedly made her way through the corridors.<strong>The</strong> past forty-eight hours had not been kind<strong>to</strong> Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n’s rear end. Her nailing by theGrand Dame and the heinous double beating by MsWhit<strong>to</strong>n had been excruciating. <strong>The</strong> following morningshe had been forced <strong>to</strong> pitch up at Katie’s <strong>to</strong> beslippered for collar and tie abuse. <strong>The</strong> unit matronhad taken great relish in putting Debs over her kneeand had spanked her so hard it had brought tears <strong>to</strong>Deborah’s eyes.Deborah had been forced <strong>to</strong> spend most of theweekend standing up. As she cut through thecorridors it occurred <strong>to</strong> Debs that if the Grand Damedecided <strong>to</strong> lay it on as thick as she had on Saturdaymorning she was in for a very disagreeableexperience. Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was not faint of heart

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