Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Operation Scorched Arse“Please step out onto the landing and assume theposition. I’d like to look into this a little further.”Ms Lawton studied the two forms. “I mustconfess, I’m not sure I see the difference, Patricia,”she told her deputy. “I mean they are laid out a littledifferently but they seem to contain the sameinformation.”Patty narrowed her eyes. “As a member of theElite Cassidy is supposed to keep abreast of all of therules, regulations and protocols,” she snapped. “If shewas doing her job properly she would know whichform is currently in use. This is a typical example ofher irresponsible attitude to her responsibilities as aprefect.”“But Ms Hammell signed the town pass,”observed the Grand Dame. “That at least lends itsome legitimacy.”“Dotty Hammell is a damned liberal,” snortedPatty.“Alright Patty leave it with me and sendCassidy in on your way out,” sighed Susan Lawton.

22An Epic Scolding“She’s losing her nerve,” scoffed Patty in thesaloon Bar of the Bunch of Grapes. “She let thatdegenerate Cassidy off Scot-free. It’s a disgrace.”Patty had assembled her cohorts for a Councilof War.Katie snorted contemptuously. “She rejectedseveral of my amendments to the Politics of Clobber,”she complained.“Do you think she’s reconsidering OperationScorched Arse?” wailed the Wart.Patty shook her head firmly. “She’s tooinvested now. If she shows the slightest sign ofweakness pandemonium will ensue. She’ll never letthat happen.”Susan Lawton slid into bed. Her decision torelease Cathryn without punishment had helped toassuage her feeling of guilt. Nonetheless she still haddifficulty sleeping and eventually resorted to pouringherself a stiff brandy. She closed her eyes and did herbest to put the complexities of Operation Scorched

22An Epic Scolding“She’s losing her nerve,” scoffed Patty in thesaloon Bar of the Bunch of Grapes. “She let thatdegenerate Cassidy off Scot-free. It’s a disgrace.”Patty had assembled her cohorts for a Councilof War.Katie snorted contemptuously. “She rejectedseveral of my amendments <strong>to</strong> the Politics of Clobber,”she complained.“Do you think she’s reconsidering <strong>Operation</strong><strong>Scorched</strong> <strong>Arse</strong>?” wailed the Wart.Patty shook her head firmly. “She’s <strong>to</strong>oinvested now. If she shows the slightest sign ofweakness pandemonium will ensue. She’ll never letthat happen.”Susan Law<strong>to</strong>n slid in<strong>to</strong> bed. Her decision <strong>to</strong>release Cathryn without punishment had helped <strong>to</strong>assuage her feeling of guilt. Nonetheless she still haddifficulty sleeping and eventually resorted <strong>to</strong> pouringherself a stiff brandy. She closed her eyes and did herbest <strong>to</strong> put the complexities of <strong>Operation</strong> <strong>Scorched</strong>

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