Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Operation Scorched Arse“I will certainly be considering that option,”snapped the Grand Dame.Cathryn rolled her eyes.Ms Lawton scowled at the prefect. “Raise yourskirt,” she said curtly.“Oh good grief,” said Cat. She reached underher skirt and extracted a packet of Marlboro Lightsfrom the elastic waistband of her bumbags. “Arethese what you’re looking for?” she asked and tossedthem on the desk.“Your attitude is not helping you,” said MsLawton. “You still have the remainder of the yearbefore you complete the program and I can still flunkyou. You know that alcohol and cigarettes areforbidden but you continue to flaunt the rules.”“Look Ma’am,” said Cat. “I’m a prefect; I wasout in town on a legitimate pass. I had a couple ofscoops and I would have stashed the fags when I gotback. If Patty, oops, Ms Hodge, hadn’t introducedsome new and unannounced protocol then nobodywould be any the wiser.”Ms Lawton sighed. She always found dealingwith Cathryn most disconcerting. During her years inMilitary Intelligence she had been trained tointerrogate terrorists and enemies of the state. Shewas considered a master practitioner of the craft.However, in the nearly seven years that she had beenresponsible for overseeing Cathryn’s socialrehabilitation she had never managed to satisfactorilypenetrate Cat’s inner psyche.It was not that Cathryn was devious ordisingenuous. In fact quite the opposite, she wasstartling forthright and straight-forward. She wasn’trude or arrogant or even willfully disobedient. She

83merely seemed to have a total disregard for rules orconvention and seemed quite content to suffer anyconsequences that might arise.The Grand Dame wasn’t naïve. She was awarethat the inmates had stashes of booze and cigarettessecreted all over the facility. She occasionallyinstituted searches but the grounds were simply toolarge to police adequately. She had nothing inprinciple against drinking or smoking but had found inthe early years of the unit’s history a policy ofmoderation was impossible to enforce so she hadimplemented a total prohibition.Ms Lawton looked over at Cathryn. In manyways the prefect was at the very heart of herproblem. It was Cat after all who had authored thesubversive manifesto of mega-minxdom and hadrallied the inmates into the irksome cult. Nonetheless,the Grand Dame had considerable respect forCathryn. She had got her hands on a bootleg copy ofthe doctrine and had been impressed by its witty andsophisticated articulation. She was also aware ofPatty’s deep dislike for Cat.“What new fangled paperwork?” asked MsLawton.Cathryn shrugged. “I dunno,” she drawled. “Ihanded in my pass when I came back to the facilityand then I got a summons. Patty, oh shit, Ms Hodge,told me that my paperwork was invalid and sent meover to see you, so here I am.”Ms Lawton leaned back in her chairthoughtfully. “Alright Cassidy,” she said finally,

83merely seemed <strong>to</strong> have a <strong>to</strong>tal disregard for rules orconvention and seemed quite content <strong>to</strong> suffer anyconsequences that might arise.<strong>The</strong> Grand Dame wasn’t naïve. She was awarethat the inmates had stashes of booze and cigarettessecreted all over the facility. She occasionallyinstituted searches but the grounds were simply <strong>to</strong>olarge <strong>to</strong> police adequately. She had nothing inprinciple against drinking or smoking but had found inthe early years of the unit’s his<strong>to</strong>ry a policy ofmoderation was impossible <strong>to</strong> enforce so she hadimplemented a <strong>to</strong>tal prohibition.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n looked over at Cathryn. In manyways the prefect was at the very heart of herproblem. It was Cat after all who had authored thesubversive manifes<strong>to</strong> of mega-minxdom and hadrallied the inmates in<strong>to</strong> the irksome cult. Nonetheless,the Grand Dame had considerable respect forCathryn. She had got her hands on a bootleg copy ofthe doctrine and had been impressed by its witty andsophisticated articulation. She was also aware ofPatty’s deep dislike for Cat.“What new fangled paperwork?” asked MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n.Cathryn shrugged. “I dunno,” she drawled. “Ihanded in my pass when I came back <strong>to</strong> the facilityand then I got a summons. Patty, oh shit, Ms Hodge,<strong>to</strong>ld me that my paperwork was invalid and sent meover <strong>to</strong> see you, so here I am.”Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n leaned back in her chairthoughtfully. “Alright Cassidy,” she said finally,

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