Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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71government vehicles <strong>to</strong> distract attention from yetanother economic folly.She had admired Deborah’s intellect, musicalprowess and sporting brilliance. Despite Deborah’snatural tendency <strong>to</strong>wards naughtiness the GrandDame had indulged her and treated her as the goldengal. However, all that had changed in one trivialmoment of collar and tie abuse and the events thatsucceeded it. No matter how hard she tried the GrandDame was forced <strong>to</strong> concede that Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>nhad made a dizzying descent <strong>to</strong> the role of herpersonal bête noire.She raised her arm slightly higher than normaland whipped the rattan rod through the air.Deborah was having considerable difficultyputting it up and keeping it up. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n alwayscaned hard but this morning she was really puttingher arm in<strong>to</strong> it and every full-bloodied swipe madeDebs teeth-chatter and her nerve-endings jangle. It<strong>to</strong>ok all her grit and determination <strong>to</strong> keep fromhowling.Despite their differences Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n hadconsiderable respect for Deborah’s ability <strong>to</strong> take alicking with the minimum of fuss. She waited patientlybetween strokes, confident that Deborah wouldeventually settle back in<strong>to</strong> the required position forthe thrashing <strong>to</strong> proceed. Nonetheless, she could tellfrom the protracted wiggling and jiggling of Deborah’sbut<strong>to</strong>cks and the heartfelt pants she could hear hervictim emitting that she had thoroughly nailed DebsMor<strong>to</strong>n.

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