Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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<strong>Operation</strong> <strong>Scorched</strong> <strong>Arse</strong>“And one more thing, Mor<strong>to</strong>n,” announced MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n as she selected a long thin cane and swishedit through the air. “I’m about sick of your persistentcollar and tie abuse. I’m going <strong>to</strong> instruct Katie <strong>to</strong>give you a double slippering in the morning. Nowremove your blazer and bend over the chair.”Deborah thrust her hands in<strong>to</strong> the pockets ofher blazer as she <strong>to</strong>ttered out of the Grand Damesstudy. <strong>The</strong>re was no question that Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n hadmade good on her promise and beaten Deborah very,very soundly. Debs felt as if smoke was billowing outfrom underneath her skirt. Over the years Deborah’srear end had become a well-calibrated whopometerbut she didn’t need <strong>to</strong> inspect any gauges <strong>to</strong> knowthat she had just been <strong>to</strong>tally nailed.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong>ok several deep breathes.Deborah was folded over the straight-backed chair infront of the fireplace. <strong>The</strong> skirt of her skirt and the tailof her blouse were meticulously folded back. Her navyblue gossamer bumbags were concertinaed aroundher ankles.<strong>The</strong> Grand Dame <strong>to</strong>ok a tight grip on thethirty-six inch long cane and tapped it downwards.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n prided herself on her evenhandedness.She came from the school of hardwhopsand knew from bitter experience what it waslike <strong>to</strong> be personally targeted. During the first fouryears of Deborah’s sentence she had beensympathetic <strong>to</strong>wards her celebrity inmate. She hadsuspected that Deborah’s spectacular arrest andsubsequent trashing in the press had been

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