Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Operation Scorched ArseThe code was especially favorable to themembers of the Elite with regard to misconductduring lectures and tutorials. It stated that a prefectcould only be red-carded out of lectures for causing amaterial disruption to the proceedings and requiredconsiderable paperwork to support the application fora beating. The Brass could rarely be bothered withthe hassle.Patricia Hodge called a meeting of the RadicalRight. She instructed her cohorts to file a series ofcomplaints against Cathryn and her chums forcreating minor disturbances that went unpunished. Inthe meantime Patty promised she would draft awhite-paper on prefectorial misconduct titled ‘EliteBeating : Public or Private?’With fortuitous timing Ms Hodge delivered thewhite paper just as Ms Lawton had decided tounleash the full force of Operation Scorched Arse onthe inmates. Barely giving the document a secondglance Ms Lawton curtly told her deputy to revise theprotocols as appropriate and to implement whateverpolicies she deemed necessary.Patty commissioned the Wart to perform thefirst ever caning of a prefect in a lecture room.Predictably her target was Cathryn Cassidy. It was notas successful as Patty had hoped. Cathryn did notappear the least bit fazed by the punishment.However, Patty was not a woman to be deterred. Shegathered her cronies and announced the next phaseof her plan. The Radical Right was instructed toembark on a program of Elite Beatings with Cathryn

55and her closest chums, Melanie White and theButcher Twins as the specified targets.Shortly the sound of rattan rattling offtautened gossamer in the Elite lecture rooms becamecommonplace.Yvonne Godfrey was furious. “You’re supposedto protect us,” she complained bitterly to Patty. “Thatstupid bitch put me over her knee and spanked mewith a wooden spoon.”Patty sighed. Despite her efforts to restrict theprogram of prefectorial beatings to Cathryn and herthree chums the Liberal Left were not playing ball.She had already received complaints from severalmembers of the SS that they had been forced to bendover in the lecture rooms and now Dotty Hammellhad had the audacity to spank Patty’s commandant.“I’ll speak to everybody involved and makesure it never happens again,” Patty assured Yvonne.Patty did not find Dotty very receptive.“You made the rules, Patricia,” the DomesticScience Dame retorted when Patty scolded her forspanking Yvonne. “Godfrey backgabbed at me so Ispanked her just the same as I would have had itbeen anybody else.”“But I gave her my word,” said Patty lamely.“Too bad,” said Dotty emphatically. “You’dbetter tell little Miss Godfrey that if she doesn’t wantto be spanked she’d better keep that crabby tongueof hers in her mouth.”Patty didn’t have any more luck with PaulineGascoigne, Stephanie Powell or Jane Lummell. They

<strong>Operation</strong> <strong>Scorched</strong> <strong>Arse</strong><strong>The</strong> code was especially favorable <strong>to</strong> themembers of the Elite with regard <strong>to</strong> misconductduring lectures and tu<strong>to</strong>rials. It stated that a prefectcould only be red-carded out of lectures for causing amaterial disruption <strong>to</strong> the proceedings and requiredconsiderable paperwork <strong>to</strong> support the application fora beating. <strong>The</strong> Brass could rarely be bothered withthe hassle.Patricia Hodge called a meeting of the RadicalRight. She instructed her cohorts <strong>to</strong> file a series ofcomplaints against Cathryn and her chums forcreating minor disturbances that went unpunished. Inthe meantime Patty promised she would draft awhite-paper on prefec<strong>to</strong>rial misconduct titled ‘EliteBeating : Public or Private?’With fortui<strong>to</strong>us timing Ms Hodge delivered thewhite paper just as Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had decided <strong>to</strong>unleash the full force of <strong>Operation</strong> <strong>Scorched</strong> <strong>Arse</strong> onthe inmates. Barely giving the document a secondglance Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n curtly <strong>to</strong>ld her deputy <strong>to</strong> revise thepro<strong>to</strong>cols as appropriate and <strong>to</strong> implement whateverpolicies she deemed necessary.Patty commissioned the Wart <strong>to</strong> perform thefirst ever caning of a prefect in a lecture room.Predictably her target was Cathryn Cassidy. It was notas successful as Patty had hoped. Cathryn did notappear the least bit fazed by the punishment.However, Patty was not a woman <strong>to</strong> be deterred. Shegathered her cronies and announced the next phaseof her plan. <strong>The</strong> Radical Right was instructed <strong>to</strong>embark on a program of Elite Beatings with Cathryn

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