Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Operation Scorched Arseby nature. She preferred to spend her time quietly inthe stables tending to her horse. She had no desire tobe thrust into the hectic life-style of acting as Redshirt.Nonetheless, when the time came to vote theRadical Right and the Liberal Left concurred and shewas appointed with a hefty majority.Yvonne was deeply aggrieved by what sheinterpreted as Patty’s betrayal but the Deputy GrandDame placated her.“Penny Ann will be a lame duck,” shepromised. “You’ll be able to operate with impunityand Cassidy won’t be able to interfere. This is goingto be a great year for the SS.”

14Caning PrefectsDespite her promises to Yvonne Pattyremained concerned about Cathryn. Even though shewasn’t physically wearing the Red-shirt she was still aforce to be reckoned with. After a long night plottingwith Katie and the Wart in the saloon bar of theBunch of Grapes Patty came up with a cunning plan.As Deputy Grand Dame, Patricia Hodge wasresponsible for overseeing the performance andbehavior of the Elite. She pored over the RadicalReforms to the rules, regulations and protocols thatMs Lawton had implemented until she found a chink.According to the protocols the Elite weretreated differently to the other inmates. The EliteCode of Discipline dictated that the only member ofstaff authorized to cane a prefect was the GrandDame herself. Prefects sent up to the Principal’s studyreceived mandatory double bare benders. Caning ofprefects was relatively rare as the code offered themconsiderable protection.

<strong>Operation</strong> <strong>Scorched</strong> <strong>Arse</strong>by nature. She preferred <strong>to</strong> spend her time quietly inthe stables tending <strong>to</strong> her horse. She had no desire <strong>to</strong>be thrust in<strong>to</strong> the hectic life-style of acting as Redshirt.Nonetheless, when the time came <strong>to</strong> vote theRadical Right and the Liberal Left concurred and shewas appointed with a hefty majority.Yvonne was deeply aggrieved by what sheinterpreted as Patty’s betrayal but the Deputy GrandDame placated her.“Penny Ann will be a lame duck,” shepromised. “You’ll be able <strong>to</strong> operate with impunityand Cassidy won’t be able <strong>to</strong> interfere. This is going<strong>to</strong> be a great year for the SS.”

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