Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Operation Scorched ArseDuring the autumn term of Deborah’s fourthyear at the facility, the early rehearsals of theupcoming Woodys Christmas production of Handel’sMessiah were progressing extremely well. Ms Whittonsmiled to herself as she guided the choir into thebeginning of the Hallelujah chorus. She wasparticularly fond of the piece and had takeninordinate time and care over the arrangement.Ms Whitton turned to lead in the altos. As thechoristers began to sing she was surprised to noticethat Deborah Morton had missed the beat. Thinkingit to merely be an uncharacteristic error from hermusical star she turned away, but moments laterwhen she turned her attention back to the altos shewas aghast to see that Deborah was not only notsinging at all, but appeared to be engrossed inreading something she had extracted from her blazerpocket.Angrily the music instructor indicated to thechoir to stop.“Morton,” she barked. “Step up before thechoir this minute.”Deborah was jolted to her senses and hurriedlystuffed the paper back into her pocket. Slightly redfaced she made her way up before the enragedDame.“You’re not singing, gal” Ms Whitton snapped.“Explain yourself immediately.”It would have been an easy matter forDeborah to have made up an excuse that she had asore throat and didn’t want to strain herself, butinstead what followed would earn Debs a place in theannals of Woody lore forever.

39With perfect comic timing Deborah Mortonfarted.It was not a small, secretive girly grunt but anenormous fart. Enough wind to make a gals skirt flapand to strain the seams of her bumbags. It wasflatulence on a fantastic scale. It was a fart thatswooped and soared and echoed throughout the hall.T’was a veritably gargantuan guff.For a moment the hall was quiet. ThenDeborah Morton began to laugh. She rocked back onher heels and tickled her ribs with mirth. She wasquickly accompanied by the hysterical tittering of therest of the choir as they celebrated the sheer majestyof the fabulous fart.Momentarily Ms Whitton stared at DeborahMorton, an incredulous look on her face. For a heftylady she moved with remarkable speed. She grabbedDeborah Morton by the wrist and in a fluid movementsat back on the piano stool and dumped the helplessinmate face down over her knee. With even greaterspeed she had turned back Deborah’s skirt and to theamazement of the assembled choir she yankedDeborah’s bumbags down until they wereconcertinaed around her ankles.At first Deborah had been winded by herdizzying downward journey but she quickly regainedher breath and started to struggle. However, fit andathletic though she was, Deborah was no match forthe brawny Dame.“Leggo of me,” Deborah wailed, “Lemme up!”

39With perfect comic timing Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>nfarted.It was not a small, secretive girly grunt but anenormous fart. Enough wind <strong>to</strong> make a gals skirt flapand <strong>to</strong> strain the seams of her bumbags. It wasflatulence on a fantastic scale. It was a fart thatswooped and soared and echoed throughout the hall.T’was a veritably gargantuan guff.For a moment the hall was quiet. <strong>The</strong>nDeborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n began <strong>to</strong> laugh. She rocked back onher heels and tickled her ribs with mirth. She wasquickly accompanied by the hysterical tittering of therest of the choir as they celebrated the sheer majestyof the fabulous fart.Momentarily Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n stared at DeborahMor<strong>to</strong>n, an incredulous look on her face. For a heftylady she moved with remarkable speed. She grabbedDeborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n by the wrist and in a fluid movementsat back on the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol and dumped the helplessinmate face down over her knee. With even greaterspeed she had turned back Deborah’s skirt and <strong>to</strong> theamazement of the assembled choir she yankedDeborah’s bumbags down until they wereconcertinaed around her ankles.At first Deborah had been winded by herdizzying downward journey but she quickly regainedher breath and started <strong>to</strong> struggle. However, fit andathletic though she was, Deborah was no match forthe brawny Dame.“Leggo of me,” Deborah wailed, “Lemme up!”

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