Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Operation Scorched ArseNixdown peeled off her blazer and set it aside.She stepped over to the spanking stool and offeredher wrist to Penelope Ann so she could be assistedover and up.She felt the hem of her skirt being turned backand the tails of her blouse being moved out of thefiring line. She gritted her teeth as she felt the backof the brush circling on her naked flesh.Unappealing as the prospect of a doubledangling might be at least she had the advantage ofknowing what to expect.“Go ahead Evans, hot as you like,” she saidthrough clenched teeth, “but don’t think that you’regonna nail me, ‘cos you won’t.”Penny Ann raised the hairbrush and brought itcrashing down.

10The Fabulous FartBefore the week was out Deborah Mortonreceived another tough lesson in exactly how hard lifecould be when you had been declared Public EnemyNumber One at the nation’s most austere Back toSchool unit. Midway through a music tutorial MsWhitton bent her over the piano stool and beat herwith a violin bow.“Morton, fetch the violin bow and step up!”snapped Ms Whitton, who acted as the Music Damearound the facility.As she trudged towards the front of the roomDeborah Morton had good reason to be alarmed.For the first few years as an inmate at thefacility Debs had been Ms Whitton’s star pupil. Herexceptional talent as a clarinetist and her fine singingvoice had won her considerable favor with the MusicDame. However, fatefully that favored relationshipwould all change with a sound of another naturealtogether.

<strong>Operation</strong> <strong>Scorched</strong> <strong>Arse</strong>Nixdown peeled off her blazer and set it aside.She stepped over <strong>to</strong> the spanking s<strong>to</strong>ol and offeredher wrist <strong>to</strong> Penelope Ann so she could be assistedover and up.She felt the hem of her skirt being turned backand the tails of her blouse being moved out of thefiring line. She gritted her teeth as she felt the backof the brush circling on her naked flesh.Unappealing as the prospect of a doubledangling might be at least she had the advantage ofknowing what <strong>to</strong> expect.“Go ahead Evans, hot as you like,” she saidthrough clenched teeth, “but don’t think that you’regonna nail me, ‘cos you won’t.”Penny Ann raised the hairbrush and brought itcrashing down.

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