Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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19vertical standing position. Her backside was sitting upproud for no other reason than <strong>to</strong> be thrashed with athirty-six inch rattan cane.Patsy tightened her grip on the ceremonialhouse cane. It was longer and thicker than theashplant that she normally worked with, andcompared favorably <strong>to</strong> the senior cane that MsLaw<strong>to</strong>n brandished with such aplomb. At the far endof the gymnasium Deborah was bent in<strong>to</strong> a vee overthe beam, her body supported by the balls of herfeet, her heels off the ground and her gossamercovered backside sitting up perfectly. Patsy Butchertapped the tip of the cane on the floor of thegymnasium and set off running.Cathryn Cassidy sidled up beside JanetMitchell. Mitch the Bitch was openly relishingDeborah’s misfortune. Every time Debs head snappedback Janet’s face split in<strong>to</strong> an enormous grin. CatCassidy stamped her heel down on the bridge ofJanet’s foot. Mitch the Bitch squealed in anguish.Deborah managed <strong>to</strong> suppress a squeal ofanguish as the twelfth stroke sizzled across herbackside. She felt Patsy leaning over her.“Are you okay?” Patsy asked earnestly.Debs grunted. “I’ll live,” she said throughclenched teeth. “Just help me up.”Deborah received visits from well-wishers andsympathizers standing up. Rosemary had done herbest <strong>to</strong> soothe her best chum’s frazzled rump butDebs still felt as if she was sitting on a lighted griddle.

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