Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Operation Scorched Arseseveral hours, but not enough to distract her fromgoing about her regular business. During her lastextended beating Ms Lawton had broken the seniorcane when delivering the tenth stroke and had beenforced to complete the flogging with a prefect’sashplant. To compensate for using the lighter canethe Grand Dame had given Debs an additional twostrokes. It had been the longest caning Deborah hadever received and she had been astonished by theexponential increase in the effect of each stroke thelonger the punishment went on. She had no doubtthat a twelve-stroke running bender from the athleticPatsy was going to be very tough duty indeed.

4A Sound BeatingThe remaining Red House gals watched inwide-eyed awe as Patsy sprinted down the longgymnasium.There were only half a dozen gals in the hallwho had ever been the recipients of running benders.Most of the gals, especially inmates in the early partof their sentences, had believed they were an urbanlegend spread about by the more experienced gals tospook them. But as the cane slashed across DeborahMorton’s tautened bumbags the myth became aninstant reality.The voice over the public address system wasunmistakable.“One,” announced Ms Lawton.The gals in the gymnasium exchanged glances.They had always thought that the Grand Dame hadeyes and ears everywhere but were baffled how shecould be observing the proceedings in the gymnasiumwhen she was nowhere to be seen.

4A Sound Beating<strong>The</strong> remaining Red House gals watched inwide-eyed awe as Patsy sprinted down the longgymnasium.<strong>The</strong>re were only half a dozen gals in the hallwho had ever been the recipients of running benders.Most of the gals, especially inmates in the early par<strong>to</strong>f their sentences, had believed they were an urbanlegend spread about by the more experienced gals <strong>to</strong>spook them. But as the cane slashed across DeborahMor<strong>to</strong>n’s tautened bumbags the myth became aninstant reality.<strong>The</strong> voice over the public address system wasunmistakable.“One,” announced Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n.<strong>The</strong> gals in the gymnasium exchanged glances.<strong>The</strong>y had always thought that the Grand Dame hadeyes and ears everywhere but were baffled how shecould be observing the proceedings in the gymnasiumwhen she was nowhere <strong>to</strong> be seen.

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