Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

Operation Scorched Arse - The Woody Back to School Unit

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<strong>Operation</strong> <strong>Scorched</strong> <strong>Arse</strong>a badly delivered caning could cause unnecessarydiscomfort.Following the trials she issued a dictate tha<strong>to</strong>nly prefects who could consistently prove themselveson the test range would be certified <strong>to</strong> deliver runningbenders.Noticeably it was mostly the more athleticinmates who managed <strong>to</strong> perfect the tricky techniqueand Patsy Butcher was a world class athlete.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n and Patsy Butcher were closechums. Patsy often spotted Debs while she worked onher quick sprints. Nonetheless as Deborahapproached the beam at the end of the hall she wasin no doubt that the next few minutes would prove <strong>to</strong>be extremely unpleasant.Despite their friendship, several days earlier,Patsy had been required <strong>to</strong> cane Deborah in anothermatter with regard <strong>to</strong> Red House Business. <strong>The</strong>caning had been a conventional close-in six of thebest administered with the same ceremonial housecane. Deborah who had been caned by dozens ofprefects during her career was of the opinion thatPatsy ranked amongst the most proficient ever. <strong>The</strong>prospect of a twelve-stroke running bender from theathletic Rastafarian made Debs extremely nervous.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had been impressed during therunning bender trials. <strong>The</strong> Butcher twins were the firstprefects ever <strong>to</strong> get full certification at their firstattempt, each shooting perfect sixes on each of theirthree qualifying attempts.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n approached the beamunenthusiastically. Nobody had ever accused Debs ofbeing faint of heart but the idea of preparing herself

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